AM 196A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Applied Mechanics (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
AM 296A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Applied Mechanics (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
AM 316. Engineering Dynamics (3)
Prerequisites: CE 240; MATH 280 or ME 280 or ECE 280. Vector calculus and kinematics, force, equations of motion, energy and momentum principles applied to the dynamic behavior of rigid and deformable solids. Design considerations. (Design units: 0.5)
AM 317. Mechanics Lab (1)
Prerequisite: CE 340. Corequisite: AM 316. Experimental analysis of the responses of various configurations of deformable solids to static and dynamic forces. Design of mechanics experiments. One 3-hour lab per week. (Design units: 0.5.)
AM 396A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Applied Mechanics (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
AM 410. Vibration Analysis (3)
Prerequisites: AM 316; CE 340. Study of the vibratory motion of linear single degree of freedom systems. Equation of motion, free vibration response and transient and steady state excitation. Introduction to multi-degree-of-freedom systems. (Design units: 0.)
AM 496A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Applied Mechanics (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
AM 499A-C. Independent Study (1-3)
Prerequisites: Senior or graduate standing in Applied Mechanics with senior or graduate program on file; Written approvals of faculty sponsor and department chair. Admission is based on evidence of ability to pursue Independent Study in-depth and approval of a proposal submitted prior to registration in the course. Design units vary.
AM 509. Methods of Applied Mechanics (3)
Prerequisites: AM 316; MATH 280. Survey of methods used in Applied Mechanics. Emphasis on the formulation and solution of problems by the application of appropriate mathematical tools. Application of differential equations, matrix techniques, Fourier series, Laplace Transforms and energy methods to vibration, stability, elasticity and structures problems. (Design units: 0.)
AM 618. Theory of Elastic Stability (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Treatment of stability problems and the stability criteria. Elastic and inelastic buckling of bars; lateral buckling of beams; the stability of frameworks; buckling of rings, curved bars and arches; buckling of thin plates and thin shells; general theory of cylindrical shells and shells having the form of a surface of revolution.
AM 619. Theory of Plates and Shells (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Cylindrical bending of uniformly loaded plates; symmetrical bending of circular plates; rectangular plates with various edge conditions; plates of various shapes; membrane theory of shells; general theory of cylindrical shells and shells having the form of a surface of revolution.
AM 695A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Applied Mechanics (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
AM 696A-C. Directed Graduate Research (3)
Prerequisites: AM 698; Approvals of faculty advisor and either department graduate coordinator or department chair.
AM 699A-C. Independent Study (1-3)
Prerequisites: Classified status in the M.S. program; Written approvals from faculty sponsor and department graduate coordinator or department chair. Admission is based in part on evidence of the ability to pursue independent study or research in-depth and approval of a proposal submitted prior to the time of registration.
CE 101/L. Introduction to Civil Engineering and Lab (1/1)
Freshman orientation course for the Civil Engineering program, the profession and an introduction to the University. Introduction to the tools for civil engineering studies: Internet, word processing and spreadsheets. Development of communication skills and the ability to work in teams. Development of learning skills in civil engineering studies. 1 hour lecture/discussion, 3 hours lab per week.
CE 196A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Civil Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
CE 240. Engineering Statics (3)
Prerequisites: PHYS 220A/L. Corequisite: MATH 150B. Analysis of the distribution of forces on and within bodies in static equilibrium. Free body diagrams, equilibrium equations and the method of sections. Includes a limited introduction to the subject of strength of materials. (Design units: 0.)
CE 280/L. Computer Applications in Civil Engineering and Lab (1/1)
Prerequisite: CE 240. Development of computer skills related to the field of civil engineering. Introduction of Windows, email and Internet usage. Introduction to Office suite, word processing, spreadsheets with VBA applications, presentation and publishing software. Development of programming skills. Application of CAD to the development of structural and architectural drawings, dimensioning, grading plans, contour lines and sections. Analysis and design of structural systems using structural engineering packages. Development of algorithms and computer codes for the solution of civil engineering problems. 1 hour of lecture, 3 hours of lab per week.
CE 296A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Civil Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
CE 308/L. Surveying and Lab (2/1)
Corequisite: CE 308L. Fundamentals of plane and geodetic surveying. Concepts of linear and angular measurements, precision, errors and corrections. Field problems in chaining, differential and profile leveling, triangulation and highway curves. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. (Design units: 0.)
CE 315/L. Construction Engineering and Lab (2/1)
Corequisite: CE 315L. The objective of this course is to introduce undergraduate students to planning, scheduling, estimating and project-control techniques for construction projects.
CE 335/L. Structures I and Computational Lab (3/1)
Prerequisite: CE 340. Corequisite: CE 335L. Determination of the force distribution and deflections in statically determinant and indeterminant structures using the classical, non-matrix methods of structural analysis. 3 hours of lecture per week. Lab: Structural analysis problem solving session. Computer applications of structural analysis and design. 3 hours of lab per week. (Design units: 0.)
CE 340. Strength of Materials (3)
Prerequisites: CE 240; MATH 280 or ME 280 or ECE 280. Analysis of the stresses and deflections in members and basic structural systems. Axial, torsional, bending and shear stresses and deflections. Introduction to structural stability. Design of structural components. (Design units: 0.5)
CE 396A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Civil Engineering (1-4)
No course description.
CE 408/L. Surveying with GPS Applications and Lab (1/1)
Prerequisites: CE 308/L. Corequisite: CE 408L. Surveying with Global Positioning Systems (GPS): point positioning, differential positioning, differencing techniques, survey planning, real-time kinematic (RTK) surveys, vertical positioning, random errors and survey specifications, horizontal curves, vertical curves, horizontal control and vertical control. 1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab per week. (Design units: 0.)
CE 426/L. Soil Mechanics and Lab (3/1)
Prerequisite: CE 340. Corequisite: CE 426L. Soil as a foundation for structures and as a material of construction. Lab experiments to be performed to obtain data to determine soil physical properties. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab per week. (Design units: 1.)
CE 438. Reinforced Concrete Design (3)
Prerequisite: CE 335. Basic concepts in the design of reinforced concrete structures. Applications to beams, columns, slabs, shear walls, footing and composite construction. (Design units: 3.)
CE 439. Structural Steel Design (3)
Prerequisite: CE 335. Basic concepts in the design of steel structures. Design in steel of tension and compression members, beams, columns, welded and bolted connections; eccentrically loaded and moment resistant joints; plate girders. Introduction to computer aided design (CAD). (Design units: 3.)
CE 460/L. Engineering Hydrology and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisite: ME 390. Corequisite: 460L. Surface Hydrology for the design of drainage, flood control, water storage and distribution systems. Topics include hydrologic cycle, meteorology, surface and ground water movement, interrelation between precipitation and runoff, hydrograph analysis, flood routing and risk assessment. Hydrologic model development and analysis using computers emphasized for design of storm drainage systems, flood protection, water storage and reservoir operations. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. (Design units: 1.)
CE 488A/L. Civil Engineering Senior Design I and Lab (1/1)
Prerequisites: CE 335/L; Senior class standing with senior program on file. Corequisites: CE 488AL; Either CE 438 or CE 439. First semester of a two-semester sequence capstone design experience simulating professional practice in civil engineering. (CE 488A and CE 488B must be completed within the same academic year.) Undertakes the preliminary design of a complex engineering project. Addresses ethics of engineering practice, professional lifelong learning requirements, written and oral engineering design project presentations and methods of technical problem solving. (Offered Fall semester.) 1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab per week. (Design units: 1.)
CE 488B. Civil Engineering Senior Design II (2)
Prerequisites: CE 488A/L. Corequisites: Second major civil design course, either CE 438, CE 439 or CE 526. Continuation of CE 488A. (CE 488A and CE 488B must be completed within the same academic year.) Final design stage of the project initiated in CE 488A is undertaken, with emphasis on working in project teams. 6 hours of lab per week. (Offered Spring semester.) (Design units: 2.)
CE 496A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Civil Engineering (1-4)
No course description.
CE 499A-C. Independent Study (1-3)
Prerequisites: Senior or graduate standing in Civil Engineering with senior or graduate program on file; Written approvals of faculty sponsor and department chair. Admission based on evidence of ability to pursue Independent Study in-depth and approval of a proposal submitted prior to registration in the course. (Design units vary.)
CE 526. Geotechnical Foundation Design (3)
Prerequisite: CE 426. Soil mechanics aspects of foundation design. Shear strength and compressibility of soil. Lateral pressures and retaining structures. Strength and deformation laws for spread footings, piers, piles and caissons. Analysis of mat foundations. Eccentric and inclined foundation loads. (Design units: 1.0.)
CE 536/L. Structures II and Lab (3/1)
Prerequisite: CE 335. Corequisite: CE 536L. Study of structural analysis and design problems using matrix methods. Complete development of the flexibility and stiffness methods of analysis. Computer applications to structural analysis and design. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab per week. (Design units: 1.5.)
CE 537. Timber and Masonry Design (4)
Prerequisite: CE 335. Study of vertical and lateral loading on structures. Elements of timber design. Timber beams, tension members, compression members, tension and bending, and compression and bending members. Design of horizontal diaphragms and shearwalls. Design of connections. Elements of masonry design. Design of masonry in bending, shear and axial members. 4 hours of lecture. (Design units: 4.)
CE 636. Structural Dynamics (3)
Prerequisite: AM 610. Vibration of structural systems with emphasis on approximate solutions to continuous systems; assumed modes, Rayleigh-Ritz, Finite Element Applications and nonlinear vibrations. Numerical techniques for computer application. Response spectra for multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Advanced topics.
CE 638. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design (3)
Prerequisite: CE 438. Advanced topics in concrete design, including frames and slabs.
CE 639. Advanced Structural Steel Design (3)
Prerequisite: CE 439. Advanced topics in structural steel design, such as frames, bridges and buildings.
CE 640. Advanced Analysis Methods (3)
Prerequisite: CE 536. Analytical methods for calculation of stress deflection and stability of structures. Unsymmetrical bending, torsion, plates, treatment of the buckling characteristics of various structural elements. Applications of energy methods. Fundamentals of applied elasticity. Consideration given to modern structural materials. (Design units: 1.)
CE 641. Earthquake Engineering (3)
Prerequisites: AM 410; CE 335. Study of the earthquake problem. Topics covered include plate tectonics, seismology, dynamic response of structures, dynamics of sites and design for earthquakes.
CE 642/L. Finite Element Analysis (3/1)
Prerequisites: AM 410; CE 536. Corequisite: CE 642L. Study of structural mechanics problems by use of finite element method. Formulation of the basic elements, assemblage of elements and application of the method to selected topics in structural mechanics.
CE 648. Prestressed Concrete Design (3)
Prerequisite: CE 638. Prestressed concrete design and analysis for gravity and lateral loading. Design of reinforced and prestressed structural elements. Safety and economy. Connection design for earthquake and wind loadings. Design projects using professional practice standards, including latest codes. 3 hours of lecture. (Design units: 3.)
CE 695A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Civil Engineering (1-4)
No course description.
CE 696. Directed Graduate Research (3)
Prerequisites: CE 698; Approvals of faculty advisor and either department graduate coordinator or department chair.
CE 697. Directed Comprehensive Studies (3)
(Credit/No Credit only)
CE 698C. Thesis or Graduate Project (3)
Prerequisites: Advancement to candidacy for the M.S. degree; Written approvals of faculty advisor and department graduate coordinator or department chair.
CE 699A-C. Independent Study (1-3)
Prerequisites: Classified status in the M.S. program; Written approvals from faculty sponsor and department graduate coordinator or department chair. Admission is based in part on evidence of the ability to pursue Independent Study or research in-depth and approval of a proposal submitted prior to the time of registration.
CM 110/L. Construction Drawings and Lab (1/1)
Corequisite: CM 110L. This course is designed to provide students with the foundational knowledge and practice at reading blueprints. Both residential and commercial construction drawings will be covered in this course. The set of plans, such as the foundation plan, floor plan, elevations, sections and details that must be assembled into an organized set of drawings to show as much about a project as can be placed on paper in one- or two-dimensional views, are analyzed and studied.
CM 208/L. Construction Site Surveying and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisite: MATH 104 or MATH 105 or MATH 255A or a passing score on the Mathematics Placement Test (MPT) that satisfies prerequisites for MATH 255A. Corequisite: CM 208L. Fundamentals of surveying as applied to construction layout. Use of level and transit for location and control of structures, vertical and horizontal control. Introduction to AutoCAD as a means of presenting survey information with usage of Autodesk Survey and Autodesk Map. Lab measurements of land surface area, differential and profile leveling, construction layout and plotting profiles using tape, leveling and transit measurements. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab per week.
CM 210/L. Construction Contract Documents and Lab (2/1)
Corequisite: CM 210L. Recommended Corequisite: BLAW 280. Basic skills and techniques required to produce construction documents conforming to current building codes and standards, including working drawing, specifications, bid documents, addenda and change orders. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours technical activity/lab per week.
CM 240/L. Building Construction (2/1)
Prerequisites: CM 110/L and COMP 100. Corequisite: CM 240L. Introduction to planning, design and construction of structures, including cost estimating and project scheduling. Computer applications. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab per week.
CM 309. Computer Applications in Construction Management (2)
Prerequisites: CM 240/L. Application of computer systems to control operations in the building industry. Introduction to commercially available software for planning, scheduling and estimating that is generally used in the construction industry. Two 3-hour technical activity/labs per week.
CM 310/L. Construction Estimating and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisites: ACCT 220; MATH 255; CM 240/L. Corequisites: CM 310L, CM 312/L. Procedures for analyzing materials and methods involved in reliable estimates of the cost of a construction task or project, including: direct, indirect and contingency costs and profits. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours technical activity/lab per week.
CM 312/L. Project Cost Control, Planning and Scheduling and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisites: ACCT 220; MATH 255A; CM 240/L; Instructor consent. Corequisite: CM 312L. Basic application of construction cost control systems, including critical path method techniques, planning, logic, scheduling and updating, and use of computer for scheduling. Use of cost information and associated reports for the planning and scheduling of construction projects. 2 hours lecture/discussion, 3 hours technical activity/lab per week.
CM 321. Introduction to Mechanical and Electrical Installation (2)
Prerequisites: PHYS 100B/L. Basic understanding of the electrical and mechanical systems, design and construction procedures used flexibility in each system, space requirements, and at what point in the job the work on a particular system is done.
CM 326/L. Soil Mechanics for Technology and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisites: MSE 220/L. Corequisite: CM 326L. Not available for credit toward an engineering degree. Soil composition, description and physical properties of soils; earthmoving estimating, soil explorations, ground water effects, plate tectonics and introduction to seismic effects on soils. Lab: Investigations and experiments in soil mechanics, including field requirements for foundations and other earthwork structures. 2 hours lecture/discussion, 3 hours technical activity/lab per week.
CM 334/L. Construction Equipment and Methods (3)
Prerequisites: ACCT 220; CM 326/L. Corequisite: CM 334L. Construction procedures, job planning layout and scheduling, selection and application of construction equipment to building and heavy construction projects. 1 hour lecture, 3 hours problem solving lab per week.
CM 336/L. Fundamentals of Green Buildings and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisite: Completion of the lower division writing requirement. Corequisite: CM 336L. The purpose of this course is to give the students an overview of design and construction delivery systems for high-performance green buildings. The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) will be discussed in detail. Sustainability evaluation systems will be reviewed. This course will focus on LEED-NC (new construction) requirements. (Available for General Education, Lifelong Learning.) (IC)
CM 340. Statics and Strength of Materials (3)
Prerequisites: CM 240; MATH 255B. The analysis of the distribution of forces on and within bodies in static equilibrium. Free body diagrams, equilibrium equations and the method of sections. The analysis of stresses and deflections in members and simple structural systems. Axial, torsional, bending and shear stresses and deflections, and column stability. Design of building structural members. Emphasis is given to the application to building structures. Not available for credit toward an engineering degree.
CM 401. Construction Contract Administration (3)
Prerequisites: BLAW 280; CM 210/L. Administration of contract documents, including invitation to bid, addenda, proposals, change orders, subcontracts, liens, claims, waivers, arbitration, general and supplemental conditions and CSI specifications.
CM 415/L. Fundamentals of Construction Management and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisites: CM 310/L, CM 312/L; Instructor consent. Corequisite: CM 415L. Introduction to the basic concepts of construction management. Areas of focus to include quantity analysis, productivity, work activity sequencing, network scheduling and computer applications specific to construction management. The construction manager’s relation to internal organization, owner, architect, engineer, public, press, legal aid, unions, trades, equipment, utilities, insurance, finances and governmental agencies. 2 hours lecture/discussion, 3 hours technical activity/lab per week.
CM 434. Site Planning and Logistics (3)
Prerequisites: CM 208/L, CM 326/L. Investigation, market research, finance, cost estimating and land use with respect to development process. Including an analysis of land development; site investigation; grading; street piping systems and water supply systems, including allowable pressure in pipes, head loss calculations, minimum allowable slopes for sewage disposal; and landscaping.
CM 440/L. Structural Design (2/1)
Prerequisite: CM 340. Corequisite: CM 440L. A practice-oriented treatment of the procedures for structural concrete, steel and timber design. Design of columns, beams, slabs and walls. Lateral load resisting systems. Introduction to computer aided analysis and design. Emphasis is given to the application of building structures. Not available for credit towards an engineering degree. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours of technical activity/laboratory per week.
CM 441/L. Highway Design (2/1)
Prerequisites: CM 326/L, CM 334/L. Corequisite: CM 441L. The course covers basic highway design and traffic circulation principles. Study of design elements of alignment, profile, cross-section and controlled-access highways. Investigation of functional highway classification, traffic volume, signs and measurements, intelligent transportation systems, and Caltrans standard drawings and specifications. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours of technical activity/laboratory per week.
CM 449. Dispute Prevention (1)
Prerequisites: CM 210/L. In this seminar, students will explore dispute prevention by emphasizing partnering and team building, realistic risk allocation, competing engineering and documentation, constructability analysis, and dispute-resolution clauses. Through readings, discussions, guest speakers, independent research, writing and oral presentations, students will develop a clearer understanding of dispute prevention.
CM 480. Construction Law (3)
Prerequisites: BLAW 280; CM 210/L. Orientation to the rules and regulations governing construction industry practices and activities, including contractors license law, state lien laws, health and safety regulations, personnel relations and supervision, workers compensation, employment insurance and taxes. 3 hours lecture/discussion per week.
CM 488A, B. Construction Senior Design I, II (2,2)
Prerequisites: CM 310/L, 312/L; Senior standing in Construction Management. (CM 488A and CM 488B must be completed within the same academic year.) Selection and completion of a project under faculty and/or industry supervision. Projects typical of problems that a graduate of the Construction Management Program must solve in their field of employment. Requires both written formal report and oral presentation of project. 6 hours technical activity/lab per week. (A and B Offered Fall and Spring semesters, respectively.)
CM 494. Cooperative Educational Experience (2)
Prerequisites: CM 310/L, CM 312/L. Supervised off-campus professional experience in construction management technology for students with junior or senior standing in the major. Positions are paid and usually run for a full year with summer work available. Course may be repeated for up to 6 semester units of credit with a maximum of 2 semester units counting toward the major degree requirements.
CM 601. Advanced Construction Contracts (3)
The course introduces alternative project delivery methods such as Design-Build and Public-Private Partnership (P3), roles of project participants; procuring services, organizing and managing alternative delivery contracts. Three (3) hours of lecture-discussion per week.
CM 602. Advanced Project Management (3)
The course introduces Public Private Partnership and Design-Build project delivery, the facilities acquisition process, the public sector investment decision, project finance and P3, risk evaluation and transfer.
CM 603. Advanced Contract Administration (3)
The course introduces project administration, design quality management, change orders, claims, and process payments during design and construction.