This is an archive of the 2018-2019 University Catalog.
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ECE 101/L. Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Lab (1/1)

Corequisite: ECE 101L. A freshman orientation course for the Electrical Engineering program, the profession and the University. Technical writing, engineering case studies, design and analysis procedures, computer aided design, and analysis tools are integrated into the course. 1 hour lecture-discussion, 3 hours lab per week.

ECE 196A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Electrical Engineering (1-4)

Course content to be determined.

ECE 206/L. Computing for Electrical Engineers and Lab (2/1)

Prerequisite: MATH 150A. Corequisite: ECE 206L. Introduction to computer programming with emphasis on ECE problem solving. Major topics include problem solving, algorithm development, hardware integration and programming in NQC and C++. 2 hours lecture, one 3-hour lab per week. (Available in General Education, Lifelong Learning if required by major.)

ECE 240. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals (3)

Prerequisites: PHYS 220B/L and MATH 250. Corequisites: ECE 280 or MATH 280 or ME 280; ECE 240L for ECE, ME, and MSE majors. Introduction to the theory and analysis of electrical circuits; basic circuit elements, including the operational amplifier; circuit theorems; dc circuits; forced and natural responses of simple circuits; sinusoidal steady state analysis; and the use of a standard computer aided circuit analysis program. Consideration will be given to power, energy, impedance, phasors, frequency response and their use in circuit design. 3 hours lecture per week.

ECE 240L. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Lab (1)

Prerequisites: MATH 250; PHYS 220B/L. Corequisite: ECE 240. Introduction to the practical aspects of electrical circuits, analysis and design. Lab includes experiments on resistive circuits, operational amplifiers, network theorems, first and second order circuits, dc meters, passive filters, resonant circuits and RC active filters. Several experiments emphasize the design process. 3 hours lab per week.

ECE 280. Applied Differential Equations in Electrical Engineering (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 150B. Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: MATH 250. Modeling of systems by ordinary differential equations. Determination of initial conditions using dynamic behavior of physical systems. Solution of ordinary differential equations by various methods, such as separation of variables, undetermined coefficients, series, and Laplace Transform. Linear algebra and solution of systems of differential equations. Numerical methods and use of application software such as MATLAB and Mathematica in solving differential equations and systems of differential equations.

ECE 296A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering (1-4)

Course content to be determined.

ECE 309. Numerical Methods in Electrical Engineering (2)

Prerequisites: ECE 240; MATH 280 or ECE 280; ECE 206/L or COMP 110/L. This course includes numerical techniques implemented in MATLAB for the solution of problems in electrical and computer engineering. Topics covered include an introduction to MATLAB, number representation and error analysis, interpolation and curve-fitting, numerical solutions to systems of linear equations, root-finding, differentiation, integration, and basic statistics. Two 3-hour labs per week.

ECE 320/L. Theory of Digital Systems and Lab (3/1)

Prerequisite: MATH 150B. Corequisite: ECE 320L. Introduction to digital systems. Topics include number systems, binary codes, Boolean algebra, combinational logic design, logic minimization techniques, sequential circuits design, arithmetic operations, data transfers using register transfer notation, memory devices, digital system organization and digital subsystems design. 3 hours lecture, one 3-hour lab per week.

ECE 340/L. Electronics I and Lab (3/1)

Prerequisite: ECE 240 and ECE 240L. Corequisite: ECE 340L. Recommended Corequisite: ECE 350. Linear, piecewise-linear and nonlinear models for active devices and their interaction with passive network elements. Characteristics and behavior of operational amplifiers, diodes and transistors. Small signal amplifiers and their analysis at low, midband and high frequencies. 3 hours lecture, one 3-hour lab per week.

ECE 350. Linear Systems I (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 240; MATH 280 or ECE 280. Systematic development of linear system response models in both the time and frequency domains. Concentrates on continuous system models. Techniques developed include Laplace transform, Fourier analysis, impulse response, convolution and state variables for continuous linear systems.

ECE 351. Linear Systems II (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 350. Continuation of ECE 350, with concentration on discrete system models. Techniques developed include Z-transforms, Fourier Analysis, impulse response, convolution and state variables for discrete linear systems.

ECE 370. Electromagnetic Fields and Waves I (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 240; MATH 280 or ECE 280. Study of waves in transmission line circuits, transient and steady state solutions, phasors, reflection coefficient, Smith chart, matching circuits, wave propagation in materials, vector analysis, electrostatics, magnetostatics, steady electric currents, quasi-statics and electromagnetic fields.

ECE 396A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering (1-4)

Course content to be determined.

ECE 410/L. Electrical Machines and Energy Conversion and Lab (3/1)

Prerequisite: ECE 240. Corequisite: ECE 410L. This course covers single and three phase power, including phasor diagrams and electromagnetic laws. Maxwell’s Equations as applied to energy conversion is covered, as are analysis of magnetic circuits and their losses, and single and three phase transformers, including voltage regulation end efficiency. Electromechanical energy conversion principles followed by rotating machinery modeling and analysis. Machines include induction motors, synchronous generators and direct current motors. Application of these concepts as they apply to energy sustainability is discussed. Several projects are included in which students design, simulate, build, test and report on their findings. Available for graduate credit.

ECE 411. Electric Power Systems (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 240. Recommended Prerequisite: ECE 410. Review of single phase, three phase power and calculations of power using the “per-unit” method. Study of single line diagrams using reactance and impedance, and three phase transformers as applied to power systems and synchronous machines. Discussion of series impedance, capacitance, voltage and current as related to power transmission lines. Modeling of admittance, impedance and network calculations are included. Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) and Automated Transmission Operations (ATO) are discussed as a consequence of the implementation of the smart grid. The effects of magnetic field in power transmission lines also are discussed. Design and simulation projects are included. Students make presentations about their findings. PSPICE and MATLAB are utilized. Available for graduate credit.

ECE 412. Power Electronics (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 240, ECE 340. Recommended Prerequisite: ECE 410. Switching losses in power semiconductor switches are covered in detail. Computer simulation of power electronic converters is taught using PSPICE and MATLAB. Study of line-frequency diode rectifiers (line-frequency ac-to-uncontrolled dc) as well as line-frequency phase-controlled rectifiers and inverters (line-frequency ac-to-controlled dc). Dc-to-dc switch-mode converters and switch-mode dc-to-ac inverters also are discussed. Power electronics applications in solar energy are studied with emphasis in applications. Application of these concepts as they apply to energy sustainability is discussed. Several projects are included in which students design, simulate, build, test and report on their findings. Available for graduate credit.

ECE 420. Digital Systems Design with Programmable Logic (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 320. Designed to cover and compare a variety of programmable logic devices with design examples to show their applications. Emphasizes the implementation of digital systems with programmable logic devices and uses VHDL in design description and Vivado software in design simulation and verification. Available for graduate credit.

ECE 422. Design of Digital Computers (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 320. Structure and operation of a stored-program general-purpose digital computer. Design of computer hardware modules: arithmetic-logic units, control units, input-output units and memories. Basic organizations of digital computers. Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant design of digital systems.

ECE 425/L. Microprocessor Systems and Lab (3/1)

Prerequisites: ECE 320/L. Corequisite: ECE 425L. Studies of microprocessor architectures and microcomputer systems. Basic microprocessor software consideration and assembly language programming. Microcomputers system design considerations, applications and design with a microcontroller.

ECE 435/L. Mechatronics and Lab (2/1)

Prerequisites: ECE 240/L. Corequisite: ECE 435L. Recommended Corequisite: ECE 320, ECE 350. Machine and process control applications, data acquisition systems, sensors and transducers, actuating devices, hardware controllers, transducer signal processing and conditioning. 2 hours lecture, one 3-hour lab each week.

ECE 440/L. Electronics II and Lab (3/1)

Prerequisites: ECE 340/L. Corequisite: ECE 440L. Continuation of ECE 340. Feedback amplifiers, power amplifiers, tuned amplifiers, stability, oscillators, LRC active and passive filters. Graduate students enrolled in the class will be required to develop computer simulation design programs that will produce results that meet a set of circuit specifications. These assignments will be 20% of their total grade in the class. Available for graduate credit. 3 hours lecture, one 3-hour lab per week.

ECE 442/L. Digital Electronics and Lab (3/1)

Prerequisites: ECE 320/L, ECE 340, ECE 350. Corequisite: ECE 442L. This course covers models of electronic nonlinear devices and their analysis for digital circuit applications. Additional topics include: the limitations of digital circuits; design of logic gates, memory elements and registers at the device level; system considerations with reference to various technologies including CMOS, Pseudo-NMOS, ECL, Pass Transistor, and dynamic logic circuits; and integrated circuit layout. Graduate students enrolled in the class will be required to develop computer simulation design programs that will produce results that meet a set of circuit specifications. Available for graduate credit. 3 hours lecture, one 3-hour lab per week.

ECE 443/L. Pulse and Waveshaping Circuit Design and Lab (3/1)

Prerequisites: ECE 320/L, ECE 340/L, ECE 350. Recommended Corequisite: 443L. Wave shaping and generation circuits with application to data acquisition and instrumentation. Design of multivibrator circuits, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, sample and hold amplifiers, and general interface circuits. Graduate students enrolled in the class will be required to develop computer simulation design programs that will produce results that meet a set of circuit specifications. Available for graduate credit. 3 hours lecture, one-3 hour lab per week.

ECE 445. Introduction to Solid State Devices (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 340. Electric and magnetic properties of materials are examined with emphasis on engineering applications. Typical devices that are considered include ohmic and non-ohmic contacts, voltaic cells, PN junction devices, ferroelectric energy converters, ferrite devices and integrated circuits.

ECE 450. Probabilistic Systems in Electrical Engineering–Design and Analysis (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 350. Develops and demonstrates techniques and models useful for solving a wide range of problems associated with the design and analysis of various probabilistic systems in electrical engineering application. These include radar, communication systems, sonar, control systems, information theory, computer systems, circuit design, measurement theory, vulnerability analysis and propagation.

ECE 451. Real-Time Digital Signal Processing (2)

Prerequisite: ECE 351. Corequisite: ECE 451L. Real-time digital signal processing using DSP processors; architecture, instruction set, sampling, filtering, fast fourier transform and other applications. Available for graduate credit.

ECE 451L. Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Laboratory (1)

Prerequisite: ECE 351. Corequisite: ECE 451. Real-time digital signal processing using DSP processors; architecture, instruction set, sampling, filtering, fast fourier transform and other applications. 2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab per week. Available for graduate credit.

ECE 455. Mathematical Models in Electrical Engineering (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 350. Advanced topics in mathematics in the areas of complex variables, linear algebra, partial differential equations and series solutions to differential equations are discussed. These mathematical tools are used to model and solve electrical engineering-related problems in the areas of circuits, controls, electromagnetics, solid state and communication theories.

ECE 460. Introduction to Communication Systems (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 350. Corequisite: ECE 460L. Recommended Corequisites: ECE 351, ECE 450. Introduction to information transmission. Analog communication systems. AM. DSB, SSB, VSB, FM and PM. Frequency-division multiplexing techniques. Superheterodyne receiver. 3 hours lecture. Available for graduate credit.

ECE 460L. Introduction to Communication Systems Lab (1)

Prerequisite: ECE 350. Corequisite: ECE 460. Recommended Corequisites: ECE 351, ECE 450. Introduction to information transmission. Analog communication systems: AM. DSB, SSB, VSB, FM and PM. Frequency-division multiplexing techniques. Superheterodyne receiver. One 3-hour lab per week. Available for graduate credit.

ECE 480. Fundamentals of Control Systems (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 350. Review of the relations between transient responses, systems transfer functions and methods of specifying system performance. Analysis and synthesis of feedback control systems by means of Root-Locus methods. Nyquist diagrams, phase-gain-frequency diagrams. Use of compensating networks to optimize control system performance. Available for graduate credit.

ECE 480L. Fundamentals of Control Systems Lab (1)

Prerequisite: ECE 350. Corequisite: ECE 480. As an accompaniment to the 3-unit course Fundamentals of Control Systems (ECE480), this laboratory provides experiments to verify theoretical studies and use their applications in the design of a control system with given specifications. The experiments are mainly electrical circuits with actual measurements and simulations and design applications using system response, Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion, system identification, steady state error, root-locus, Nyquist criterion and the effects of disturbance. Use of MATLAB, Simulink and PSPICE is emphasized for analysis and design. 3-hours lab per week.

ECE 492. Senior Design Project-Electrical I (2)

Prerequisites: ECE 340, ECE 350, and two 400-level ECE courses. Recommended Corequisite: Enrollment in a 400-level electrical and computer engineering senior lab course with at least 2.5 design units. Students will design complex engineering projects, one as individuals and one as part of a team. Projects are subject to realistic constraints and require the integrated application and extension of science, engineering, economic and social concepts. Ethics, professional standards, written and oral communication skills and methods of technical problem-solving will be addressed. Requires completion of the individual project. May not be used for graduate credit.

ECE 493. Senior Design Project-Electrical II (1)

Prerequisite: ECE 492. Continuation of ECE 492. Issues concerning science, engineering, economic and social concepts, as well as ethics, written, oral communication and methods of technical problem solving will be further treated. Completion of the design project under faculty supervision culminating in a comprehensive report. Students who enter their projects in an appropriate technical paper contest are excused from submission of a comprehensive report. May not be used for graduate credit.

ECE 494A-C. Academic Internship (1-3)

Prerequisites: Sophomore, junior, senior or graduate standing in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Prior approval of the department chair; Good standing as a matriculated student. Supervised practical professional experience relevant to the field of study in approved public or private organizations. Industrial supervisor and faculty sponsor performance evaluations and student self assessment are required. A final report written by students describing the work accomplished and knowledge and skills acquired are required. Units earned may not be used to fulfill major program requirements. Any combination of internship courses “A”, “B” or “C” cannot exceed 6 units total. Available for graduate credit.

ECE 496A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering (1-4)

Course content to be determined.

ECE 498A-X. Supervised Individual Projects (1-3)

Studies in selected areas of electrical engineering with course content to be determined.

ECE 499A-C. Independent Study (1-3)

No course description.

ECE 501. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3)

Preparatory: Senior or graduate standing. Characterization and properties of anatomical and physiological elements in engineering applications will be studied. Also includes the design of basic medical instrumentation.

ECE 503. Biomedical Instrumentation (3)

Preparatory: ECE 350 or instructor consent. A comprehensive introduction to medical imaging systems will be explored. Common imaging modalities are introduced from the perspectives of both physics and system, including X-Ray, CT, Ultrasound, MRI, PET and SPECT. (Cross-listed with ME 503.)

ECE 511. Distributed Energy Generation (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 350 or equivalent background in linear signals and systems. This is a graduate level course on alternative energy resources while they are used in electric power systems. This course covers the operation principles of different distributed energy technologies such as combustion turbines, fuel cells, wind turbines, micro turbines, hybrid systems, photovoltaic systems and energy storage systems. Basics of smart grid, microgrid, distributed generators modeling, control, interconnection methods, principles of power electronic interfacing circuits, and application of each power generator will be presented and discussed. Students are encouraged to do a project on one topic related to today’s distributed energy needs and challenges.

ECE 520. System on Chip Design (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 420, ECE 425. Corequisite: ECE 520L. Introduction to system on chip design methodology that includes the study of ZYNQ and ARM architectures, AXI Interconnect, memory, real-time operating system (RTOS), peripheral interface and components, and contemporary high-density FPGAs.

ECE 520L. System on Chip Design Laboratory (1)

Prerequisites: ECE 420, ECE 425. Corequisite: ECE 520. This laboratory course reinforces the system-on-chip design concept developed in the lecture course. It focuses on software hardware co-design and development and hardware verification of ZYNQ systems using Vivado software tools and ZYNQ development boards.

ECE 524. FPGA/ASIC Design and Optimization Using VHDL (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 420. Corequisite: ECE 524L. This course covers top down design methodology for FPGA and ASIC using VHDL. Hardware Description Language, (VHDL) modeling, simulation and synthesis tools are utilized to elaborate the material covered throughout the course. Xilinx (the Virtex series) and Actel (the SX and AX series) FPGA architectures and design methodologies are studied. Several sample designs are targeted and tested for each FPGA technology. ASIC design flow and design optimization techniques are discussed. ASIC design flow, constraint file generation and test benches also are studied, along with their applications to some designs samples. The use of FPGAs in space and military applications and their reliability issues are discussed. 3 hours lecture per week.

ECE 524L. FPGA/ASIC Design Lab (1)

Prerequisite: ECE 420. Recommended Corequisite: ECE 524. The lab accompanying course ECE 524 covers modeling of digital systems and electronic circuit design hierarchy and the role of methodology in FPGA/ASIC design. Hardware Description Language, VHDL, simulation and synthesis tools are utilized to elaborate the material covered throughout the course. The lab introduces the systematic top-down design methodology to design complex digital hardware such as FPGAs and ASICs. FPGA and ASIC design flow as well as design optimization techniques are discussed. For FPGAs, Xilinx Virtex and Actel SX architecture are covered. Individual and group projects are assigned to students. 3 hours lab per week.

ECE 526/L. Digital Design with Verilog and System Verilog and Lab (3/1)

Prerequisites: ECE 320/L. Corequisite: ECE 526L. This course covers the use of Verilog and SystemVerilog Languages (IEEE Std. 1800) for the design and development of digital integrated circuits, including mask-programmed integrated circuits (ASICs) and field programmable devices (FPGAs). Hierarchical top down vs. bottom up design, synthesizable vs. non-synthesizable code, design scalability and reuse, verification, hardware modeling, simulation system tasks, compiler directives and subroutines are all covered and illustrated with design examples. 3 hours lecture, one 3-hour lab per week.

ECE 527. Application Specific Integrated Circuit Development (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 526/L. Corequisites: ECE 527L. Study of the tools and techniques used to develop application specific integrated circuits, including mask programmed devices and field programmable circuits. Topics include synthesis methodologies, performance tradeoffs and constraints. Asynchronous interfacing is covered in detail for both single bit and bus interfaces. A non-theoretical introduction to test and testability also is included.

ECE 527L. ASIC Development Lab (1)

Prerequisites: ECE 526/L. Corequisite: ECE 527. This course is a companion to ECE 527–Application Specific Integrated Circuit Development. In the lab, students apply the lessons of ECE 527 to code circuits in Verilog HDL, synthesize them for varying performance goals and modify the implemented designs for testability. This is accomplished through use of state-of-the-art industrial design automation software.

ECE 545. Solid State Devices (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 445 or instructor consent. An in-depth study of quantum mechanics, semiconductor materials and solid state devices, including the Schrodinger equation, potential barriers and wells, energy band diagrams, mobility, effective mass, charge carrier transport, scattering mechanisms, continuity equation, and bandgap engineering, as well as the design of p-n junction diodes, bipolar junction transistors, Schottky diodes, field effect transistors, hetero-junction devices and high electron mobility transistors are undertaken in this course.

ECE 546. Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Design (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 442. Survey of VLSI technology and very large scale integrated systems. Problems that occur when ordinary circuits are replicated to involve millions of devices. CMOS technology, design styles up to the point of submission for fabrication. Computerized methods with high-density circuits with optimized speed and power consumption. Students perform simple layouts and simulations suitable for extension to a very large scale.

ECE 561. Digital Communications Systems (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 450. Recommended Corequisite: ECE 561L. Basic principles of the analysis and design of modern digital communication systems. Topics include baseband transmission, bandpass modulation and demodulation techniques, link budget analysis, optimum receiver design, and performance of digital communication systems in the presence of noise.

ECE 561L. Digital Communications Systems Laboratory (1)

Prerequisite: ECE 450. Recommended Corequisite: ECE 561This is a lab course that reinforces the theory taught in the ECE 561 course on digital communications systems. The lab is taught using simulation software. Topics covered include elementary signal and system design and analysis, baseband communication systems, and bandpass communication systems.

ECE 562. Data Communication Networks (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 450. Layered network architectures and the TCP/IP model. Link layer error and flow control mechanisms. Packet switching. Wired and wireless local and wide area networks. Medium access control procedures. Internet working with switches, bridges and routers. Routing algorithms. Network security.

ECE 571. Electromagnetic Fields and Waves II (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 370. Analysis of time-varying electromagnetic fields. Maxwell’s equations, waves in ideal and lossy matter. Impedance concept, duality, equivalence principle, energy flow, reciprocity theorem. Transmission lines, wave-guides, resonators, surface waves, antennas.

ECE 572. RF and Microwave Active Circuit Design (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 370, and ECE 571 or instructor consent. Basic concepts in RF and microwave electronics, including loaded Q, RLC resonant circuits, L-network matching circuits, wave propagation in transmission line circuits, S-parameters, signal-flow graphs, Smith chart, design of matching circuits using stubs, stability criteria and circles, unilateral and bilateral cases for maximum gain design, and noise figure circles, as well as the analysis and design of microwave high-gain amplifiers (HGAs) and low-noise amplifiers (LNAs), are treated in depth.

ECE 577. Microwave and Optical System Design (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 340, ECE 370 or consent of the instructor. Advanced concepts in microwave and optical system design encompassing amplifier circuits, oscillators (lasers, masers, resonators, etc.), detectors, mixers, switches, and couplers are treated. The design of Optoelectronic and Microwave Integrated Circuits (OEICs and MICs) as well as microwave noise analysis and measurement techniques, and advanced concepts in Holography are also treated.

ECE 578. Photonics (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 370. An in-depth study of the principles and applications of ray optics, matrix optics, wave optics, diffraction, interference, lens and mirrors, monochromatic and polychromatic light, Fourier optics, holography, electromagnetic optics, absorption, dispersion, polarization of light, crystal optics, solar cells and electro-optics are included in this course.

ECE 580. Digital Control Systems (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 351, ECE 480. Application of z-transform and state variable methods to the analysis and design of digital and sampled-data control systems — the sampling process, data reconstruction devices, stability analysis, frequency response methods, continuous network compensation, digital controllers, z-plane synthesis, state-variable feedback compensation, and variable gain methods in non-linear sampled-data system analysis.

ECE 581. Fuzzy Control (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 480. Consists of two parts. First part: Introduces basic concepts of fuzzy logic, such as fuzzy set, rules, definitions, graphs and properties related to fuzzification and defuzzification. Second part: Introduces fuzzy logic control and its application to control engineering and discusses the basic fuzzy logic controllers, the relevant analytical issues and their roles in advanced hierarchical control systems.

ECE 602. Biomedical Engineering I (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 351 or instructor consent. A project-based comprehensive introduction to computing methods in biomedical engineering will be explored, including biomedical modeling, biomedical signal processing, medical image analysis and machine learning.

ECE 603. Biomedical Engineering II (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 309/ME 309 or instructor consent. The course focuses on application of engineering methods in bioinformatics, an important field of bioengineering. Different approaches to DNA sequence processing, protein sequence analysis and microarray data analysis are introduced.

ECE 610. Fault Analysis in Power Systems (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 410/L or instructor consent. Study of impedance and admittance models, network calculations and symmetrical faults using Zbus (impedance matrix), symmetrical components and sequence networks. Unsymmetrical faults using symmetrical components also are covered. The power-flow problem is analyzed and explained in detail using methods, including Newton-Raphson and DC-power flow. The effects of distributed generation (DG) in short circuit analysis are discussed. A project is assigned in which students select a topic related to the course, perform bibliographical research, write a report and make presentations about their findings. Tools used include MATLAB and PSPICE.

ECE 611. Power Distribution Systems (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 410/L. Corequisite: ECE 411. “Load Analysis” and “Load Forecasting” using Box-Jenkins Methodology are introduced. Distribution transformers, design of sub-transmission lines and distribution lines, design of primary systems and secondary systems leading to voltage drop and voltage regulation and power losses are covered. Detailed study of the “K” factor is given. Reliability of distribution systems is analyzed and distributed generation (DG) is discussed. Automated distribution operations (ADO), where the problem of voltage-drop and voltage regulation is resolved using IED (intelligent electric devices), is discussed; this topic is a consequence of the implementation of the smart grid. The application of the concepts covered in this course is discussed in relation with sustainability. A project is assigned in which students select a topic related to the course, perform bibliographical research, write a report and make presentations about their findings. Tools used include MATLAB and PSPICE.

ECE 612. Selected Topics in Power Systems (3)

Preparatory: Instructor consent. In this “Protective Relaying” class, introduction to general philosophies and classification of relays is covered. VTs (voltage transformers) and CTs (current transformers) and their selectivity are studied in detail following ANSI/IEEE standards. Design principles and protection with time-overcurrent relays, instantaneous current-voltage relays, directional-sensing relays, generator, transformer, bus and line protection using relays are also studied. R-X, MHO, reactance and ground relays are covered as well. Several lab experiments using a state-of-the-art protective relay lab with microprocessor-based relays are included. A project is assigned in which students select a topic related to the course, perform bibliographical research, write a report and make presentations about their findings. Tools used include MATLAB and PSPICE.

ECE 620. Advanced Switching Theory (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 320. Detailed study of synchronous and asynchronous circuits, their design, characterization, optimization and decomposition. Combinational and sequential hazards and how to remove them. A detailed study of race free and critical race free asynchronous design. Non-Boolean logic design such as Galois logic and many value logics and algorithmic state machine (ASM) designs are covered.

ECE 621. Computer Arithmetic Design (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 422. Design analysis of high speed adders, subtractors, multipliers and dividers of digital computers, integrated circuits and digital devices. Signed-digit adder/subtractor, multiplicative and division algorithms and hardware. Iterative cellular array multipliers and dividers. Floating point arithmetic processor and pipelined arithmetic.

ECE 622. Digital Systems Structure (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 422. Studies of digital systems architectures primarily from the hardware viewpoint. Techniques and design methods employed for general purpose computers. Unconventional and special-purpose computers, such as parallel processors, associative processors, pipeline processors, array processors, list processors, hardware compilers.

ECE 623. Diagnosis and Reliable Design of Digital Systems (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 620. Basic theory and techniques for testing VLSI circuits and systems. Fault Modeling, logic simulation and fault simulation techniques are discussed. Test generation for combinational and sequential logic circuits, as well as checking experiments. Gate-level digital simulation and its application to fault diagnosis. Design techniques using static and dynamic redundancy for reliable systems, design for testability (DFT), Built-in self-test (BIST) and design techniques for fault tolerant and early diagnosable systems. The use of DFT tools for test generation, fault diagnosis, fault coverage, design for testability, reliability computations and test synthesis. Delay faults and testing, fault diagnosis, quiescent current testing (Iddq), functional testing and crosstalk.

ECE 624. Digital Systems Design Automation and VHDL Modeling (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 623. Issues related to CAD tools used in the physical design of VLSI systems. A discussion of the mathematical tools used in this field, such as graph theory, optimization and search techniques, such as mathematical programming, and defining the constraints and objectives associated with each problem, as well as several classical algorithms used in their solution. These problems include floorplanning, partitioning, placement and routing. Discussion of static timing analysis and signal integrity, leading to development of new CAD tools for Deep Sub-micron technology.

ECE 625. Microprocessor Interfacing and Applications (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 425. Various interfacing concepts and techniques are presented for microprocessor systems to gather data and control peripheral devices. The topics include general-purpose inputs/outputs, analog inputs, serial communication interfacing (SCI), serial peripheral interfacing (SPI), pulse width modulation (PWM), Inter-IC (I2C), controller area networks (CAN), real-time operating systems (RTOS), etc. Real-world design issues and applications such as control system applications are discussed. Methodical system design approaches are adopted to develop microcontroller-based embedded systems.

ECE 635. Error Detection and Correction Systems Design (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 320, ECE 450. Theory and application of error detection and correction codes. Linear and cyclic block codes using finite field arithmetic, encoding, decoding and error-correcting techniques. System control with emphasis on hardware implementation.

ECE 640. Modern Electronic Techniques (3)

Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Advanced electronic design techniques, such as switching regulators and switching amplifiers are covered. Also included are thermal effects and manufacturing defects. Finally, advanced audio design also is emphasized. Computerized design techniques are used.

ECE 642. RF Electronics Design (3)

Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Design of RF amplifiers and tuners is emphasized. Covered are AM/FM RF amplifiers, AM/FM tuners and AM/FM detectors. Radar applications are considered: TV circuits, including UHF/VHF tuners, video amplifiers, sync. vertical and horizontal circuits. Automatic control circuits also are covered. Phase lock loop techniques are introduced with emphasis on RF applications, including frequency synthesis techniques using digital approaches.

ECE 648. Electrical Network Theory (3)

Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Analysis and synthesis of passive networks, using two port theory, Matrix, signal flow graphing and computerized techniques in active network design, with emphasis on signal processing.

ECE 649. Active Network Synthesis (3)

Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Frequency and time domain approximations, introduction to active circuits, modern design of active filters of computerized techniques in active network design, with emphasis on signal processing.

ECE 650. Random Processes (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 450. Random vectors, sequences and processes. Linear systems with random inputs. Second moment theory and spectral analysis. Narrowband processes. Gaussian and Poisson processes. Application to filtering, detection and estimation of signals in white and non-white noise.

ECE 651. Digital Signal Processing I (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 351. FIR filter structures and implementation, IIR filter structures and implementation; FIR filter design techniques; IIR filter design techniques; fundamentals of multi-rate DSP; and introduction to discrete wavelet transform.

ECE 652. Digital Signal Processing II (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 450, ECE 651. Preparatory: ECE 351. Discrete random process, linear prediction filter, FIR Wiener filter, IIR Wiener filter, nonparametric spectrum estimation, parametric spectrum estimation, LMS adaptive filter and RLS adaptive filter.

ECE 658. Signal Detection and Estimation Theory (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 650. Fundamentals of detection and estimation theory, with applications to communications, radar and signal processing. Optimum receiver principles. Detection of random signals in noise. Parameter estimation. Linear and nonlinear estimation and filtering.

ECE 659. Information Theory and Coding (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 650. Entropy, entropy rate, mutual information. Data compression and source codes, including construction and efficiency. Discrete channels with and without memory, channel capacity, noiseless and noisy channels. Introduction to channel coding, and encryption and decryption.

ECE 660. Modulation Theory and Coding (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 561, ECE 650. Principles of M-ary communications. Signal space methods, optimum detection. Various modulation techniques and their performance in terms of bandwidth and power efficiency. Efficient signaling with coded waveforms. Channel coding, including block and convolutional coding.

ECE 661. Wireless Communications (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 561, ECE 650. Characterization of wireless channels, including path loss models, and flat and frequency selective fading. Multiple access techniques. Performance of digital modulation techniques under channel impairments. Mitigation techniques, including diversity, equalization, multi-carrier modulation and spread spectrum.

ECE 665. Radar Systems (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 460, ECE 650. Radar equation, target cross section, MTI and pulsed Doppler radars, and CW and CW-FM radar. Receiver noise calculations. Radar detection and parameter estimation in noise and clutter. Matched filters, pulse compression, radar signal choice and ambiguity function.

ECE 666. Fiber-Optic Communications (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 460. Mode theory, waveguide equations and fiber modes calculations. Optical signal dispersion and degradation. Optical sources, photo detectors, modulation/demodulation techniques and optical system receiver performance. Power and rise-time link budget analysis.

ECE 666L. Fiber Optic Communication Lab (1)

Prerequisites: ECE 460/L. Corequisite: ECE 666. This lab accompanying course ECE 666 covers fiber optic communication design, measurements and simulations. This includes numerical aperture, fiber attenuation, power distribution in single mode fibers, mode distribution in multimode fibers, fiber coupling efficiency and connectors/splices losses. Design, construction and simulation of WDM communication system components also are covered. Individual and group projects are assigned to students. 3 hours lab per week.

ECE 671. Microwave Engineering (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 571. Application of the concepts of modern network theory to waveguiding systems. Impedance transformation and matching, scattering matrix, propagation in non-isotropic media, passive microwave devices, electromagnetic resonators, and measurements in microwave systems.

ECE 672. Advanced Microwave Circuit Design (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 572. Preparatory: Instructor consent. Advanced microwave circuit design and in-depth analysis of microwave transistor amplifiers, microwave oscillators, detectors, mixers, microwave control circuits and microwave integrated circuits (MIC’s) are included in this course. Practical design issues of microwave circuits are emphasized. Materials, mask layout and fabrication techniques of microwave integrated circuits (MIC’s) also are treated.

ECE 673. Microwave Semiconductor Devices (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 545. Preparatory: Instructor consent. Physical principles and advanced design techniques and applications of microwave semiconductor materials and devices, in particular, varactors, PIN diodes, tunnel diodes, avalanche transit-time devices (IMPATTs, TRAPATTs), microwave bipolar junction transistors, microwave field effect transistors, transferred electron devices (TEDs), hot-electron devices, real space transistors (RSTs) and microwave quantum-effect devices are treated in depth in this course.

ECE 674. Antenna Engineering (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 571. First course in the theoretical analysis and design of antennas. Review of fundamental concepts beginning with Maxwell’s Equations, discussion of significant antenna parameters, elementary antennas, apertures, arrays, traveling-wave antennas and antennas based on geometrical optics.

ECE 681. Non-Linear Control Systems (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 480. This course studies methods for modeling, analysis and design of nonlinear dynamical systems with applications in control. The materials include analysis of nonlinear systems by means of describing functions and phase-plane diagrams; stability studies by means of the first and second methods of Lyapunov, Popov’s Methods and La Salle’s Theorem, and system design methods, including Lyapunov based design, feedback linearization, sliding mode control and adaptive control.

ECE 682. State Variables in Automatic Control (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 480. Application of state-space methods to the analysis and synthesis of feedback control systems-matrices, vectors and vector spaces, coordinate transformations, solution of the vector matrix differential equation, stability, controllability and observability, and optimal control systems.

ECE 683. Optimal Control (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 682. Applications of variational methods, Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle and dynamic programming to problems of optimal control theory. Iterative numerical techniques for finding optimal trajectories.

ECE 684. Stochastic Control (3)

Prerequisites: ECE 650, ECE 682. Control of linear, discrete-time and continuous-time stochastic systems; statistical filtering, estimation and control with emphasis on the Kalman filter and its applications; Wiener filtering.

ECE 695A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Electrical Engineering (1-4)

Course content to be determined.

ECE 696. Directed Graduate Research (1-3)

(Credit/No Credit only)

ECE 697. Directed Comprehensive Studies (3)

(Credit/No Credit only)

ECE 698. Thesis or Graduate Project (1-6)

No course description.

ECE 699A-C. Independent Study (1-3)

Independent Study