Policies and Procedures by Category: Admission Procedures And Policies
Admission Procedures and Policies
Requirements for admission to CSUN are in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 1, Subchapter 3, of the California Code of Regulations. Complete information is available on the California State University website. All CSU applications must be submitted online at Cal State Apply. An acknowledgment will be sent to the applicant when the online application has been …
Admission to Graduate Study with CSUN Bachelor’s Degree
CSUN bachelor’s degree graduates who plan to continue enrollment at Northridge the semester following their graduation must apply online through Cal State Apply during the appropriate application filing period. Determination of eligibility to continue in graduate enrollment is made by the graduate program and/or the Credential Office in conjunction with the Office of Graduate Studies.
Admission to the Program (Graduate)
The applications of students meeting University requirements for admission will be reviewed in the appropriate program. The program will determine whether the student meets requirements for admission to its program. Some programs require a separate graduate program application. Students who meet program and University requirements will be admitted as either conditionally classified or classified graduate …
Admission to the University for Graduate Programs
To be admitted to CSUN as a graduate student, students must meet the following requirements: Have a four-year baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution. Be in good academic standing at the last college or university attended. Have satisfied one of the following conditions: Attained a GPA of at least 2.5 in a baccalaureate degree …
Appeal of Admission Decision
Section 89030.7 of the California Education Code requires that the CSU establishes specific requirements for appeal procedures for a denial of admission. Each CSU campus must publish appeal procedures for applicants denied admission to the university. The procedure is limited to addressing campus decisions to deny an applicant admission to the university. Admission appeal procedures …
Application Filing Periods
Application Filing Periods Terms Applications First Accepted Initial Filing Period Fall Semester or Quarter October 1 October 1-November 30 Winter Quarter June 1 June 1-30 Spring Semester or Quarter August 1 August 1-31 Summer Semester or Quarter (Most campuses do not admit students to summer term.) February 1 February 1-28 Filing Period Duration Each non-impacted …
Availability of Institutional and Financial Assistance Information
Colleges and universities are required to provide current and prospective students with various disclosures and notifications concerning specific campus policies and programs. CSUN maintains a Consumer Information and Disclosures website through which students and the general public can easily access this important information. Paper copies of individual disclosures are available upon request. The following information concerning student …
Average Support Cost and Source of Funds Per Full-Time Equivalent Student
The total support cost per full-time equivalent student (FTES) includes the expenditures for current operations, including payments made to students in the form of financial aid, and all fully reimbursed programs contained in state appropriations. The average support cost is determined by dividing the total cost by the number of FTES. The total CSU 2018/19 …
Change of Objective
Enrolled graduate students may change their objective and seek admission to an alternate degree program by filling out a Change of Objective form. The form can be obtained online. Transfer of previously earned units to the alternate program must have the approval of the department to which the student applies. A request for a change …
Chemistry Placement Test (CPT)
The Chemistry Placement Test (CPT) is a CSUN Department exam used to determine eligibility for enrollment in CHEM 101. Students who are planning to enroll in CHEM 101 must satisfy one of the following requirements prior to registration: Satisfactory score of 40 or higher on the CSUN CPT taken within the previous two (2) semesters. Score …
Classified Status (Graduate Policy)
To be granted classified status, students must have a 3.0 GPA for all work taken as a conditionally classified student and in any courses required by the program for admission to its program. Once the requirements for classified status have been met, it is the responsibility of the students to notify their graduate coordinator. The …
Conditionally Classified Status
Students who do not meet all requirements may be accepted as conditionally classified students, subject to meeting various University and program requirements for classified status. It is important to achieve full classified standing prior to completing 12 units of graduate coursework on the program of study. No more than 12 units of work taken prior …
Credit for Work Taken at Community Colleges
Credit earned in regionally accredited community colleges will be evaluated by the Office of Admissions and Records in accordance with the following provisions: Community college credit is allowed up to a maximum of 70 semester units. Credits and grades earned after the student has the maximum allowable may only satisfy subject and GPA requirements but …
Credit, Other
Other Credit Credit for Extension and Correspondence Courses The maximum amount of credit through correspondence courses and/or extension courses allowed toward the baccalaureate degree is 24 units. The maximum allowed toward the second baccalaureate or master’s degree is 9 units. Extension course credit does not apply toward the residence requirement at CSUN. Extension courses numbered 800 …
Credit/No Credit Work
A maximum of 18 semester units with restrictions may be applied toward the bachelor’s degree for CSUN “Credit/No Credit’’ graded courses. If 18 or more semester “Credit/No Credit’’ graded units are accepted in transfer from other institutions, no additional “Credit/No Credit” graded CSUN courses may be used to satisfy degree requirements.
Degree Progress Report/Planner
The Degree Progress Report/Planner is a degree planning tool with two components. The Degree Progress Report (DPR) component provides a full picture of the student’s progress toward the completion of all degree requirements. Undergraduate, master’s degree and doctoral students have access to the DPR and can generate, view and print their DPR online at any …
Determination of Residency for Tuition Purposes
University requirements for establishing residency for tuition purposes are independent from requirements for establishing residency for other purposes, such as for tax purposes, or other state or institutional residency. These regulations were promulgated not to determine whether a student is a resident or nonresident of California, but rather to determine whether a student qualifies to …
Foreign Language Subject Requirement
The foreign language subject requirement may be satisfied by applicants who demonstrate competence in a language other than English equivalent to or higher than expected of students who complete 2 years of foreign language study. Students should consult with their school counselor or any CSU Campus Admission or Relations with Schools Office for more information.
Graduate and Post-Baccalaureate Admission Requirements
The following information applies generally to all 23 campuses of the California State University system. For information specific to CSUN graduate and post-baccalaureate admission requirements, please refer to the Graduate Studies section of this Catalog and to the Admissions and Records website. Graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants may apply for a degree objective, a credential or certificate objective, or where approved, …
Graduate and Post-Baccalaureate Application Procedures
The following information applies generally to all 23 campuses of the California State University system. For information specific to CSUN graduate and post-baccalaureate application procedures, please refer to the Graduate Studies section of this Catalog and to the Admissions and Records website. All graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants (i.e., doctorate, joint Ph.D. applicants, master’s degree applicants, those seeking educational credentials or certificates and, …
Graduate-Post-Baccalaureate English Language Requirement
All graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants, regardless of citizenship, whose native language is not English and whose preparatory education was principally in a language other than English must demonstrate competence in English. Those who do not possess a bachelor’s degree from a postsecondary institution where English is the principal language of instruction must receive a minimum …
Hardship Petitions
The campus has established procedures for consideration of qualified applicants who would be faced with extreme hardship if not admitted. Petitioners should write CSUN’s Office of Admissions and Records following the guidelines at Admission Appeals regarding specific policies governing hardship admission.
Health Screening (CSU Immunization Requirements)
Entering CSU students are required to present proof of the following immunizations to the CSU campus they will be attending before the beginning of their first term of enrollment.* Measles and Rubella All new and readmitted students must provide proof of full immunization against measles and rubella prior to enrollment. Hepatitis B All new students …
Impacted Programs
The CSU designates programs as impacted when more applications from regularly eligible applicants are received in the initial filing period (October and November for fall terms, June for winter terms, August for spring terms, February for summer terms) than can be accommodated. Some programs are impacted at every campus which they are offered; others are impacted …
Importance of Filing Complete, Accurate and Authentic Application Documents
CSUN advises prospective students that they must supply complete and accurate information on the application for admission, residency questionnaire and financial aid forms. Further, applicants must, when requested, submit authentic and official transcripts of all previous academic work attempted. Failure to file complete, accurate and authentic application documents may result in denial of admission, cancellation …
International (Foreign) Student Admission Requirements
Undergraduate and Graduate Applicants The CSU must assess the academic preparation of foreign students. For this purpose, “foreign students” include those who hold U.S. temporary visas as students, exchange visitors, or in other non-immigrant classifications. The CSU uses separate requirements and application filing dates in the admission of foreign students. Verification of English proficiency (see the …
Mathematics Placement Test (MPT)
The Mathematics Placement Test (MPT) is a CSUN test, which is used to determine eligibility for enrollment in MATH 102, 103, 104, 105, 150A and 255A. The MPT must be taken within the year preceding enrollment in the courses. Students have 90 minutes to complete the test. It can be taken only once in a 3-month …
Programs Leading to Licensure and Credentialing
Admission into programs leading to licensure and credentialing does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or credential. Licensure and credentialing requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the CSU and requirements can change at any time. For example, licensure or credentialing requirements can include evidence of the …
The university reserves the right to select its students and deny admission to the university or any of its programs as the university, in its sole discretion, determines appropriate based on an applicant’s suitability and the best interests of the university.
Restrictions on Exam Credit
No credit for any examinations will be awarded to a student who has: Taken the examination previously within the past term. Earned equivalent credit through regular coursework, credit by another examination or other instructional processes, such as correspondence. Earned credit previously at a level more advanced than that represented by the examination in question. Credit …
Returning Student Admission Requirements
Returning Students in Good Standing Admission requirements depend on returning students’ academic standing in their last semester of attendance at CSUN. Returning undergraduate and graduate students in good standing are not required to meet additional admission criteria. However, students should provide the Office of Admissions and Records with official transcripts of any coursework completed since …
Test Requirements
Freshman and transfer applicants who have fewer than 60 semester or 90 quarter units of transferable college credit are strongly encouraged to submit scores, unless exempt (see Eligibility Index), from either the ACT or the SAT of the College Board. Persons who apply to an impacted program may be required to submit test scores and …
Undergraduate Application Procedures
Prospective students applying for part-time or full-time undergraduate programs of study must submit a completed undergraduate application. The $55* nonrefundable application fee should be paid online at the time of application via credit card or PayPal and may not be transferred or used to apply to another term. An alternate major may be requested on …
Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE)
All students must demonstrate competency in writing skills as a requirement for graduation. Information on meeting this requirement may be obtained at the Testing Center and Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam websites. At CSUN, all students who have met the lower division writing requirement, completed 56 units or more, and intend to graduate with a baccalaureate …