This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
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This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: Minor in Mathematics

Program Description

The minor in Mathematics is designed to provide students with mathematical preparation useful for future employment opportunities.

Program Requirements

1. Lower Division Required Courses (16 units)

MATH 150A Calculus I (5)
MATH 150B Calculus II (5)
MATH 250 Calculus III (3)
MATH 262 Introduction to Linear Algebra (3)

Note: PHIL 230—Introduction to Formal Logic is recommended and satisfies the Critical Thinking section of General Education.

2. Upper Division Electives (12 units)

Selected upper division Mathematics courses totaling at least 12 units, which must be approved in advance by a Mathematics minor advisor. Depending on the student’s area of interest, any one of the following sequences could be used as part or all of the required 12 units (or other choices if approved by the Mathematics minor advisor):

Computer Mathematics

MATH 326 Discrete Mathematics (3)
MATH 340 Introductory Probability (3)
MATH 481A Numerical Analysis (3)
MATH 482 Combinatorial Algorithms (3)

Secondary Teaching


MATH 340 Introductory Probability (3)
MATH 440A Mathematical Statistics I (3)
MATH 440B Mathematical Statistics II (3)

Total Units in the Minor: 28


Department of Mathematics
Chair: Rabia Djellouli
Live Oak Hall (LO) 1300
(818) 677-2721