This is an archive of the 2023-2024 University Catalog.
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This is an archive of the 2023-2024 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2023-2024 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit



B.A., Languages and Cultures

Armenian Option

The Languages and Cultures major prepares students for an increasingly globalized and interdependent world that rewards knowledge of languages and cultural literacy. The major provides students with advanced proficiency in language skills and cultural competency that will enable them to expand career opportunities and enhance their personal lives in an international and intercultural environment. In …

B.A., Languages and Cultures

French Option

The Languages and Cultures major prepares students for an increasingly globalized and interdependent world that rewards knowledge of languages and cultural literacy. The major provides students with advanced proficiency in language skills and cultural competency that will enable them to expand career opportunities and enhance their personal lives in an international and intercultural environment. In …

B.A., Languages and Cultures

Italian Option

The Languages and Cultures major prepares students for an increasingly globalized and interdependent world that rewards knowledge of languages and cultural literacy. The major provides students with advanced proficiency in language skills and cultural competency that will enable them to expand career opportunities and enhance their personal lives in an international and intercultural environment. In …

B.A., Languages and Cultures

Japanese Option

The Languages and Cultures major prepares students for an increasingly globalized and interdependent world that rewards knowledge of languages and cultural literacy. The major provides students with advanced proficiency in language skills and cultural competency that will enable them to expand career opportunities and enhance their personal lives in an international and intercultural environment. In …

B.A., Spanish

Literature Option

The Spanish major—consisting of four options: I. Literature, II. Language and Culture, III. Hispanic Linguistics, and IV. Translation and Interpretation—is designed for students who want to prepare for a career in secondary, college or university teaching, or who intend to pursue other careers where a strong background in Spanish is essential. Students should seek advisement …

B.A., Spanish

Language and Culture Option

The Spanish major—consisting of four options: I. Literature, II. Language and Culture, III. Hispanic Linguistics, and IV. Translation and Interpretation—is designed for students who want to prepare for a career in secondary, college or university teaching, or who intend to pursue other careers where a strong background in Spanish is essential. Students should seek advisement …

B.A., Spanish

Hispanic Linguistics Option

The Spanish major—consisting of four options: I. Literature, II. Language and Culture, III. Hispanic Linguistics, and IV. Translation and Interpretation—is designed for students who want to prepare for a career in secondary, college or university teaching, or who intend to pursue other careers where a strong background in Spanish is essential. Students should seek advisement …

B.A., Spanish

Translation and Interpretation Option

The Spanish major—consisting of four options: I. Literature, II. Language and Culture, III. Hispanic Linguistics, and IV. Translation and Interpretation—is designed for students who want to prepare for a career in secondary, college or university teaching, or who intend to pursue other careers where a strong background in Spanish is essential. Students should seek advisement …

Minor in Armenian

The minor in Armenian will provide students with an understanding and appreciation of the Armenian language, literature and culture, as well as the contributions of Armenians to world civilization. Students with previous studies in Armenian should consult an advisor for advanced placement and course selections to complete the minor. Careers Knowledge of the Armenian language …

Minor in Classical Greek and Roman Civilization

A minor in Classical Greek and Roman Civilization is of interest and value to students who are studying Anthropology, Art History, Drama, English, History, Humanities, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies or Communication Studies. Students who decide to minor in Classical Greek and Roman Civilization are required to meet with an advisor or the coordinator to …

Minor in French

The minor in French consists of two emphases: a general minor and a minor for business majors.

Minor in Italian

The minor in Italian offers students the opportunity to attain an advanced level of proficiency in the Italian language along with an in-depth study of the culture that has shaped Italian society, both past and present. Students with previous studies in Italian should consult the advisor for advanced placement and course selections to complete the …

Minor in Japanese

The minor in Japanese is designed to provide students with language training and an understanding of Japanese society and culture as revealed through the study of the language and literature. Students with previous studies in Japanese should consult the advisor for advanced placement and course selections to complete the minor. Successful completion of the minor …

Minor in Modern China Studies

The minor in Modern China Studies is an interdisciplinary program for undergraduate students. It comprises a minimum of 18 units and a maximum of 20 units, selected from core and elective courses. The program aims at yielding students with a solid, wide-ranging knowledge of China from which to develop a fair and balanced understanding of …

Minor in Russian Studies

The Russian Studies minor is available to students in all majors. With 20 units in Russian grammar, conversation, civilization and history, the minor provides a well-rounded, holistic study of the Russian language and culture. The Russian Studies minor is an ideal complement to any field in which knowledge of the Russian language and culture enriches …

Minor in Spanish

The minor in Spanish consists of three emphases: (1) the general minor, (2) a minor for business students and (3) a minor for health science students.

M.A., Spanish

The Master of Arts in Spanish consists of 33 units.