Mission Statement

The Religious Studies department seeks to provide students with analytical models used in the humanities and social sciences to learn about and appreciate diverse cultures and religions around the world. Students learn methods of cross-cultural religious inquiry and analysis and apply these methods in a wide variety of social, political and religious contexts. Religious Studies provides students with critical-thinking and writing skills that employers across a wide range of careers seek in addition to expertise in diverse cultures.

About the Department

The Department of Religious Studies at California State University, Northridge, was founded and began offering courses in 1969. The Religious Studies program includes a major, double major and minor. The department offers courses in comparative religions, Asian religions, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, ethics, literature, art, film, critical thinking, history, cognitive science, psychology, science, and theory and method. Summer sessions and evening classes are available to help working students complete their degree.

Academic Advisement

The Religious Studies department helps students select the program and courses that best satisfy their individual needs and interests. Academic advisement is required for all Religious Studies majors each semester before registering for classes. Please contact the Department of Religious Studies to schedule an appointment. Academic advisement is not required, but it is suggested for minors and double majors. The College of Humanities (COH) Student Services Center/EOP reviews students’ progress to ensure that the requirements of a major or minor in Religious Studies are fulfilled. Call (818) 677-4784 or (818) 677-4767 to schedule an appointment with the COH Student Services Center/EOP.


The Religious Studies major, double major and minor prepare students to succeed in a changing and challenging global job market. By acquiring knowledge of diverse cultures and using current analytical models from the humanities and social sciences, graduates are prepared to find careers requiring imagination, problem solving and a keen understanding of human diversity. Along with career preparation comes the personal growth gained by studying religions and cultures around the world.

Careers in law, business, teaching, counseling, medicine, social work, government, communications, human services and professional religious organizations are all viable for Religious Studies graduates.

Clubs and Societies

The Department of Religious Studies is a member of the Religious Studies Student Honors Society—Theta Alpha Kappa.

Scholarships and Awards

The Joseph and Anna Laufer Religious Studies Student Scholarship and the Stephen J. Svec Memorial Award are available to majors.


Department of Religious Studies
Chair: Mustafa Ruzgar
Santa Susana Hall (SN) 234
(818) 677-3392