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ART 401. History of Native North American Art (3)

The visual arts of North American native cultures from the Eskimo to Canada, the Northwest and Southwest areas of the United States, the Plains and Eastern Indian societies. Available…

SUST 310. Best Practices in Sustainability (3)

Prerequisite: Completion of the lower division writing requirement. In this course, students will learn current and best practices for planetary sustainability on an individual, institutional, regional and global level. Topics focus…

RS 325. New Testament (3)

Study of the New Testament and its religious thought in context.

GWS 430. Global Sexualities (3)

with specific characteristics of the globalization process and how the new theories of sexuality advance and challenge the feminist agenda for global social and gender justice. Available for graduate credit….

URBS 610. Contemporary Urban Planning in the United States and California (3)

Provides an overview of urban planning as practiced in the U.S. The course assumes some familiarity with urban planning and builds on common issues and problems in the field…

GEOG 170. Water Resources of California (3)

This course examines the nature and challenges of California’s water resources. Topics include the physical attributes of water (sources, quantity, and quality), the underlying climatic and hydrologic processes that…

POLS 490CA. Supervised Individual Project—California Government (1)

Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Individual, supervised studies in California government. (Available for General Education, D4 California State and Local Government.)…

HIST 417. California for Educators (3)

Prerequisite: Available to Liberal Studies, Pre-Credential and ITEP students. Examination of California, focusing on its political, social and economic growth, its settlement, its population patterns, resource exploitation and human-environment…

BIOL 323. Plants and Animals of Southern California (3)

classification, behavior, ecology and distribution of the more important plants and animals of Southern California. Lecture 3 hours. (Available for General Education, B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning.) (WI)…

HIST 488. California (3)

it also has a history of conquest as well as racial and ethnic oppression. Explore the political, economic, and social growth of California from indigenous societies to the present….