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Criminology and Justice Studies – AA-T in Law, Public Policy, and Society (2022)STAR Act Degree Road Map

not completed prior to transfer) or SBS 320* 3 GE B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning 3 Total 15 Transfer Year 1: Second Semester Course Units CJS 310 3 CJS…

Criminology and Justice Studies – AA-T in Sociology (2022)STAR Act Degree Road Map

transfer) or SBS 320* 3 GE B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning 3 Total 15 Transfer Year 1: Second Semester Course Units CJS 310 3 CJS 320 3 CJS 350…

Family and Consumer Sciences/Family Studies Option Pattern A: Childcare and Administration – AA-T in Psychology (2022)STAR Act Degree Road Map

This ADT/STAR Act Degree Road Map applies to the following catalog year(s): 2022 Family and Consumer Sciences, B.S./Family Studies Option Pattern A: Childcare and Administration All lower division GE…

Family and Consumer Sciences/Family Studies Option Pattern A: Childcare and Administration – AA-T in Child and Adolescent Development (2022)STAR Act Degree Road Map

This ADT/STAR Act Degree Road Map applies to the following catalog year(s): 2022 Family and Consumer Sciences, B.S./Family Studies Option Pattern A: Childcare and Administration All lower division GE…

Business Administration/Marketing Option (2022-2023)Degree Road Map

Elective 2-3 Total 15 YEAR 2: 1st Semester Course Units ACCT 220 3 ECON 160 (meets GE D1 Social Sciences) 3 GE B1 Physical Science or GE B2 Life Science…

Business Administration/Financial Planning Option (2024-Present)Degree Road Map

140BUS 3-4 GE Basic Skills: A3 Critical Thinking 3 Elective 2-3 Total 15 YEAR 2: 1st Semester Course Units ACCT 220 3 ECON 160 (meets GE D1 Social Sciences) 3…

Business Administration/Business Analytics Option – AS-T in Business Administration 2.0 (2024-Present)STAR Act Degree Road Map

F 3 Elective 2 Total 14 Transfer Year 1: Second Semester Course Units BUS 302L 1 BUS 312 3 FIN 303 (meets GE B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning )…

Communication Studies – AA-T in Communication Studies (2024-Present)STAR Act Degree Road Map

Units Upper Division COMS Electives* 3/3/3 Electives 6 Total 15 Total units after transfer 60 One course for the degree must have an Ethnic Studies/ES designation. *Upper division COMS electives…

Gender and Women’s Studies (2024-Present)Degree Road Map

Skills: A3 Critical Thinking 3 GE B1 Physical Science or GE B2 Life Science 3 Electives 6 Total 15 YEAR 2: 1st Semester Course Units GWS 205/CS (meets GE E…

Child and Adolescent Development/Applied Developmental Science Option – AA-T in Child and Adolescent Development (2024-Present)STAR Act Degree Road Map

This ADT/STAR Act Degree Road Map applies to the following catalog year(s): 2024 Child and Adolescent Development, B.A./Applied Developmental Science Option All lower division GE completed. Lower division major…