Academic Grievances and Grade Appeals

The University provides procedures for the orderly processing of grievances by students against members of the faculty and for the appeal of assigned grades. Established by the Faculty Senate, these procedures are contained in the Academic Grievance and Grade Appeals Board Bylaws. The Board is empowered to act on grievances and appeals that are properly filed.

Academic grievances may be filed when a student feels aggrieved in (non-grade) matters concerning an academic decision, action or judgment by a faculty member. A grade appeal may be filed when a student believes a grade is based on error, violation of University rule or policy, refusal by the instructor to report a grade, discrimination or other improper conduct toward the student. Grade appeals based wholly or in part on a subjective or qualitative judgment of an instructor will not be considered by the Board.

Students should attempt to resolve matters informally with the faculty member prior to filing an academic grievance or grade appeal. Students also should seek the review of the appropriate department chair and college dean or designee. If the matter cannot be resolved in this manner, the student may file a formal grievance or grade appeal. The grievance or appeal must be presented in writing before the end of the semester following the semester in which the matter occurred or the grade was assigned.

Information and forms for filing an academic grievance or grade appeal may be obtained on the Student Affairs–Forms website or by calling Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs at (818) 677-2391.