Applying for a Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma
Undergraduate Degree Services assists students who apply for their bachelor’s degree and diploma and verifies that all degree requirements have been met. The student’s Application for a Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma initiates the graduation evaluation process, participation in Commencement and receipt of the diploma.
Students may apply for graduation once they have completed 90 units (including work in progress). There are three official graduation dates each calendar year—the final day of the Fall semester, the final day of the Spring semester and the final day of Summer term.
Graduation Process for Undergraduate Students
- The student initiates the graduation process by completing the online Graduation Application* in the CSUN Portal (login required) and the SOLAR Student Center. The link will display when 90 units are earned; a notice that the link is available will be sent to the student’s CSUN email account.
- Students determine their expected graduation date by using the Degree Progress Report/Planner to plan remaining coursework in future terms. For assistance, tutorials are available for the DPR/Planner and other Degree Planning Tools. Students may schedule an appointment with their major advisor for additional help.
- The Application for Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma, whether online or paper*, must be submitted together with the appropriate fee and should be received by Undergraduate Degree Services before the filing period deadline. Online payment is made through the university’s CashNet vendor; in-person payment is made with the paper application form. Students who apply after the filing period deadline may delay receipt of their graduation evaluation and their graduating senior status priority registration appointment time. Commencement participation could also be affected.
- A graduation evaluation—a special Degree Progress Report that lists completed and remaining degree requirements—will be available through the CSUN Portal. The graduation evaluation reflects units applicable toward degree requirements only. Therefore, the units listed on the graduation evaluation may be lower than the cumulative units reflected on other CSUN documents. At least one semester of coursework must be completed in residence at CSUN before Undergraduate Degree Services can complete a graduation evaluation. Undergraduate Degree Services will email the student when the graduation evaluation is complete. Questions about the graduation evaluation should be directed to the student’s major and/or minor advisor or the graduation advisor in Undergraduate Degree Services at (818) 677-3781 or
- Students will be invited to the annual Commencement ceremony for the academic year in which they graduate. Students choosing to participate in the ceremony should follow the instructions on the Commencement website. Participation in the ceremony does not mean that the student has officially graduated from CSUN. All degree requirements must be completed before the degree can be awarded.
- If final degree requirements are not completed by the end of the term for which the student applied to graduate, the student will need to change the graduation date to the semester of actual completion and submit a Bachelor’s Degree Date Change Form to Undergraduate Degree Services.
- When the degree is posted, the Notice of Graduation will be emailed to the student. The diploma will be mailed three to six weeks after official graduation is posted. Students may log into the CSUN Portal to indicate an address at which they would like to receive their diploma, as explained at Update Personal Information.
*Second bachelor’s degree candidates, discontinued students and those who cannot submit an online application through the CSUN Portal and the SOLAR Student Center should print and complete the Application for Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma and follow the instructions on page two of the form.