Bachelor’s Degree Requirements
To graduate from CSUN, students must complete all of the following requirements:
- The applicable General Education program, which includes requirements in American History and U.S. State and Local Government.
- The requirements for a major.
- Writing Skills Requirements as listed below.
Lower Division Requirement
The University requires of all students a 3-unit lower division course in composition. Students must complete the lower division writing requirement no later than the semester in which 45 units are completed. Transfer students with more than 35 units who have not completed the lower division writing requirement must do so within the first semester of residence.
Students may meet this requirement by:
a. Completing one course from AAS 115, AFRS 115, CAS 115, CHS 115, ENGL 115 or QS 115; or an equivalent course at an accredited community or four-year college; or completing one of the following two-semester course sequences: AAS 113A/113B or 114A/114B, AFRS 113A/113B or 114A/114B, CAS 113A/113B or 114A/114B, CHS 113A/113B or 114A/114B, ENGL 113A/113B or 114A/114B, LING 113A/113B, QS 113A/113B or 114A/114B.
b. Receiving a satisfactory score on the Advanced Placement Test in English Language and Composition or the Advanced Placement Test in English Literature and Composition.
Completion of this requirement fulfills a portion of the Basic Skills Section of the General Education Program. Note: Completion of the lower division writing requirement is a prerequisite for all upper division General Education courses.
Upper Division Requirement
CSUN has implemented the California State University Trustee Policy for the Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) for all upper division students. Students who have completed 56 units and have met the lower division writing requirement will be required to meet the GWAR through coursework in designated Writing Intensive upper division curriculum or completion of ENGL 345 Recursive Writing.
- Students may meet the GWAR through demonstration of writing proficiency by receiving a grade of “C” or better in 6 units of coursework in designated Writing Intensive upper division curriculum (usually two courses of Upper Division General Education) at CSUN. Note that a grade of “C-” or lower in Upper Division General Education will meet the General Education requirement but not the GWAR requirement, and articulated upper division coursework transferred from another institution does not meet this requirement.
- Students may meet the GWAR through completion of ENGL 345 Recursive Writing with a grade of “C” or better.
Note: Certification of graduation writing competence will be transferable from one CSU campus to another. However, students must pass the GWAR at the campus at which they are matriculated.
- Grade Point Average Requirement.
Each student will complete with a GPA of 2.0 (grade “C” on a 4-point scale) or better:
- All units attempted, including those accepted by transfer from other institutions.
- All upper division units required in the major.
- All upper division units required in the minor (if student chooses to declare a minor).
- All units attempted at CSUN.
- Residency Requirement.
Completion of 30 units in residence at CSUN in the following distributions:
- 24 of the 30 units must be completed in upper division.
- 12 of the 30 units must be in the major.
- 9 of the 30 units must be in General Education.
Note: CSUN coursework taken in non-matriculated status (i.e., in Fall, Spring or Summer through Open University or self-support Winter Intersession) is considered in residence, with a maximum of 24 special session units.
- Total Unit Minimums and Distribution:
- B.A. Degree: 120 units, 40 of which must be upper division units.
- B.S. Degree: 120 units, 36-47 of which must be upper division units.
- B.M. Degree: 120 units, 40 of which must be upper division units.
- All Bachelor’s Degrees: At least 9 units must be upper division General Education units.
- Formal approval by the faculty of the University.
- Application for Graduation, Graduation Evaluation and Diploma:
Undergraduate students must file an Application for Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma with Undergraduate Degree Services in the Office of the Registrar before they can be officially evaluated for graduation.