This 4-Year Degree Road Map applies to the following catalog year(s):

Please complete the Virtual Information Session (Teacher Preparation).

YEAR 1: 1st Semester

Course Units
MATH 210 3
Biology and Lab: BIOL 100 and BIOL 100L, or BIOL 101 and BIOL 101L, or BIOL 102CS/LCS 3-4
Critical Thinking: AAS 201, AFRS 204, CHS 202, COMS 225, PHIL 100, PHIL 200, PHIL 210, RS 204 3-4
Freshman Composition: AAS 113B, AAS 114B, AAS 115, AFRS 113B, AFRS 114B, AFRS 115, CAS 113B, CAS 114B, CAS 115, CHS 113B, CHS 114B, CHS 115, ENGL 113B, ENGL 114B, ENGL 115, QS 113B, QS 114B, QS 115 3
Speech Communication: AAS 151, AFRS 151, CAS 151, CHS 151, COMS 151 3
Total 15-17

YEAR 1: 2nd Semester

Course Units
GEOG 150 3
MATH 211 3
PHSC 170 4
Literature: AAS 220, AFRS 245, CAS 201, CHS 201, ENGL 255, ENGL 258, ENGL 259, ENGL 275, FLIT 295A, FLIT 295B 3
Performing and Visual Arts: ART 100/L, ART 110, ART 112, ART 114, CAS 202, CHS 111, MUS 105, MUS 107, TH 110, TH 111 3
Total 16

YEAR 2: 1st Semester

Course Units
CADV 150 or FCS 330 3
GEOG 106LRS or GEOL 106LRS 3
HIST 110 3
U.S. Government: AFRS 161, CHS 260, POLS 155, RS 255 3
U.S. History: AFRS 271, CHS 245, HIST 270 3
Total 15

YEAR 2: 2nd Semester

Course Units
ART 380/L 2/1
ENGL 303/L 2/1
KIN 314/L 2/1
LRS 300/F 2/1
SPED 400 3
Interdisciplinary Specialization Course 1 3
Total 18

YEAR 2: Summer Term

Course Units
ENGL 305 3
GEOG 417 or HIST 417 3
Total 6

YEAR 3: 1st Semester

Course Units
KIN 470/L 3
MATH 310 3
MUS 361/L 2/1
SPED 402 3
TH 371/L 2/1
Interdisciplinary Specialization Course 2 3
Total 18

YEAR 3: 2nd Semester

Course Units
EED 472 3
ENGL 428 3
MATH 312 3
SPED 406 3
SPED 407 3
SPED 511 3
Total 18

YEAR 4: 1st Semester

Course Units
LING 417 3
SPED 416 3
SPED 420 3
Social and Cultural Context – The Child: AAS 450, AFRS 420, ARMN 440, CAS 410, CHS 430 3
Total 19

YEAR 4: 2nd Semester

Course Units
SPED 545 3
Interdisciplinary Specialization Course 3 3
Total 15

Liberal Studies Teacher Preparation Specializations

Complete one of the following specializations:

A. Language Arts or LSLA: Choose Track A or Track B

Track A – Language Arts
Track B – Literacy Scholars for the Future of Los Angeles (LSLA)
  • Perspective on Literacy (3 units): LRS 333
  • Practicum in Early Literacy (3 units): LRS 433/F
  • Multicultural and Multiethnic Children’s Literature (3 units): CHS 480/F or LRS 425A-Z

B. Mathematics

  • Mathematical Ideas (3 units): MATH 131
  • Basic Geometric Concepts (3 units): MATH 311
  • Capstone (3 units): MATH 331

C. History and Social Science

D. Sciences

E. Arts Integration

F. Childhood Studies

  • Child and Adolescent Development (3 units): CADV 335
  • Youth Literature (3 units): ENGL 429
  • Topics in Childhood Studies (3 units): LRS 425A-Z

G. Sustainability and Environmental Humanities

H. Digital Humanities