This 4-Year Degree Road Map applies to the following catalog year(s):

YEAR 1: 1st Semester

Course Units
CADV 150 (meets GE D1 Social Sciences and IC) 3
CADV 180 or MATH 140 (meets GE Basic Skills: B4 Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning) 3-4
PSY 150 (meets GE D1 Social Sciences) 3
GE Basic Skills: A2 Written Communication 3
GE E Lifelong Learning 3
Total 15-16

YEAR 1: 2nd Semester

Course Units
GE Basic Skills: A1 Oral Communication 3
GE Basic Skills: A3 Critical Thinking 3
GE B1 Physical Science 2
GE B3 Science Laboratory Activity 1
GE C1 Arts 3
Elective 2-3
Total 14-15

YEAR 2: 1st Semester

Course Units
Child and Adolescent Development Elective (CADV 250 recommended) 3
GE C3 American History Institutions and Ideals 3
GE F Comparative Cultural Studies 3
Electives 6
Total 15

YEAR 2: 2nd Semester

Course Units
CADV 350 (meets GE B2 Life Science) 3
GE D3 and D4 Constitution of the United States and State and Local Government 3
Electives 9
Total 15

YEAR 3: 1st Semester

Course Units
CADV 352 3
CADV 380/L (meets GE B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning) 4
Professional Development Course selected from: CADV 310, CADV 320, CADV 327, CADV 335, CADV 361, CADV 373, CADV 394, CADV 406/L or RTM 406/L, CADV 450, CADV 451, CADV 452, CADV 453, CADV 455, CADV 456, CADV 494, CADV 495A, CADV 495B, CADV 497AA-ZZ, CADV 499C 3
Electives 5
Total 15

YEAR 3: 2nd Semester

Course Units
CADV 381/L 4
CADV 460 3
Linguistic Contexts Course selected from: AFRS 395, ANTH 310, CHS 433, CHS 482, ENGL 405, LING 441 3
Child and Adolescent Development Elective* 3
Elective 2
Total 15

YEAR 4: 1st Semester

Course Units
CADV 470 3
Professional Development Course selected from: CADV 310, CADV 320, CADV 327, CADV 335, CADV 361, CADV 373, CADV 394, CADV 406/L or RTM 406/L, CADV 450, CADV 451, CADV 452, CADV 453, CADV 455, CADV 456, CADV 494, CADV 495A, CADV 495B, CADV 497AA-ZZ, CADV 499C 3
Cultural Contexts Course selected from: AAS 355, AAS 450, AAS 453, AFRS 322, AFRS 420, ANTH 308, ARMN 440, CADV 320, CAS 410, CHS 430, CHS 431, CHS 432, DEAF 200, SOC 452 3
Child and Adolescent Development Elective* 3
GE Upper Division Section C2 Humanities 3
Total 15

YEAR 4: 2nd Semester

Course Units
Professional Development Course selected from: CADV 310, CADV 320, CADV 327, CADV 335, CADV 361, CADV 373, CADV 394, CADV 406/L or RTM 406/L, CADV 450, CADV 451, CADV 452, CADV 453, CADV 455, CADV 456, CADV 494, CADV 495A, CADV 495B, CADV 497AA-ZZ, CADV 499C 3
Child and Adolescent Development Elective* 3
GE Upper Division Section F Comparative Cultural Studies 3
Electives 6
Total 15

One course for the degree must have an Ethnic Studies/ES designation.

*Any 12 units of electives from the lists below. Courses used to fulfill major requirements may not be used to satisfy the electives in the major.


CADV 320, CADV 327 or PSY 327, CADV 335 or PSY 335, CADV 361 or PSY 361, CADV 373, CADV 406/L or RTM 406/L, CADV 451, CADV 497AA-ZZ, CD 405, CD 415, LING 417, PSY 453

Atypical Development

CADV 310, CADV 453, SOC 348, SPED 400, SPED 402, SPED 431


ART 383/L, ART 385/L, ART 478/L, CADV 406/L, CADV 451, CADV 452, CJS 410CS, ENGL 428, ENGL 429, FCS 433, KIN 470/L, MUS 361/L, MUS 362/L, PSY 312, RTM 305, RTM 352, SOC 411


CADV 450, EPC 451, FCS 432, SOC 426, SOC 459

Culture, Language and Development

AAS 355, AAS 450, AFRS 322, AFRS 420, ANTH 308, ANTH 310, ARMN 440, CAS 410, CHS 430, CHS 431, CHS 432, CHS 433, DEAF 160, DEAF 200, LING 417, SOC 452

Research, Methodology, Assessment and Professionalism

CADV 250, CADV 495A, CADV 495B, CADV 499C, FCS 431 and FCS 431L