Course: EED 560C. Student Teaching I (3)

Prerequisites: Admission to the Multiple Subject Credential Program. Verification of eligibility from Credential Office. Pre/Corequisites: EED 500 or EPC 500 (EPC 315 may be substituted for EED 500 or EPC 500 only if completed previously as an undergraduate student), EED 515, EED 520, EED 565M, and EED 577. Corequisite: EED 559C-Seminar. Teaching credential candidates in the Multiple Subject Credential Program (Traditional Pathway) are placed with an exemplary mentor teacher for 20 hours of early field experience plus 10 weeks of supervised student teaching (approximately 245 total hours of clinical practice). Student teachers plan and teach lessons in reading and language arts, English language development (ELD) and mathematics, while refining their classroom management skills. Student teachers move toward mastery of the California Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) and rehearse the state-mandated Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA). (Credit/No Credit only)

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

EED 560C

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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

EED 560C

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