Course: EED 575. Integrated Social Studies and Arts Curriculum and Methods (3)

Prerequisites: EED 500/EPC 500, EED 520 and EED 565M. Corequisite: EED 577. A methods course teaching the basic content and competencies required for effective instruction in elementary school social studies and visual-performing arts. It is offered concurrently with a student teaching assignment. Opportunity for interdisciplinary curriculum development will be provided. The course combines the social studies content and incorporates the content of the visual-performing arts as outlined in the state framework. The Visual-Performing Arts Standards are designed to produce fully literate individuals who understand aesthetic, expressive, and intellectual skills as forms of communication as related to cultural and historical frameworks.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

EED 575

Class NumberLocationDayTime

Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

EED 575

Class NumberLocationDayTime