Course: EPC 690A-C. Advanced Fieldwork and Professional Development (1-3)
Prerequisites: EPC 655, EPC 659A, EPC 659B, EPC 670A, EPC 671, EPC 672; Approval of instructor. May be offered for 1-3 units. Students registering for this class must be placed in an approved fieldwork setting prior to enrolling. Course required by state licensing board for MFT and Counseling trainees each Fall, Spring and Summer semester when students are seeing clients and not enrolled in another fieldwork class. Topics covered include post-degree professional development, vitae development, internship registration, internship placement, license exam preparation, therapist self-care, private practice, supervision and career development. May be taken up to 6 times as needed to complete the degree; further enrollment requires the approval of the program coordinator. (Credit/No Credit only)