
Bachelor's Program(s)

Environmental Science, B.A.

The B.A. in Environmental Science degree provides a strong foundation in the major disciplines of environmental and Earth sciences upon which students can layer relevant coursework in other related fields to prepare for careers that integrate environmental science with policy, public awareness, K-12 education, and resource and risk evaluations.

Geology, B.S.

Geology Option

The Geology option provides the most flexibility, preparing students for a full range of technical careers in geoscience and for advanced studies in graduate school. It can be specialized toward different branches of geosciences by the appropriate choices of elective courses. The B.S. Honors Program is available for this option.

Geology, B.S.

Geophysics Option

The Geophysics option provides the necessary preparation in mathematics and physics to succeed in geoscience applications that require strong backgrounds in these associated disciplines. This option well prepares students for technical careers in geophysics or for advanced studies in graduate school. The B.S. Honors Program is available for this option.

Minor Program(s)

Minor in Geology

A minor in Geology is designed for students who are interested in Earth Sciences, but with a major in another department. For example, majors in other sciences, mathematics, engineering and business often find employment in environmental, resource-related and energy-related industries. For these majors, the Geology minor broadens the individual’s understanding of the Earth Sciences and …

Master's Program(s)

Geology, M.S.

Geology Option

The Master of Science program has two options: Geology and Geophysics. These programs are designed to: (1) train individuals with the competence required by the geological profession for employment in industry and government agencies; (2) enable promising students to attain a level of knowledge and research ability necessary for admission to and success in Ph.D. …

Geology, M.S.

Geophysics Option

The Master of Science program has two options: Geology and Geophysics. These programs are designed to: (1) train individuals with the competence required by the geological profession for employment in industry and government agencies; (2) enable promising students to attain a level of knowledge and research ability necessary for admission to and success in Ph.D. …