Course: SPED 501MM. Special Education Assessment of Diverse Learners with Mild/Moderate Disabilities (3)

Prerequisites: SPED 400SPED 406, and either SPED 403MME or SPED 506MMA or admission to the Educational Therapy Programs with pre/corequisites SPED 400 and SPED 406. Prerequisites for the Dual Single Subject/Education Specialist Program: EPC 420SED 521. Pre/corequisite for Dual Single Subject/Education Specialist Program: SPED 403MME. This course is designed to provide candidates with the foundation for understanding the assessment process and to prepare students to be professional educators and leaders in assessment. Candidates will focus on the educational assessment methods and procedures used in decision making and program planning for students with mild/moderate disabilities, including those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, with emphasis on administering, scoring and interpreting standardized educational tests. Evidence based practices in assessment will be used throughout the collection of data and the interpretation of that data.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes


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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes


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