SOC 150. Introductory Sociology (3)
Study of human society from the perspective of contemporary social science. Particular emphasis on analysis and understanding of modern society and its salient problems. (Available for General Education, Social Sciences.)
SOC 200. Social Crises of Today (3)
Helps the student understand the bases of some of the major social crises of the present day. Topics include alcoholism, delinquency and street crime, ethnic tensions, gambling, international tensions, organized crime, political corruption and terrorism. (Available for General Education, Social Sciences.)
SOC 202. Sociological Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 150. Discussion of the logic and procedures of scientific analysis of social phenomena. Practice in conceptualizing and operationalizing social variables, and in formulating testable hypotheses. Examination of the role of quantitative techniques and data reduction in current sociological analysis.
SOC 230. Introduction to Human Sexual Behavior (3)
Prerequisite: ANTH, PSY or SOC 150. Introductory overview of human sexual function and sexual behavior. Emphasis on the historical and religious backgrounds of the prevailing attitudes toward sex in our culture, as well as to current sexual practices from the perspective of contemporary social science. Additional topics include sexual values and ethics, love, legal aspects of sexual behavior and eroticism in American culture. (Cross-listed with ANTH and PSY 230.)
SOC 250. Introduction to Crime and Criminal Justice (3)
Introduction to the fields of criminology and criminal justice. Distinctions between criminology and criminal justice, how to measure crime, and basic theoretical explanations of criminal behavior.
SOC 303. The Family (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 150. Family as a social institution on the basis of the data of ethnology, history and contemporary studies. Special attention to contemporary culture patterns.
SOC 304. Sociology of Deviance (3)
Preparatory: SOC 250. Deviant behavior in contemporary American society. Various definitions of deviance and social responses to the phenomenon. Theories of structural conditions and personal motivations contributing to different life styles. Analysis of deviant subcultures and individual case studies.
SOC 305. Culture and Personality (3)
Prerequisite: Completion of the Lower Division writing requirement. Preparatory: ANTH, PSY or SOC 150. Cross-cultural study of the development of individual personality in the socio-cultural milieu. Special attention is given to child-rearing practices, social personality, social character, mental health and illness, and deviant behavior in several Western and non-Western societies. Not to be taken for credit in addition to ANTH 305. (Available for General Education, Social Sciences.)
SOC 306. Jewish Communal and Family Structure (3)
Prerequisite: Completion of Lower Division writing requirement. Preparatory: SOC 150. Study of Jewish communal and family structure in an international context as a function of religious requirements and social circumstances. (Available for General Education, Comparative Cultural Studies.)
SOC 307. Ethnic Diversity in America (3)
Prerequisite: Completion of Lower Division writing requirement. Preparatory: SOC 150. Description and analysis of contemporary, changing ethnic cultures and lifestyles in American society. Focused analysis of ethnic cultures/lifestyles by social class, family form, sex role and orientation, age-grouping and influences of social movements and popular culture. (Available for General Education, Comparative Cultural Studies.)
SOC 324. Sociology of Sex and Gender (3)
Prerequisite: Completion of Lower Division writing requirement. Preparatory: SOC 150. Analysis of contemporary and historical sex roles in major societal institutions, including economic, political, educational, legal and medical systems, and institutions of marriage and family. (Available for General Education, Social Sciences.)
SOC 325. Sex Roles and Work (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 150. Examination of current research on women in the labor force in U.S. and other industrial societies, including the impact of affirmative action programs, changes in structure and function of industrial labor forces, and projections of future roles of women and men in the labor force.
SOC 333. Chinese Society (3)
Prerequisite: Completion of Lower Division writing requirement. Preparatory: SOC 150. Study of Chinese social order, culture, institutions, values, beliefs and social personality as they occur in traditional and contemporary China. Special attention is given to those social and cultural transformations that have shaped modern Chinese society. (Available for General Education, Comparative Cultural Studies.)
SOC 335. Jewish Identity in the U.S. (3)
Prerequisite: Completion of Lower Division writing requirement. Preparatory: SOC 150. Social-psychological study of a religious and ethnic minority. Comparison with other sub-cultural groups in America. Social institutions and processes involved in Jewish identity. (Available for General Education, Comparative Cultural Studies.)
SOC 340. Sociology of Work (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 150. Analysis of the structural context of work in contemporary society, including preparation for access to different positions within the occupational structure. Study of work settings, including formal and informal characteristics, changes in the structure of work and case histories involving work experiences and occupational subcultures.
SOC 345. Social Psychology (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 150. Study of the group-setting of the individual, theories, concepts, principles and their application. History of the field as an interdisciplinary specialty. Current research and trends.
SOC 348. Juvenile Delinquency (3)
Preparatory: SOC 250. Extent and distribution of delinquency, with emphasis on the local area. Meaning, implications and treatment of delinquency. Individual-level and social environmental theoretical explanations
SOC 350. Population Dynamics (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 150. Analysis of the nature, causes and consequences of major world population trends as they are related to urban studies, medical sociology and ecology. Studies fertility, mortality and migration; sex ratios; race and ethnic composition; marital, educational and occupational status; and census and vital statistics.
SOC 355. Criminology (3)
Preparatory: SOC 250. Nature of crime, causal factors of criminal behavior and group control of the crime problem.
SOC 356. Social Welfare Institutions (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 150. Exploration of social welfare institutions as one of the basic institutions in contemporary society. Examines varied political and social ideologies that contribute to the development of social welfare institutions, programs, and policies.
SOC 357. Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 150. Introduction to social work and social justice practice from an anti-oppressive perspective. Application of critical social work theories and anti-oppressive approaches in social work/social justice from micro through macro practice with emphasis placed on intersecting issues of privilege and oppression. Requires 40 volunteer field hours in approved community organization.
SOC 364/L. Social Statistics and Lab (3/1)
Prerequisite: MATH 140. Corequisite SOC 364L. Preparatory: SOC 150. Methods of organizing and analyzing quantitative sociological data. Satisfies the statistics requirement for the major.
Lab: Problem solving, exercises, projects and data analysis. Use of Sociology lab or computer.
SOC 368/S. Sociological Theory I and Research Seminar in Sociological Theory I (3/2)
Prerequisite: SOC 150. Corequisite: SOC 368S. Study of early sociological theories. Emphasis on whole theoretical systems. Includes Comte, Spencer, Marx, Durkhelm, Pareto, Weber and Simmel, as well as other sociologists who did their major work before 1917. Seminar: Discussions and analysis of early sociological theories and theorists from Comte through Weber, including supervised individual or group projects and reports.
SOC 390. Race Relations (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 150. Study of diverse racial and ethnic groups, including Latino, Chicano, Asian, Black and American Indian, with a focus on the contemporary American scene. Status distinctions, migration and settlement patterns, segregation, integration, assimilation, prejudice, discrimination, economic and political factors, social movements, and interaction patterns both within and between these groups and their effects upon American life are studied.
SOC 396A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Sociology (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 150. Selected topics in sociology, with course content to be determined.
SOC 400. Organizational Theory (3)
Study of contemporary sociological theories of organizational dynamics and behavior. Analysis of the social structural and interactional dynamics of organizational settings. Includes supervised individual or group projects and reports. Available for graduate credit.
SOC 401. Class, Status and Power (3)
Analysis of the distribution of wealth, prestige and power. Study of the causes of poverty, life chances of the poor, lifestyles of the wealthy, upward and downward mobility, and class and group conflict in society.
SOC 408. Criminological Theory (3)
Prerequisites: SOC 250 and SOC 368 or permission of instructor. This course provides advanced education in criminological theory including its sociological roots, development, and application to contemporary crime problems. Historical theoretical traditions as well as new directions will be included.
SOC 410. Urban Sociology (3)
Worldwide processes of urbanization, both historical and contemporary. Theoretical approaches and research and their implications for urban policy and change. Focuses on social structure, social differentiation and lifestyles found within a metropolitan area and in diverse metropolitan areas and their implications.
SOC 411. Sociology of Education (3)
Sociological analysis of education as an institution of socialization, including relevant theories, its structure, the challenges of diversity, the complexities of the urban/suburban school setting and current professional issues. Focuses on how issues of diversity impact the institution at the macro level, as well as the experiences of administrators, teachers, students, families and communities.
SOC 415. Gender and Criminal Justice (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 250 or permission of instructor. Preparatory: SOC 324, SOC 418, or any other 3 unit course in criminology. This course addresses gender as it impacts the criminal justice system. Areas covered in this class are gender and police, courts, and corrections. Specific focus will be given to application of gender insights into each component of the criminal justice system. Available for graduate credit.
SOC 418. Gender and Crime (3)
Preparatory: SOC 250. Focuses on the influence of gender structures and gender interactions on criminal perpetration, victimization, and societal responses to crime. Includes a focus on women as victims and perpetrators of crime as well as discussion of how gender impacts men’s experiences with offending and victimization. Critically examines societal stereotypes about gender and the impact on societal approaches to crime. Available for graduate credit.
SOC 420CSL. Mentoring to Overcome Struggles and Inspire Courage (MOSAIC) (3)
The course will include the sociological examination of the issues facing at-risk youth in their personal relationships and in their school and community environments. In doing so, students explore how sociological concepts and theories apply in “real-world” situations. Furthermore, student mentors are paired with youth in the community who have been identified as at risk of academic failure and/or delinquent behavior. The mentoring relationship will be examined in the classroom and implemented in the field.
SOC 426. Social Legislation and Social Policy (4)
Prerequisite: Completion of the Lower Division writing requirement. Study of the historical, social, and political aspects related to the development of social policies. Learn how to apply a practitioner policy analysis perspective to pertinent social welfare policies, including TANF, managed mental health care, Social Security, substance abuse policies, and child welfare policies. Regular written assignments required.
SOC 428. Domestic Violence (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 250 or permission of instructor. Recommended Preparatory Courses: SOC 324, SOC 418, or upper division criminology course. This course addresses domestic violence from a sociological and social psychological perspective. An overview of the problem of domestic violence and coverage of theories, processes, effects, and interventions with victims and offenders is covered, including domestic violence in the criminal justice system. Available for graduate credit.
SOC 434. The Sociology of Law (3)
Preparatory: SOC 250. Introduction to the sociological study of law and the legal system, with emphasis on social analysis of criminal law and the courts. Specifically, the course addresses social perspectives on the origins of law and law-making, the application and enforcement of law, and the administration of justice through the legal process. Critical thinking and writing skills are emphasized in the course through the use of legal case study, essay examinations and a final research paper dedicated to the application of legal sociology to current crime issues.
SOC 438. Diversity and Crime (3)
Preparatory: SOC 250. Introduction to a variety of conceptions and explanations of diversity issues in crime. Begins with an analytic overview of philosophical, ideological, economic, political and sociological principles underlying human diversity. Each dimension of human diversity is then examined as it relates to crime and criminal justice, with emphasis on historical development, social manifestations and practical impacts on specific representative populations. The last part of the course deals with social-policy reactions to diversity issues in crime and criminal justice.
SOC 440. Sociology of Aging (3)
Analysis of aging in its social and social-psychological aspects throughout the lifespan. Emphasis on particular social problems of the elderly, including retirement, widowhood, suicide, housing, income maintenance, attitudes toward death and dying and more.
SOC 450. Medical Sociology (3)
Survey of sociological theory and research techniques related to mortality, illness and medical treatment. Emphasis on the epidemiological aspects of these phenomena in various groups, hospitals, community health settings and more.
SOC 451. Sociological Aspects of Human Sexuality (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 230. Emphasizes the sociological influences shaping human sexual behavior, with an emphasis on learning social scripts.
SOC 452. Sociology of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Communities (3)
Prerequisites: Junior standing. Analysis of cross-cultural and historical treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities. Survey of sociological research on these communities, including an examination of theory and practice. Analysis of homophobia and other attitudes toward these communities.
SOC 454. Policing Society (3)
Preparatory: SOC 250. Exposure to research and literature related to the study of policing. Explores the history of policing; selection, training and socialization of the police; police culture; female and minority officers; community policing; police deviance and ethics; police discretion; private policing; and hazards of policing. Looks at “classic” studies in addition to the most up-to-date research on policing. Approaches the study of policing from a sociological viewpoint, using sociological theory to address topics of policing.
SOC 456. Proseminar in Sexual Disorders (3)
Prerequisites: HSCI 441, PSY 453 or SOC 451, or graduate standing; Instructor consent. Intensive study of sexual dysfunction, including etiology, models of treatment, effects of aging and drug use on sexual attitudes and behavior, disorders of sexual desire and ethical issues in sex therapy. Specifically designed for students planning careers in clinical or community psychology or counseling. (Cross-listed with PSY 456.)
SOC 459. Child Welfare (3)
Trends in the movement toward establishing the rights of the child to protection and care. Emphasis on the child and the law, compulsory education, school social work, child labor legislation, institutional and foster care for the healthy and the sick child, and adoption legislation.
SOC 467. Sociology of Religion (3)
Sociological theories of religious behavior from Max Weber to the present. Comparative study of the relationships between the role, ritual and belief systems of religious institutions and their social contexts.
SOC 468/S. Sociological Theory II and Research Seminar in Sociological Theory II (3/2)
Corequisite: 468S. Discussion of sociological theories since 1917. Discussion and analysis of contemporary theories and theorists, including supervised individual or group projects and reports.
SOC 470. Methods of Social Work (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 345, 356, 357. Required for Sociology Option III Majors. Theories and concepts in social-work practice. In-depth analysis of methods of intervention with individuals, families, groups and communities. Emphasis on the integration of theories with practice.
SOC 473. Research Seminar in General Sociology (3)
Prerequisites: SOC 364, SOC 497 and either SOC 368 or 468. The goal of this course is to provide students with a forum to investigate research questions of their own interest within Sociology. The class will focus on defining research problems, theory testing, causal inference, and designing research instruments (if appropriate). Students will then conduct their own research, test hypotheses, and compose research presentations to convey their ideas and results.
SOC 474. Corrections (3)
Preparatory: SOC 250. Offers sociological criminological examination of the field of corrections, both substantively and critically. Includes patterns and trends in incarceration rates; police and judicial processes resulting in incarceration; climate and culture of correctional facilities; and gender and diversity in corrections and community-based corrections, including probation, parole, halfway houses and community-based treatment programs. Critical examination of current issues in corrections also is covered.
SOC 475AS/AF. Supervised Field Seminar and Field Placement I (2/1)
Prerequisites: SOC 345, 356, 357, and GPA of 2.5 in upper division major courses and permission of instructor; Corequisites: SOC 475AS and SOC 475AF are taken concurrently. Required of all Sociology Option III (Social Welfare and Social Justice) majors. Pre-enrollment by specific date during the preceding semester is required. This course provides an opportunity for students to apply social work theories to practice, to advocate for social justice, and to gain experience in an agency setting. The student is provided the opportunity to develop anti-oppressive practice skills needed for working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities in a selected social service agency with field and faculty supervision. Student-interns will complete 120 hours field placement. (Credit/No Credit only)
SOC 475BS/BF. Supervised Field Seminar and Field Placement II (2/1)
Prerequisites: SOC 345, 356, 357, SOC 475AF, SOC 475AS and GPA of 2.5 in upper division major courses and permission of instructor; Corequisites: SOC 475BF and SOC 475BS are taken concurrently. Required of all Sociology Option III (Social Welfare and Social Justice) majors. Pre-enrollment by specific date during the preceding semester is required. This course provides an opportunity for students to apply social work theories to practice, to advocate for social justice, and to gain experience in an agency setting. The student is provided the opportunity to develop anti-oppressive practice skills needed for working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities in a selected social service agency with field and faculty supervision. Student-interns will complete 120 hours field placement. (Credit/No Credit only)
SOC 481. Counseling, Interviewing and Intervention (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 345. Experiential training and practice in the skills, methods and techniques of counseling, and the helping interview and intervention in work, group, organizational and community settings by means of in-class role playing, simulation and case studies.
SOC 482SOC. Practicum in Work and Society (3)
Supervised field experience in counseling and guidance activities, paraprofessional work settings. Community field placements consistent with student career needs. Class size limited to 15 students. An Academic Internship course. (Letter Grade only)
SOC 484. Progressive Community Organizing (3)
Prerequisites: SOC 356, SOC 357, or instructor consent. The course examines the history of community organizing in the United States; explores the different theories and approaches to effective grassroots organizing; and emphasizes the organizing skills necessary to empower people so they can improve their communities. The course intends to translate social work values into community level practice, with a focus on self-determination and empowerment in community organizing and advocacy through the study of barriers to organizing, including the power imbalances in society. There will be special attention given to organizing and advocacy with economically disadvantaged and historically disempowered communities. Available for graduate credit.
SOC 485A. Selected Topics in Criminology (3)
Preparatory: SOC 250. Special seminars in selected topics in criminology offered based on student interest and faculty expertise. Topics involve in-depth study of such specialty criminology areas as gangs, serial murder, victimology or domestic violence.
SOC 485B. Selected Topics in Criminal Justice (3)
Preparatory: SOC 250. Special seminars in selected topics in criminology offered based on student interest and faculty expertise. Topics involve in-depth study of such specialty areas of criminal justice as minorities in the criminal justice system, community policing or probation and parole. Available for graduate credit.
SOC 486SOC. Social Science Career Internship (3)
Prerequisites: Upper Division standing in a social or behavioral science major; Appropriate methods course as specified by the department; Instructor consent. Social and behavioral science principles will be applied to the workplace. Students complete learning contracts and submit written reports related to their internships. At least 9 hours per week of supervised field work is required. See section on Academic Internships. (Cross-listed with AFRS, GEOG, POLS and PSY 486SOC.)
SOC 489. Research Seminar in Crime and Criminal Justice (3)
Prerequisites: SOC 250 and SOC 497/L. This course will provide students applied research experience either in a criminal justice-related agency or with crime data. The course will focus on the practice of research in the field of criminology, the development and writing of empirical research papers, and content related to the specific agency or data project to which students are assigned. Content will vary between course offerings.
SOC 492. Human Behavior in the Social Environment (3)
Prerequisites: SOC 345, 356, 357. This course presents students with a range of theories that seek to understand human behavior across the lifespan. It integrates biological, psychological, structural, environmental, political, global, and socio-cultural perspectives. This course also explores the relationship between the person and the environment including families, groups, organizations, communities, and institutions.
SOC 493. Diversity and Social Justice (3)
Prerequisites: SOC 356 and SOC 357, or instructor consent. This course explores diversity, privilege and oppression on individual, social/cultural and institutional levels, based on the intersections of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, (dis)ability status, and social class. Students will examine their own identities, social group memberships and social roles along lines of power, privilege, marginalization, and representation. An anti-oppression theoretical framework will provide knowledge of how to build alliances and develop effective strategies for addressing social injustice.
SOC 496A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Sociology (1-4)
Special Seminar in selected topics in sociology, with course content to be determined.
SOC 497/L. Methods of Social Research and Lab (4)
Prerequisite: SOC 364. Corequisite: SOC 497L. Preparatory: SOC 202. Application of the scientific method to social phenomena and analysis of the techniques. Methods of collecting, classifying, interpreting and presenting social data. Lab: Problems and exercises with research design and data analysis.
SOC 498AEE. The Sociological Experience (2)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. This course enhances what is taught in the Sociology Major by extending student learning beyond the classroom. It provides students with opportunities to use newly acquired academic skills and knowledge in real-life situations in their own communities. Students will participate in research, internship or service-learning projects under the direction of the instructor. The experience culminates in a written report that demonstrates the student’s ability to apply sociological perspectives and research techniques. (Credit/No Credit only)
SOC 498BEE/CEE. Supervised Field Study (2,3)
Supervised field observation and study. Written report. Academic Internship course. (Credit/No Credit only)
SOC 499A-C. Independent Study (1-3)
No course description.
SOC 524. Dynamics of Sex and Gender in Society (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 324 or approved alternatives. Macro-sociocultural analysis of social trends and influences on the characteristics and dynamics of sex/gender roles in the context of major societal institutions. Micro-sociocultural analysis of sex/gender roles in patterns of interaction.
SOC 545. Seminar in Social Psychology (3)
Advanced investigation of the dynamics of social interaction. Interdisciplinary research.
SOC 550. Seminar in Demography (3)
Prerequisites: Completion of core requirements in undergraduate program or equivalent; A course in population. Advanced studies of population growth; advanced methods of population analysis; and relation of population to national resources and public policy.
SOC 555. Seminar in Criminology (3)
Advanced study in crime, including analyzing criminological data, examining classic and contemporary criminological theory, contemporary aspects of crime and the lawbreaker and methods of crime control.
SOC 572. Social Policy Research and Evaluation (3)
Study and evaluation of various areas of social policy, including welfare, criminal justice, health services and planning urban administration.
SOC 579. Seminar in the Family (3)
Advanced study of the dynamics of the family as a social institution, with emphasis on recent research regarding processes of family change, family disorganization and reorganization.
SOC 585A-Z. Selected Topics in Sociology (3)
Prerequisites: Completion of core requirements in undergraduate program or equivalent; 12 units of 400- or 500-level courses in Sociology. Special seminars in selected topics in sociology.
SOC 601. Sociological Theory in Historical Perspective (3)
Development of systematic sociological theory in its historical dimensions and in its continuity from preceding social thought and social philosophy. Critical analysis of major types of social theory.
SOC 622. Seminar in Complex Organizations (3)
Study of theoretical and empirical materials on complex organizations. Consideration may include examples from industry, commerce, public service, government, the military, religion and recreational and benevolent associations.
SOC 640. Seminar in Applied Sociology (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 364/L or equivalent. Corequisite: SOC 698. Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: SOC 570, 591G. Study of the use of sociological theory and methodology in applied research design. Graduate Projects are conducted in areas described in the M.A. Degree option in Applied Sociology.
SOC 670. Studies in Contemporary Sociology (3)
Survey of the methods and research of contemporary sociologists, with particular attention to the points of convergence and divergence.
SOC 680. Sociology. Advanced Quantitative Methods (3)
Prerequisite: SOC 364. Selected topics from new and developing fields of quantitative sociological analysis.
SOC 690. Social Research (3)
Advanced study of social research techniques, with supervised application of research methods in a lab or field study situation.
SOC 691A-G. Advanced Social Research Techniques (3)
Development of graduate research projects providing training in specific research techniques.
Course | Title |
SOC 691A | Observational Techniques |
SOC 691B | Survey Techniques |
SOC 691C | Historical and Comparative Techniques |
SOC 691D | Documentary Techniques |
SOC 691E | Lab and Small Group Techniques |
SOC 691F | Macro-Quantitative Techniques |
SOC 691G | Applied Research Techniques |
SOC 695C. Graduate Proseminar in Sociology (2)
Prerequisites: Admission to M.A. program in sociology. An introductory course designed for beginning graduate students. Fundamentals of the program, skills and knowledge needed for graduate level work, advanced library research skills, academic writing, professional socialization, and career and educational options with the Master’s in sociology are addressed.
SOC 696A-B. Directed Graduate Research (3-3)
No course description.
SOC 697. Directed Comprehensive Studies (3)
Limited to students preparing to take the Comprehensive Examination for the M.A. degree in Sociology. (Credit/No Credit only)
SOC 698A-F. Thesis or Graduate Project (1-6)
No course description.
SOC 699A-F. Independent Study (1-6)
No course description.