This is an archive of the 2018-2019 University Catalog.
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Policies and Procedures by Keyword: Schedule

Degree Progress Report/Planner

The Degree Progress Report/Planner is a degree planning tool with two components. The Degree Progress Report (DPR) component provides a full picture of the student’s progress toward the completion of all degree requirements. Undergraduate, master’s degree and doctoral students have access to the DPR and can generate, view and print their DPR online at any …

Recommended Breaks in Classes

Continuous lecture classes that last two or more hours should incorporate a break at a predetermined time based on any number of criteria, such as content of the lecture, length of the class and physical demand placed upon support service personnel for students who are Deaf and students with disabilities. Laboratory classes or classes in …

Registration Unit Limits (Academic Load Regulations)

The University may impose limits on the number of units for which a student can register during each registration period. To learn about these Academic Load Regulations, see Undergraduate Studies–Enrollment Limits. Students wishing to exceed the maximum unit load after the Registration-by-Appointment period must complete and file an Extra Unit Authorization (.pdf) form with Admissions and …

Schedule Adjustments (Undergraduate)

Students are permitted to change their initial enrollment by following the University’s Adjustment of Schedule procedure. Ordinarily, during the first three weeks of a semester a student may add, drop or change the basis of grading online through myNorthridge Portal and the self-service registration system, using permission numbers, or later by filing a Late Change …

Simultaneous Enrollment in Classes (Time Conflict)

Students may not enroll simultaneously in two or more classes meeting during the same time period. Exceptions to this policy will be permitted only if one of the classes does not meet on a regular basis, such as an independent study or internship that permits independent lab work. Students who meet the acceptable criteria must submit …