Schedule Adjustments (Undergraduate)
…add, drop or change the basis of grading online through the CSUN Portal using the self-service registration system, or later by filing a Late Change in Academic Schedule for Undergraduate…
Department: Computer Science
Our mission is to prepare students for rewarding careers and higher education. Graduates will be able to solve complex technical problems and address the needs of modern society, and they will pursue lifelong learning.
Electrical Engineering, M.S.
…with a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering will meet the following educational objectives: Understand advanced electrical- and computer-engineering principles, including in-depth training in one of the fundamental areas of…
Program: Humanities, Graduate Level
Program Faculty All faculty teaching in the program are full-time faculty members at California State University, Northridge. Xochitl Alvizo (Religious Studies) Aimee Carrillo Rowe (Communication Studies) Ranita Chatterjee (English) James Craine (Geography) Ron Davidson (Geography) Sid Hansen (Philosophy) Tomo Hattori (Asian American Studies) Krystal Howard (Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Studies) Claire Kravette (Religious Studies) Joel …
Preliminary Education Specialist CredentialMild/Moderate and Extensive Support Needs
…candidates will complete course and fieldwork that will prepare them to work with learners across federal disability categories and support needs. Upon completion of the program, candidates will earn two…
The California State University
…The CSU’s online concurrent enrollment program gives students the ability to enroll in courses offered by other universities in the CSU system. Through CSU community engagement centers, 33,765 students participated…
Applying for a Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma
…Undergraduate Students The student initiates the graduation process by completing the online Graduation Application* in the CSUN Portal (login required) and the SOLAR Student Center. The link will display when…
University History
…faculty. The first commencement ceremony was held in 1959, graduating 90 students. The 1950s introduced some of the first campus staples. In February 1957, the student newspaper was established, but…
Educational Technology, M.A.
…and support education at universities and schools all over the world, while others have continued on for their doctorate. Courses immerse students in current theory and best practice in technology…
Secondary Curriculum and Instruction, M.A.
…usually required for part-time teaching at the community college or university level. The program is designed to follow immediately CSUN’s Preliminary Single-Subject Credential Program, but it can also be taken…