Course: SED 554/S. Supervised Field Experience and Field Experience Seminar for the Single Subject Credential (3/2)

Prerequisites: Admission to the Single Subject Credential Program; Clearance by the Credential Office. Corequisite: SED 554 and 554S must be taken concurrently.

Pre/Corequisites for Traditional, FYI, JYI, ACT, and SSUIP Programs: EPC 420, SED 511, and one of the following: SED 525, SED 525A, SED 525EN, SED 525HE, SED 525HS, SED 525MA/L, SED 525MU, SED 525PE, SED 525S/L, SED 525SS or SED 525WL.

Additional Corequisites for ACT Program only: ELPS 541A, SPED 541B. Pre/co requisites for Dual Preliminary Single Subject/Education Specialist Program: EPC 420, SPED 403MME, SED 521, SPED 511, SPED 420, and one of the following: SED 525A, SED 525EN, SED 525MA/L, SED 525MU, SED 525S/L, SED 525SS, SED 525WL.

Designed as the introductory field experience for candidates pursuing the Single Subject Teaching Credential in the Traditional, Accelerated Collaborative Teacher (ACT), Four-Year Integrated (FYI-English or FYI-Math) or Junior-Year Entry Integrated (JYI-English or JYI-Math) Programs. The candidate is assigned to a middle school or high school site for one class period (or the time equivalent) plus conference time daily for a school’s semester or track to complete specific activities (e.g., structured observations, tutoring small groups, assuming responsibility for planning, teaching and pupil assessment) under the direction and guidance of a qualified on-site cooperating teacher. A designated member of the university faculty supervises the candidate’s assignment. During the supervised field experience sequence of SED 554 and SED 555, each teacher candidate participates in two or more subject-specific teaching assignments at the middle-school and high-school levels, and has experiences teaching English language learners and in diverse settings.

The SED 554/S field experience also supports interns (employed secondary-level teachers who have not yet earned the Preliminary Single Subject Credential) in the Single Subject University Intern Program (SSUIP), a program that leads to the Preliminary Single Subject Credential. SED 554/S is normally taken in the second-to-last semester of the SSUIP. The intern is supervised on-site by the university supervisor and supported by a school-based support provider.

All students in SED 554/S also meet weekly in a required seminar led by a university faculty member that addresses student teaching issues and the preliminary Teacher Performance Assessment. (Credit/No Credit only).

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

SED 554

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Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

SED 554S

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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

SED 554

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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

SED 554S

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