Course: SPED 580MS. Student Teaching and Seminar in Moderate/Severe Disabilities (6)

Prerequisites: SPED 400SPED 402SPED 403MMESPED 406SPED 416SPED 420, SPED 504MS, SPED 505MS. This course is the final special education fieldwork experience for students in the Moderate/Severe Education Specialist Preliminary Credential Program. Candidates complete this experience on-the-job or with a supervising teacher who serves diverse learners with moderate/severe disabilities. Student teaching consists of one complete semester, full-day assignment during which time the candidates gradually assume full responsibility for the complete instructional program if they are not on the job. The candidates are provided supervision and guidance by the supervising teacher or on-site support provider and a University supervisor. The seminar portion of the course meets one to two times per month with the University supervisor.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes


Class NumberLocationDayTime