Program: Business Administration, B.S.
Management Option
Program Description
The field of management encompasses all of the processes, skills and techniques necessary to accomplish organizational goals with and through other people. These include such primary functions as planning, organizing, leading, staffing and controlling. Managers are responsible for carrying out these functions effectively and efficiently while balancing the needs of all their constituencies, including customers, employees, owners and other organizational stakeholders. For these reasons, the role and responsibilities of managers are often complex and challenging, requiring a broad understanding of the organization’s internal and external environment.
All organizations, whether private or public, manufacturing or service, for-profit or social sector, are increasingly in need of effective managers and leaders at all levels. With the rise of professionalism and the decline of traditional hierarchical structures, the responsibilities for management and leadership are increasingly being shared by all organizational members. This need will only increase with the advances in technology that are progressively eliminating routine work and requiring each individual to add value to the organization of which they are a part and to society as a whole.
Program Requirements
Business Majors
A Business major is any student majoring in Accountancy; Information Systems; or Business Administration with an option in either Business Analytics, Business Law, Financial Analysis, Financial Planning, Global Supply Chain Management, Management, Marketing, Real Estate, Risk Management and Insurance, or Systems and Operations Management. The following are impacted majors with additional admission requirements: the B.S. in Accountancy and the B.S. in Business Administration with options in Financial Analysis, Financial Planning, and Risk Management and Insurance. All Business majors share 27 units of common lower division core courses and 19 units of common upper division core courses.
Double Major Requirements
Students seeking a double major in the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics must be in good standing (2.0 overall and 2.0 CSUN GPA) and be able to complete both majors within a maximum of 140 units.
Transfer Course Requirements
Students should be aware that no grade lower than a “C” will be accepted on transfer from another institution to satisfy department or David Nazarian College of Business and Economics requirements.
Residency Requirement
At least 50 percent of the business and economics course credit units and 50 percent of the specialized major credit units required for the Bachelor of Science degrees in Accountancy, Business Administration, or Information Systems and the Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics must be completed in residence at CSUN.
Prerequisites must be completed prior to enrolling in each course; please check course descriptions for prerequisite courses. It is especially important to understand and manage the following key sequence of interdependent courses:
- Students must complete all lower division required business courses before taking BUS 312 and BUS 302L.
- Students must pass BUS 312 and BUS 302L or be enrolled in BUS 312 and BUS 302L to take MGT 360.
- Students must pass BUS 312 and BUS 302L (including all the lab tests) and MGT 360 with a grade of “C” or higher to take 400-level management courses.
- In addition to the above requirements, students also must pass FIN 303 and MKT 304 to take BUS 497.
It is vital that students plan ahead to satisfy these requirements in a timely sequence.
1. Common Lower Division Business Core (27-28 units)
ACCT 220 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3)
ACCT 230 Introduction to Managerial Accounting (3)
BLAW 280 Business Law I (3)
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
ECON 161 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ENGL 205 Business Communication in Its Rhetorical Contexts (3)
IS 212 Information Systems for Business Users (3)
MATH 103 Mathematical Methods for Business (3)*
SOM 120 Basic Business Statistics (3)**
*MATH 103 or a higher-level mathematics course (e.g., Calculus: MATH 150A or MATH 255A) must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.
**The 4-unit MATH 140BUS course also satisfies this requirement.
2. Common Upper Division Business Core (19 units)
BUS 302L The Gateway Experience Laboratory (1)
BUS 312 Data Literacy for Business (3)
BUS 497A or BUS 497B Capstone (3)
FIN 303 Financial Management (3)
MGT 360 Management and Organizational Behavior (3)
MKT 304 Principles of Marketing (3)
SOM 306 Operations Management (3)
3. Upper Division Required Courses for the Major in Business Administration with an Option in Management (24 units)
Common Required Courses for the Option in Management (12 units)
BLAW 308 Business Law II (3)
MGT 370 Management Skills Development (3)
MGT 380 Introduction to Human Resource Management (3)
Communication Course (3 units)
Select one of the following:
COMS 323 Group Communication (3)
COMS 443 Rhetoric of Business (3)
ENGL 305 Intermediate Expository Writing (3)
ENGL 306 Report Writing (3)
ENGL 407 Composition and the Professions (3)
PHIL 305 Business Ethics and Public Policy (3)
Note: In addition to the courses shown above, students must complete an additional 12 units of required courses.
Required Courses for the Option in Management (12 units)
ECON 308 Economics for Managers (3)
MGT 498C Internship—Management (3)
Select 6 units of Management electives from the following:
MGT 340 Management of Emerging Technologies (3)
MGT 450 Organization Change and Development (3)
MGT 454 Leadership, Power and Politics (3)
MGT 456 Negotiation and Conflict Management (3)
MGT 458 Decision Making and Creativity (3)
MGT 462 Business and Society (3)
MGT 464 International Business Management (3)
MGT 466 Strategic Leadership of Sustainability: Organizational Challenges and Opportunities (3)
MGT 468 Crisis Management (3)
MGT 491 Executive Leadership (3)***
MGT 496 Experimental Topics Course—Management (3)
MGT 499 Independent Study (3)
***MGT 491 can substitute for the Internship Requirement.
4. General Education (48 units)
Undergraduate students must complete 48 units of General Education as described in this Catalog, including 3 units of coursework meeting the Ethnic Studies (ES) graduation requirement.
15 units are satisfied by the following courses in the major: MATH 103 satisfies Basic Skills B4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning; FIN 303 satisfies B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning; ECON 160 and ECON 308 satisfy D1 Social Sciences; and IS 212 satisfies E Lifelong Learning and fulfills the information competence requirement.
The Department of Management strongly recommends the following General Education courses for its options. Elements of these general education courses are integrated into the management curriculum:
ENGL 300 Contemporary Literature (3) (C2 Humanities, Upper Division)
or RS 361 Contemporary Ethical Issues (3) (C2 Humanities, Upper Division)
PHIL 200 Critical Reasoning (3) (A3 Critical Thinking)
Total Units in the Major: 70-71
General Education Units: 33
Additional Units: 16-17
Total Units Required for the B.S. Degree: 120
Department of Management
Department Chair: Philip Gorman
Bookstein Hall (BB) 3119
(818) 677-2457
Program Learning Outcomes
Students receiving a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration will be able to:
- Write professional business reports, deliver strong oral presentations, and create effective visual materials.
- Analyze problems and devise appropriate solutions using qualitative and quantitative techniques.
- Identify ethical dilemmas, analyze them from multiple perspectives, develop solutions, and support their decisions.
- Recognize and evaluate the role of diversity, inclusion, and multiculturalism in the global business environment.
- Demonstrate proficiency in the functional areas of business as well as the ability to synthesize and apply this knowledge across disciplines.
ADT/STAR Act Degree Road Maps
Students who have graduated with a verified Associate Degree for Transfer and have been admitted to a CSUN program that has been deemed similar will be able to complete the baccalaureate degree within 60 semester units. For additional information, see ADT/STAR Act Degree Road Maps.
Business Administration/Management Option - AS-T in Business Administration 2.0 (2024-Present)