Students are required to take Information Competence (IC) designated courses. Students will progressively acquire information competence skills by developing an understanding of information retrieval tools and practices as well as improving their ability to evaluate and synthesize information ethically.
Students must take two IC designated courses, one course in the Basic Skills section and one course in the Subject Explorations section.
A2 - Written Communication (19)
AAS 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
AAS 114B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
AAS 115. Approaches to University Writing (3)
AFRS 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
AFRS 114B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
AFRS 115. Approaches to University Writing (3)
CAS 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
CAS 114B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
CAS 115. Approaches to University Writing (3)
CHS 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
CHS 114B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
CHS 115. Approaches to University Writing (3)
ENGL 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
ENGL 114B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
ENGL 115. Approaches to University Writing (3)
LING 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
QS 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
B5 - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (15)
ASTR 352. Current Developments in Astronomy (3)
BIOL 327. Ecology and People (3)
BIOL 362. Genetics and Society (3)
BIOL 366. Biology of Disease (3)
BIOL 375. Emerging Issues in Regenerative Medicine (3)
CM 336/L. Fundamentals of Green Buildings and Lab (2/1)
FCS 323. Family and Individual Money Management (3)
FCS 324. Consumer Rights, Issues, and Problems (3)
GEOL 344. California Geology (3)
MSE 303. Innovation, Invention and Technology (3)
C2 - Humanities (9)
DH 320. Perspectives on Digital Humanities (3)
FLIT 381. Aspects of the Italian-American Experience in Cinema, Literature, Philosophy and Music (3)
JS 300. Ancient and Medieval Jewish Arts and Literature (3)
PHIL 165. Ethics for the 21st Century (3)
PHIL 280. Philosophy of Sport and Games (3)
PHIL 349. Contemporary Social and Political Issues (3)
D1 - Social Sciences (14)
AAS 350. Asian American Personality and Mental Health (3)
CADV 150. Foundations of Child and Adolescent Development (3)
CADV 320. Parenting for Social Justice (3)
CHS 261. Race, Racism and the Sciences (3)
COMS 323. Group Communication (3)
FCS 340. Marriage and Family Relations (3)
GWS 300. Women as Agents of Change (3)
HIST 342. The World Since 1945 (3)
MKT 350. Consumer Information in the Digital Age (3)
E - Lifelong Learning (32)
BIOL 327. Ecology and People (3)
BIOL 375. Emerging Issues in Regenerative Medicine (3)
CADV 310. Developmental Impacts of Abuse and Neglect (3)
CD 361. Language Development in Children (3)
CM 336/L. Fundamentals of Green Buildings and Lab (2/1)
COMP 100. Computers: Their Impact and Use (3)
COMP 300. Computer Fluency (3)
COMS 323. Group Communication (3)
COMS 360. Communication, Gender, and Culture (3)
CTVA 100. Introduction to Mass Communication Arts (3)
ENGL 313. Studies in Popular Culture (3)
FCS 120. Adulting: Managing Your Resources (3)
FCS 207. Nutrition for Life (3)
FCS 323. Family and Individual Money Management (3)
FCS 324. Consumer Rights, Issues, and Problems (3)
FCS 330. Child Growth and Development I (3)
FCS 340. Marriage and Family Relations (3)
FLIT 234. Virtual Study Abroad (3)
GEOG 206/L. Introduction to Geographical Information Science and Lab (2/1)
HIST 366. Popular Culture in Latin America (3)
IS 212. Information Systems for Business Users (3)
MSE 303. Innovation, Invention and Technology (3)
PHIL 165. Ethics for the 21st Century (3)
PHIL 280. Philosophy of Sport and Games (3)
QS 302. L.A. in Transit: Communities, Organizations and Politics (3)
RTM 251. Recreation and the Natural Environment (3)
RTM 310/L. Adventure Recreation and Human Relations and Lab (2/1)
F - Comparative Cultural Studies (24)
ART 315. World Perspectives in Art History (3)
CADV 320. Parenting for Social Justice (3)
COMS 356. Intercultural Communication (3)
COMS 360. Communication, Gender, and Culture (3)
DANC 384. Historical and Cultural Aspects of Dance (3)
ENGL 311. African American Literature (3)
ENGL 371. Issues in Jewish-American Writing (3)
GWS 300. Women as Agents of Change (3)
HIST 161. The History of Latin America from Pre-Columbian Times to Today (3)
HIST 192. History of Modern East Asia (3)
HIST 349A. American Women I (3)
HIST 349B. Women in American History Since 1848 (3)
JOUR 371. Gender and Media (3)
JOUR 372. Diversity and the Media (3)
JS 378. American Jewish Experience (3)
KIN 384. Historical and Cultural Aspects of Dance (3)
MSE 302. Women in Mathematics, Science and Engineering (3)
MUS 309. Traditional Music of the U.S. (3)
MUS 310. Understanding World Cultures Through Music (3)
RS 306. American Religious Diversity (3)
RS 378. American Jewish Experience (3)
RTM 310/L. Adventure Recreation and Human Relations and Lab (2/1)