Masters Program Programs

The Anthropology master’s program emphasizes broad training in four fields of anthropology (archaeology, biological anthropology and human evolution, cultural anthropology and applied anthropology), while offering students some flexibility in degree planning and requirements. The master’s in Anthropology is particularly well-suited for students who want to enter a Ph.D. program in anthropology but may not have the preparation necessary to enroll in such a program directly; teach in the community colleges; or establish a career in a field that utilizes anthropological methods, theory and/or data. All students in the program are required to take seminars in sociocultural anthropology, archaeology, physical anthropology and anthropological theory. In addition, students take elective courses to fit with their area of specialization. They complete their degrees either by passing a series of comprehensive exams or by writing a thesis. Those who want to teach anthropology at the community college level are encouraged, but not required, to choose the comprehensive exam alternative. Students who plan to enter a Ph.D. program in Anthropology are strongly encouraged to write the thesis. Students who plan other anthropology-related careers (e.g., museum work, public folklore, etc.) will decide between the examination and thesis alternatives in consultation with the graduate advisor.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) program is designed to provide advanced graduate-level training for students who have strong and well-defined interests in the scientific study of behavioral principles as applied to individuals and organizations. In this two-year program, students can obtain their M.S. degree in preparation for independent practice as Board Certified Behavior Analysts®. The program emphasizes the philosophy, theory, science and methodology that guide clinicians in the field of ABA. Students will learn how to conduct behavioral assessments and to design, implement and monitor outcome-based interventions, while adhering to Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB®) ethical and professional guidelines. The coursework incorporates practical training with a focus on a conceptual understanding of the science of ABA. The breadth and scientific rigor of this program provides students with the foundation necessary to pursue careers as scientist-practitioners and to become competitive candidates for doctoral training. This program is offered in a cohort model, with sequentially advancing coursework, in collaboration with The Tseng College of Extended Learning. (Note: Refer to the BACB® website for standards and requirements to become eligible to sit for the Board Certification Exam.)

Masters Program Programs

The mission of the CSUN Public Health program is to prepare professionals to:

  • Identify and assess needs and assets of diverse communities.
  • Plan, implement and evaluate programs.
  • Apply analytic and research methodologies to public health practice.
  • Serve as leaders and advocates in their community and profession.
  • Provide solutions for current and future public health challenges.
  • Collaborate across interdisciplinary and community sectors.

Applications to the MPH program in Applied Epidemiology are accepted for the Fall semester only. Applicants should visit the Master of Public Health website for detailed instructions and deadlines.

The following criteria are used for evaluating applicants holistically to the MPH program:

  1. Cumulative undergraduate GPA.
  2. Graduate Record Examination for applicants with an undergraduate GPA less than 3.0.
  3. Work experience.
  4. Three letters of recommendation.
  5. Statement of purpose.

The Master of Public Health in Applied Epidemiology program requires a minimum of 44 semester hours of coursework beyond the bachelor’s degree. A minimum grade of “B-” is required for each course; an overall program GPA of 3.0 is required for graduation.

Masters Program Programs

The 30-unit M.A. in Art option in Visual Arts emphasizes the experience and value of visual thinking and creative problem solving in art, as well as recognizing the concurrent importance of critical thinking, experimentation, innovation and perception. Graduate students must understand the history and traditions of art and their cultural, political and social relevance. They are encouraged to utilize and interact with the services, facilities and technologies offered throughout the University, as well as those provided by the Department of Art and Design. The program has areas of concentration in Ceramics, Drawing, Illustration, Painting, Photography/Video, Printmaking, and Sculpture.

Masters Program Programs

Notice: Admission to the Art Education option is suspended while the department reconsiders and revises the curriculum.

We teach our students to experience and value visual thinking and creative problem solving in art, as well as to recognize the concurrent importance of perception, experimentation, innovation and critical thinking. Our students must understand the history and traditions of art with their relevance to social and community concerns as well as the art of different cultures. They must utilize and interact with the services, facilities and technologies offered throughout the University as well as those provided by the Art department.

For questions about the program, prospective candidates should make an appointment with an advisor in the Art Department Advisement Center by calling (818) 677-2348.

Credential Information

An approved subject matter program leading to a Single Subject teaching credential in art (K-12) is available. For requirements, see the information in Art B.A. program.

Masters Program Programs

The 60-unit M.F.A. in Art option in Visual Arts emphasizes the experience and value of visual thinking and creative problem solving in art, as well as recognizing the concurrent importance of critical thinking, experimentation, innovation and perception. Graduate students must understand the history and traditions of art and their cultural, political and social relevance. They are encouraged to utilize and interact with the services, facilities and technologies offered throughout the University, as well as those provided by the Department of Art and Design. The program has areas of concentration in Ceramics, Drawing, Illustration, Painting, Photography/Video, Printmaking, and Sculpture.

Masters Program Programs

The online Master of Science in Assistive Technology Engineering (ATE) serves new entrants and midcareer professionals who want to focus or reorient their careers in the fields of biomedical engineering and assistive technology. The program provides graduates with the knowledge, technical skills and managerial abilities needed for success in specific areas of professional practice and for leadership in the field. Additionally, the program prepares graduates to become innovative and cross-discipline team leaders in the biomedical engineering and assistive technology fields.

The degree program is a joint effort among three colleges: the College of Engineering and Computer Science, the College of Health and Human Development, and The Tseng College of Extended Learning. The distinctive feature of this program is the collaborative effort of the design and delivery of the curriculum, drawing upon expertise from various colleges at CSUN and regional and national practitioner groups. The core curriculum covers the essentials of anatomy, biology and human factors. Beyond the core curriculum, engineering design and development, instrumentation and measurement, applied biomechanics and motor control, robotic applications and control interfaces, augmentative and alternative communication, software development and project management constitute topics for this unique program.

The program is offered in a cohort format with an integrated curriculum, ensuring that one course builds upon another and that assignments are designed within and across courses. The cohort approach has proven to be effective for working professionals in terms of ensuring high student retention and completion rates. The online instruction mode provides scheduling flexibility and learning optimization to the cohort students, which attracts prospective applicants to the program during recruitment launches.

Masters Program Programs

This program is offered 100% online.

Because the nation’s expanding population of older adults is accompanied by a growing burden of disability, the U.S. Department of Labor predicts long-term growth in all health services industries, including the areas of assistive, adaptive and access technologies.

With more than 4,000 such technologies designed so far to enable persons with disabilities to live more productive, independent and fulfilling lives, a new academic discipline has emerged to prepare human services professionals—including physical therapists, counselors and human resources experts—to provide a variety of services related to ensuring that their clients receive the optimum benefit from these technologies.

Internationally recognized for its expertise in disabilities services, CSUN created the Assistive Technology Studies and Human Services (ATHS) master’s degree program—the first of its kind in Southern California—to meet the growing need.

Offered in collaboration with the College of Health and Human Development and the College of Engineering and Computer Science, this 2-year, 10-course, fully online program is designed to prepare working professionals for rewarding careers in enhancing the lives of those who rely upon assistive technology devices.

Taught by distinguished CSUN faculty and accomplished assistive technology industry professionals, the ATHS program is offered in the cohort format, which facilitates interaction with faculty and fosters the development of networking relationships with fellow participants.

The Tseng College supports the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference.

The National Science Foundation ranks CSUN second nationally among comprehensive universities preparing students who later earn doctorate degrees in science and engineering (CSUN University Advancement).

Masters Program Programs

Athletic Trainers (ATs) are healthcare professionals who collaborate with physicians and other allied health professionals to optimize activity and participation of patients and clients across age and care continuums. The practice of Athletic Training encompasses prevention, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of emergency, acute and chronic medical conditions involving impairment, functional limitations and disabilities. ATs work under the direction of physicians, as prescribed by state licensure statutes.

The Master of Science in Athletic Training is a 6-semester, 64-unit, professional program dedicated to the development of high-quality healthcare professionals. The Athletic Training program features a comprehensive curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking and clinical decision-making skills through case-based learning. Students are required to complete a diversity of clinical experiences, which include high schools, community colleges, 4-year colleges, rehabilitation clinics and physician practice settings.

The 2-year program begins in the summer and requires full-time enrollment, including the summers. All students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher throughout the program. To be eligible for the national BOC examination, both the didactic and clinical components of the degree must be successfully completed.

Students who want to become certified Athletic Trainers must earn a degree from an accredited athletic training program. The Athletic Training program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE).

Masters Program Programs

The M.S. in Biochemistry allows specialization in the areas of biochemistry, molecular biology, structural biology or bioorganic chemistry. The degree is intended for students desiring research-oriented careers in the chemical, biochemical or biotech industry; postsecondary chemistry/biochemistry teaching; or entry into Ph.D. programs.

Masters Program Programs

The Department of Biology offers one graduate program leading to the Master of Science degree in Biology. Graduate students in the program specialize in areas of interest, such as cell biology, ecology, evolutionary biology, genetics, marine biology, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, and systematics and organismal biology. The program is research-oriented and requires the completion of a thesis along with required coursework. Students select from more than 80 courses to complete the 31 units of coursework required for the program. More than a third of the coursework (12 units) can be earned for thesis research. The rest of the courses are composed of lectures, lab courses, field courses, seminars and colloquia.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is an advanced degree in general business management. The David Nazarian College of Business and Economics at CSUN offers a part-time MBA program for midcareer professionals who want to enhance their careers in business, switch careers or become entrepreneurs. The mission of the Nazarian MBA program is to prepare students for professional growth by integrating current business theory and practice with their own career experience. Designed to be accessible to the fully employed student, the interdisciplinary program emphasizes analytical thinking, clear communication, effective teamwork, a global perspective and ethical practices. A spirit of collegiality among the students, faculty and business community is fostered through social and professional activities.

The average course load for MBA students is 6 units per semester (two nights per week). With few exceptions, graduate courses are offered from 7-10 p.m., Monday through Thursday evenings, along with occasional Saturdays in selected courses.

Masters Program Programs

The latest advances in information technology, including mobile devices, social media, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), have been generating and storing vast amounts of data. In addition, more powerful computers and better optimization models have facilitated the transformation of the data into information and knowledge for analyzing business problems and making informed decisions. All of these changes have created an enormous demand for professionals with business analytics skills in the global marketplace.

The Master of Science in Business Analytics (MS BANA) prepares students for a successful career in a very fast-growing field of business analytics. Students complete a rigorous program with an emphasis on the development of substantive business analytics knowledge and its practical application as well as critical thinking and communication skills. Students will be equipped with graduate-level knowledge and skills necessary to analyze business problems and make data-driven decisions.

Masters Program Programs

The M.S. degree in Chemistry is designed to prepare students for research-oriented careers in the chemical industry, for entry into doctoral programs at other institutions, or for teaching chemistry at institutions such as community colleges.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts in Chicano and Chicana Studies is an online program that provides advanced training in the social sciences, the arts, cultural studies, education, community studies, the humanities, and other areas related to the Chicana/o experience in the United States. Graduates of the program have gone on to careers in a number of fields, including nonprofit sector management, community organizing, academic counseling/recruitment, public sector research, and teaching. Graduates have furthered their education by gaining entry into Ph.D. and Ed.D. programs and pursuing careers in academia.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts in Communication Studies provides advanced study of human communication in its various and diverse forms, contexts and processes. The program prepares students to pursue academic and professional career paths such as a Ph.D. in the field, community college instruction or a career in the communication industry. The M.A. in Communication Studies includes coursework in the following areas:

  • Performance, Language and Cultural Studies (including seminars in Performance Studies, Textual Studies, Communication and Language, Feminist Perspectives on Communication, Intercultural Communication, and Communication and Technology)
  • Rhetorical Studies (including seminars in Classical Rhetoric, Contemporary Rhetoric, Postmodern Rhetoric and Applied Rhetorical Studies)
  • Communication Theory (including seminars in Communication Theory, Interpersonal Communication, Group Communication and Organizational Communication Research)

The department’s graduate program is governed by the principle that students should have the opportunity to study and to conduct original research in areas of their primary interests. Thus, the department seeks to balance two concerns: (a) to permit students to tailor the program of study to individual interests and abilities; and (b) to ensure that all students acquire a coherent perspective within the field of communication. The ultimate objective is to prepare students to assume socially responsible and productive roles within their chosen professions.

The program comprises 33 units of coursework in Communication Studies selected in consultation with advisors. For the culminating experience, students will choose from directed comprehensive studies, a thesis or an applied scholarly project.

Masters Program Programs

The master’s degree is the professional entry-level requirement for employment as a speech-language pathologist. Completion of the baccalaureate and master’s degree programs in Speech-Language Pathology enables students to satisfy the academic requirements for:

  1. License in all states to practice in medical, rehabilitative or private practice settings.
  2. Education credentials in all states for employment in public schools.
  3. Professional certification by the Council for Clinical Certification ASHA.

The department’s curriculum is conducted through classroom instruction, online instruction and experiential learning, including intensive student participation in the clinical programs of the CSUN Language, Speech and Hearing Center. Advanced graduate students obtain additional clinical experience through placement in the department’s affiliated medical centers, professional practices and public schools.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science in Computer Engineering consists of 30 units and either a thesis or project.

Masters Program Programs

Students in the Computer Science M.S. program complete 30 units of graduate work, including a 6-unit thesis. The core of the program comprises advanced courses in computation theory, algorithms and data structures, system architecture, computer networking and software engineering. The electives may be chosen to form a concentration in an area of specialization or to provide a broadly based program of study, whichever is more consistent with the selected thesis.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science in Construction Management (MSCM) degree is intended to serve owners’ representatives, consulting engineers, architects, design engineers, contractors, and subcontractors, who have a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management, Engineering or a related field. Graduates will gain knowledge, technical skills, and managerial abilities needed for success in the construction industry, attain leadership in the field, and increase career opportunities in the construction industry. Graduates will be able to meet industry and government needs for professionals in construction management-related positions. The MSCM degree is offered by the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction Management (CECM).

Masters Program Programs

Notice: The M.S. in Counseling degree option in Career Counseling has been suspended as of Fall 2018.

The Master of Science (M.S.) in Counseling offers three options: (1) Career Counseling, (2) College Counseling and Student Services, and (3) School Counseling. Students must successfully complete all prerequisite courses before formal admittance to a master’s degree program. Only students admitted to a Master of Science degree program may take classes in that program.

Students in the Career Counseling, College Counseling and Student Services, and School Counseling options of the Master of Science (M.S.) in Counseling degree program will complete a common core of counseling courses (51 units)—some of which include focus on mental health and clinical counseling—and will complete 18-21 additional units in their option area (Career Counseling, College Counseling and Student Services, or School Counseling).

The Master of Science (M.S.) in Counseling with an option in Career Counseling is a full-time program consisting of a core of counseling courses designed to prepare students to be counselors in a variety of settings, and specialization courses specifically grounded in career development theory and career development theory process are equally addressed. Students will also receive training focused on career resources and program development, approaches to developing organizational-based career development programs, consulting, individual and group career assessment, ethical and legal issues, and the career development of special populations. These areas have been identified by the National Career Development Association (NCDA) as essential competency areas for individuals to qualify for national certifications as a Certified Career Counselor (CCC). Graduates of the program will be prepared for employment as career counselors in the following settings: education (community colleges, colleges and universities); business, industry and government; community-based agencies and organizations; career counseling/consulting firms; and private practice as a career counselor. Graduates are eligible to take the National Counselor Examination (NCE) to qualify for certification as a National Certified Counselor (NCC) [additional requirements must be met]. Graduates may also choose to pursue certification as a Certified Career Counselor (CCC) through the National Career Development Association [additional requirements must be met]. For those graduates with an interest in preparing for clinical practice as a psychotherapist, the option of pursuing a license as a Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) in California exists. Clinical coursework and a clinical fieldwork requirement are embedded in the program. Postgraduate work, candidates would be required to complete postgraduate field experience and sit for state examinations.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science (M.S.) in Counseling offers three options: (1) Career Counseling, (2) College Counseling and Student Services, and (3) School Counseling. Students must successfully complete all prerequisite courses before formal admittance to a master’s degree program. Only students admitted to a Master of Science degree program may take classes in that program.

Students in the Career Counseling, College Counseling and Student Services, and School Counseling options of the Master of Science (M.S.) in Counseling degree program will complete a common core of counseling courses (51 units)—some of which include focus on mental health and clinical counseling, as well as student affairs—and will complete 18-21 additional units in their option area (Career Counseling, College Counseling and Student Services, or School Counseling).

The Master of Science (M.S.) in Counseling with an option in College Counseling and Student Services is a full-time program consisting of a core of counseling courses designed to prepare students to be counselors in a variety of settings, and specialization courses specifically focused on college counseling and student services. Students entering this program will be prepared for career opportunities in higher education, with particular emphasis on positions serving university and community college students on urban campuses. Special attention is given to working with diverse student populations, including returning students, historically underrepresented students and students with disabilities. This program is designed for individuals who desire training for entry-level positions in student affairs, and those who are already experienced professionals in student affairs and want to increase their theoretical background and range of experience. Graduates are eligible to take the National Counselor Examination (NCE) to qualify for certification as a National Certified Counselor (NCC) [additional requirements must be met]. For those graduates with an interest in preparing for clinical practice as a psychotherapist, the option of pursuing a license as a Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) in California exists. Clinical coursework and a clinical fieldwork requirement are embedded in the program. Postgraduate work, candidates would be required to complete postgraduate field experience and sit for state examinations.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science (M.S.) in Counseling offers three options: (1) Career Counseling, (2) College Counseling and Student Services, and (3) School Counseling. Students must successfully complete all prerequisite courses before formal admittance to a master’s degree program. Only students admitted to a Master of Science degree program may take classes in that program.

Students in the Career Counseling, College Counseling and Student Services, and School Counseling options of the Master of Science (M.S.) in Counseling degree program will complete a common core of counseling courses (51 units)–some of which include focus on mental health and clinical counseling, as well as school counseling–and will complete 18-21 additional units in their option area (Career Counseling, College Counseling and Student Services, or School Counseling).

The Master of Science (M.S.) in Counseling with an option in School Counseling is a full-time program consisting of a core of counseling courses designed to prepare students to be counselors in a variety of settings, and specialization courses specifically focused on school counseling. Students entering this program will be prepared to work in PreK-12 public schools as school counselors, as well as in community agencies as professional clinical counselors. The program is driven by a vision for counselors who can develop comprehensive, results-based school counseling programs that promote educational equity and high academic achievement for all students. Program courses are integrated with school-based experiences and activities that prepare counselors to address the personal, social, emotional, career and academic development of PreK-12 students. The program meets the accreditation standards of and is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). At the completion of the program, graduates qualify for the State of California Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential in School Counseling, required to become a School Counselor in PreK-12 education in the State of California. Graduates are eligible to take the National Counselor Examination (NCE) to qualify for certification as a National Certified Counselor (NCC) [additional requirements must be met]. For those graduates with an interest in preparing for clinical practice as a psychotherapist, the option of pursuing a license as a Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) in California exists. Clinical coursework and a clinical fieldwork requirement are embedded in the program. Postgraduate work, candidates would be required to complete postgraduate field experience and sit for state examinations.

Masters Program Programs

Current advanced classified Master of Science in Counseling (College Counseling/Student Services; Career Counseling, and School Counseling options) students may apply to add the additional courses required pre-master’s for the California Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) license. The California Board for Behavioral Sciences (BBS) is the licensing agency for professional clinical counselors. Based on state law, the LPCC requires 280 hours of clinical, pre-master’s experience within the master’s degree program in addition to prescribed courses. Completion of this degree option in addition to the first specialization (i.e., career, college, or school counseling) will allow graduates to apply to become Professional Clinical Counselor (PCC) interns. Upon successful completion of the required 3,000 post-master’s internship hours and examinations, application to the BBS for state licensure as an LPCC will be possible. [Marriage and Family Therapy master’s students are also eligible for concurrently applying for the LPCC as well as the license for Marriage and Family Therapists.]

Current Career, College, and School Counseling students may apply for this clinical add-on program during the second fall semester of their graduate program. This program will be limited to only those admitted. Note that additional LPCC preparatory units (save for six units) must be completed pre-awarding of the masters degree to be eligible for consideration as a PCC intern.

The additional courses required are listed below; an additional two semesters of fieldwork and coursework completed as a cohort will be required in addition to the two semesters of fieldwork within the first option.

Masters Program Programs

The M.A. in Diverse Community Development Leadership (DCDL) is an interdisciplinary program that prepares students for leadership and community development within the context of highly diverse urban communities. The program provides graduates with both the theoretical foundations needed to understand the dynamics of diversity (such as differences in cultural background and experience, belief structures, racial experience, gender and sexual identity, and socio/economic status) and the nature of conflict. Graduates will also gain the practical skills needed to manage conflicts and work with diverse groups to create a productive, collaborative community that can implement solutions to pressing problems.

A central characteristic of the M.A. in Diverse Community Development Leadership program is its pedagogical commitment to engagement with local communities. Throughout the program, students engage with community partners through experiential learning assignments that advance student learning while also supporting the work of community partners. Students develop both theoretical foundations and practical skills as they learn to address different aspects of community partners’ needs through the perspective of different course topics. The program culminates with a final course where students spend 6 units on a project that is based on community needs. By offering both theoretical foundations and practical skills, the M.A. in Diverse Community Development Leadership program equips graduates to be effective leaders in an evolving and increasingly interdependent world.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts (M.A.) in Early Childhood Educational Psychology prepares individuals to demonstrate mastery of national and state professional standards and competencies, leadership, and teaching roles in programs serving children ranging in age from birth through 8 years and their families, depending on the school system and/or state regulations. Students are prepared to teach across all relevant subject matter with an emphasis on valuing diversity, leadership, advocacy, equity, inclusion, and social justice. Students must take prerequisite courses before formal admittance to a master’s program.

Program Objectives

The specific objectives of the Master of Arts in Early Childhood Educational Psychology are:

  1. To prepare students to assume leadership positions in early childhood care and education in a variety of educational, health and mental health-settings institutions concerned with children from the prenatal stage through age 8. Academic career choices of students selecting this emphasis typically include:
    1. Instructor of child development courses in community colleges.
    2. Parent educator in public adult education or in a variety of private settings.
    3. Specialist working in programs serving families with high-risk infants and young children.
    4. Coordinator of community program services for young children and their families.
    5. Lead teacher, supervisor, or director of programs.
    6. Child advocate working in various social policy agencies.
    7. Consultant or coach in early childhood settings.
    8. Provider of professional development and training.
  2. To prepare students to enter doctoral programs in early childhood education with a view to teaching at the university level, conducting research in child development, planning, and administering programs, or developing public policy.
  3. To provide students with knowledge of child development, adult-child interaction, cultural and language diversity, and biological and environmental factors influencing families and their young children and community staff-family collaborations.
  4. To meet national and state professional standards and competencies for the early childhood education profession.

Masters Program Programs

The Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies offers programs leading to degrees and/or credentials in the field of Educational Administration. Students may pursue programs leading to an M.A. degree in Educational Administration, Higher Education or K-12, as well as studies directed at achieving the Preliminary and Clear Administrative Services Credentials.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts degree in Educational Technology is designed to prepare teachers, technology coordinators and software developers to implement current technology tools in education and to evaluate future technologies as they emerge. This program targets middle and high school teachers but often includes students from elementary schools, higher education and industry. Program graduates have gone on to teach and support education at universities and schools all over the world, while others have continued on for their doctorate.

Courses immerse students in current theory and best practice in technology education. Students in the program develop their technology skills and knowledge of how to apply technology in the classroom, including:

  • Developing and using educational multimedia.
  • Creating interactive software for learning.
  • Developing educational websites.
  • Assessing the impact of innovations in the classroom.
  • Integrating technology into subject-area classrooms.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts degree in Educational Therapy is an online program designed to prepare individuals to become Educational Therapy practitioners who are specifically trained to combine educational and therapeutic approaches that address the needs of children, adolescents and adults with learning challenges. Educational therapists provide intensive services to their clients, including creating and implementing a treatment plan that utilizes information from a variety of sources, including the client’s social, psychoeducational and neuropsychological context; assisting clients’ awareness of their strengths; and using those strengths to overcome or compensate areas of weakness. Individuals entering the field of Educational Therapy typically have a background in general or special education, child development, speech and language therapy, psychological counseling, marriage and family counseling, and/or advocacy. Educational therapists provide services in private practice, public and private schools, learning centers, clinics, hospitals, public agencies, businesses and workplaces, community colleges, universities and vocational schools.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science in Electrical Engineering consists of 30 units and either a thesis or project.

Graduate Program Objectives

The Master of Science in Electrical Engineering program at CSUN prepares students for lifelong careers in a field that will allow them to make productive contributions to society and find personal satisfaction in their work. To accomplish this, graduates with a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering will meet the following educational objectives:

  1. Understand advanced electrical- and computer-engineering principles, including in-depth training in one of the fundamental areas of electrical engineering.
  2. Apply advanced analysis, design and research methods to solve problems in electrical and computer engineering.
  3. Apply industry practices, emerging technologies, state-of-the-art design techniques and software tools to electrical and computer engineering problems.
  4. Communicate clearly through the appropriate communication medium.
  5. Appreciate the importance of lifelong learning and be motivated by a sense of exploration to continue learning.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts in Elementary Education degree builds on the competencies developed in the Multiple Subject Credential program and is designed to provide candidates with advanced professional preparation in education for (1) assuming differentiated careers in school districts, professional organizations, and the community; and (2) continuing into a doctoral program.

Curriculum and Instruction Option: For teachers interested in honing their skills to teach all curricular areas, this option is a strong choice. The integration of visual and performing arts into the traditional subject matter disciplines such as language arts, social studies, science and mathematics is unique to this option. Through a focus on the various state curriculum frameworks and standards, teachers come to understand the need for all students to be active learners engaged in a rich, meaning-centered curriculum.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts in Elementary Education degree builds on the competencies developed in the Multiple Subject Credential program and is designed to provide candidates with advanced professional preparation in education for (1) assuming differentiated careers in school districts, professional organizations, and the community; and (2) continuing into a doctoral program.

Language and Literacy Option: This option places emphasis on developing a comprehensive and balanced approach to literacy instruction and assessment. Teaching students to be strategic readers, writers and evaluators of their own literacy progress is emphasized. Through the Literacy Center on campus, CSUN students work in two practical settings to assess and assist children who are experiencing difficulty in developing literacy skills.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts in Elementary Education degree builds on the competencies developed in the Multiple Subject Credential program and is designed to provide candidates with advanced professional preparation in education for (1) assuming differentiated careers in school districts, professional organizations, and the community; and (2) continuing into a doctoral program.

Multilingual and Multicultural Option: The multilingual focus in Elementary Education places emphasis on developing a comprehensive and balanced approach to teaching culturally diverse students in K-6 settings. This option also provides an overview of multicultural education, which includes theories and practices in culturally relevant pedagogy, language acquisition, family and community assets, and multicultural arts education.

Masters Program Programs

Taught by faculty with professional engineering management experience, the Engineering Management program offers engineers and other technical professionals the opportunity to develop technical management and entrepreneurial skills pertinent to the management of existing and emerging technologies. The program stresses the development of technological decision making as well as entrepreneurial abilities, while also enabling continued intellectual growth in an area that meets professional needs. Engineering Management program graduates have been assuming leadership roles in industry since the early 1970s.

Masters Program Programs

Taught by faculty with professional engineering management experience, the Engineering Management program offers engineers and other technical professionals the opportunity to develop technical management and entrepreneurial skills pertinent to the management of existing and emerging technologies. The program stresses the development of technological decision making as well as entrepreneurial abilities, while also enabling continued intellectual growth in an area that meets professional needs. Engineering Management program graduates have been assuming leadership roles in industry since the early 1970s.

Masters Program Programs

The M.A. in English at CSUN offers intensive training in textual and cultural study, including rhetoric, book studies, literature, creative writing, creative writing studies and critical theory. Our graduates are versed in the study and production of texts of all kinds, including their social, cultural, political, creative and technological contexts. We welcome students who want to apply their critical reading and writing skills to the full range of cultural texts, past, present and future.

The M.A. in English consists of three options: Literature, Creative Writing, and Rhetoric and Composition. The English department offers a limited number of openings for classified graduate students who want to be Teaching Associates (TAs). Students accepted to the TA Program normally teach, under guidance, one section of Approaches to University Writing for a stipend. Other teaching opportunities may be available to second-year TAs. For further information concerning choice of option or career opportunities, students should see the graduate advisor. To apply for a Teaching Associateship, students should see the director of composition.

Masters Program Programs

The M.A. in English at CSUN offers intensive training in textual and cultural study, including rhetoric, book studies, literature, creative writing, creative writing studies and critical theory. Our graduates are versed in the study and production of texts of all kinds, including their social, cultural, political, creative and technological contexts. We welcome students who want to apply their critical reading and writing skills to the full range of cultural texts, past, present and future.

The M.A. in English consists of three options: Literature, Creative Writing, and Rhetoric and Composition. The English department offers a limited number of openings for classified graduate students who want to be Teaching Associates (TAs). Students accepted to the TA Program normally teach, under guidance, one section of Approaches to University Writing for a stipend. Other teaching opportunities may be available to second-year TAs. For further information concerning choice of option or career opportunities, students should see the graduate advisor. To apply for a Teaching Associateship, students should see the director of composition.

Masters Program Programs

The M.A. in English at CSUN offers intensive training in textual and cultural study, including rhetoric, book studies, literature, creative writing, creative writing studies and critical theory. Our graduates are versed in the study and production of texts of all kinds, including their social, cultural, political, creative and technological contexts. We welcome students who want to apply their critical reading and writing skills to the full range of cultural texts, past, present and future.

The M.A. in English consists of three options: Literature, Creative Writing, and Rhetoric and Composition. The English department offers a limited number of openings for classified graduate students who want to be Teaching Associates (TAs). Students accepted to the TA Program normally teach, under guidance, one section of Approaches to University Writing for a stipend. Other teaching opportunities may be available to second-year TAs. For further information concerning choice of option or career opportunities, students should see the graduate advisor. To apply for a Teaching Associateship, students should see the director of composition.

Masters Program Programs

The Entertainment Industry Management master’s program prepares students to be the next generation of managers and leaders for the entertainment industry. Students in this program will be taught by experts in the entertainment industry and will be required to take hands on classes in production management, storytelling/script analysis, entertainment law, media analytics, as well as complete a graduate project focused on the entertainment industry. This fully online program provides students with a skill set that is needed in the entertainment industry in order to enable them to be leaders in this thriving industry. The M.A. Entertainment Industry Management program will be offered as a cohorted program, in a fully online modality. Due to the cohorted nature of the program, all students will take the courses in an order that has been pre-determined by the faculty, based on the needs of the entertainment industry.

Masters Program Programs

Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH) is concerned with the biological, chemical and physical factors affecting human health and the environment. The program provides a solid science-based education with practical applications for a safer and healthier environment. As a result, graduates work in a variety of high-demand jobs, such as air quality, water quality, food safety, housing, industrial hygiene, hazardous waste management, environmental consulting and radiation safety. Graduates also work in a wide range of settings, including private industry (aerospace, manufacturing, food production, biotechnology and many others), local government (city and county health departments), state government (Cal OSHA and Cal EPA), federal government (Public Health Service, EPA, OSHA, Department of Health and Human Services), unions, public interest groups, universities and lobbying organizations.

Courses are explicitly designed to give students the skills needed to succeed on the job. Local employers, many of whom have graduated from this department, routinely seek CSUN graduates as new hires. As one of the largest programs of its kind in the nation, the department has an extensive network of environmental and occupational health professionals dedicated to the protection of the environment and community, as well as worker health and safety.

The M.S. degree is designed to prepare the graduate for higher-level professional activities, including research, analysis and management of EOH systems.

Masters Program Programs

Notice: The M.S. in Environmental and Occupational Health option in Industrial Hygiene has been suspended as of Fall 2017.

Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH) is concerned with the biological, chemical and physical factors affecting human health and the environment. The program provides a solid science-based education with practical applications for a safer and healthier environment. As a result, graduates work in a variety of high-demand jobs, such as air quality, water quality, food safety, housing, industrial hygiene, safety, hazardous waste management, environmental consulting and radiation safety. Graduates also work in a wide range of settings, including private industry (aerospace, manufacturing, food production, biotechnology and many others), local government (city and county health departments), state government (Cal OSHA and Cal EPA), federal government (Public Health Service, EPA, OSHA, Department of Health and Human Services), unions, public interest groups, universities and lobbying organizations.

Courses are explicitly designed to give students the skills needed to succeed on the job. Local employers, many of whom have graduated from this department, routinely seek CSUN graduates as new hires. As one of the largest programs of its kind in the nation, the department has an extensive network of environmental and occupational health professionals dedicated to the protection of the environment and community, as well as worker health and safety.

The M.S. degree is designed to prepare the graduate for higher-level professional activities, including research, analysis and management of EOH systems.

Graduates with the M.S. in Environmental and Occupational Health, Industrial Hygiene option are prepared to enter the field of industrial hygiene, concentrating on such areas as basic industrial hygiene, occupational safety, hazardous waste management, occupational health training, regulatory compliance, work-site inspections and similar fields. Core requirements are identical to those of the M.S. in Environmental and Occupational Health. Graduate seminar courses must involve presentations and research in occupational health.

Masters Program Programs

The graduate program in Family and Consumer Sciences leads to a Master of Science degree with an option in either Apparel Design and Merchandising or Consumer Affairs and Family Studies. The program is designed to educate students to synthesize and apply pertinent information, theories, literature and arguments toward designing evidence-based solutions within their professional areas of interest in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS).

The 33-unit graduate degree program includes 18 units of core curriculum about research, leadership and salient aspects of the overarching field of FCS. Students in either option complete 12 units of option-specific curriculum focusing on professional and research competencies in respective fields, through courses that span across theory, practice and application. A 3-unit culminating experience can be completed in the form of a comprehensive exam, research thesis or creative project.

Masters Program Programs

The graduate program in Family and Consumer Sciences leads to a Master of Science degree with an option in either Apparel Design and Merchandising or Consumer Affairs and Family Studies. The program is designed to educate students to synthesize and apply pertinent information, theories, literature and arguments toward designing evidence-based solutions within their professional areas of interest in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS).

The 33-unit graduate degree program includes 18 units of core curriculum about research, leadership and salient aspects of the overarching field of FCS. Students in either option complete 12 units of option-specific curriculum focusing on professional and research competencies in respective fields, through courses that span across theory, practice and application. A 3-unit culminating experience can be completed in the form of a comprehensive exam, research thesis or creative project.

Masters Program Programs

The Department of Geography and Environmental Studies offers, within the Master of Science in Geographic Information Science (MSGISci) degree, a highly structured specialization program in which most of the requirements are met with graduate courses dealing with various aspects of GIS. This program is designed for students who want to pursue a career in this highly technological subfield of geography.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts in Geography provides the student with a high degree of flexibility in the selection of courses used to meet the program requirements. Courses may be selected from any of the graduate offerings in geomorphology, climatology, biogeography, economic geography, cultural geography, urban geography, regional geography, cartography and geographic information science. This degree prepares students for advanced Ph.D. study, community college teaching and professional careers in business, government or industry.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science program has two options: Geology and Geophysics. These programs are designed to: (1) train individuals with the competence required by the geological profession for employment in industry and government agencies; (2) enable promising students to attain a level of knowledge and research ability necessary for admission to and success in Ph.D. programs; and (3) provide depth and breadth of knowledge, laboratory teaching experience and fundamental research skills essential to students planning to teach geology at the community college level. Students with strong backgrounds in math and physics and whose research interests and career plans are related to geophysics should choose the Geophysics option. All others should choose the Geology option.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science program has two options: Geology and Geophysics. These programs are designed to: (1) train individuals with the competence required by the geological profession for employment in industry and government agencies; (2) enable promising students to attain a level of knowledge and research ability necessary for admission to and success in Ph.D. programs; and (3) provide depth and breadth of knowledge, laboratory teaching experience and fundamental research skills essential to students planning to teach geology at the community college level. Students with strong backgrounds in math and physics and whose research interests and career plans are related to geophysics should choose the Geophysics option. All others should choose the Geology option.

Masters Program Programs

The graduate degree in Health Administration prepares students for management and leadership roles in health services organizations and systems. The curriculum provides for advanced study of issues, problems and strategies for managing the effective and efficient delivery of healthcare through public, voluntary and private sector healthcare organizations, including, but not limited to, hospitals, long-term care organizations, medical and dental group practices, health maintenance organizations, health insurance and health benefits administrations, and public health agencies.


The graduate program in Health Administration prepares a diverse student body for leadership positions in healthcare organizations. Graduate students in the program can advance in their current healthcare, health services, or health administration positions or make their initial entry into a health administration role. With a faculty focus on learning-centeredness, community and university service, and scholarship, the program is well positioned to educate students for professional practitioner positions aligned with the current healthcare environment.


The graduate program in Health Administration aspires to prepare a workforce to enhance healthcare organizations’ operational efficiency and effectiveness and improve the delivery and access to quality care in our service community. Our vision is to be a premier leadership program that provides a high-quality, respected healthcare management education that prepares students to meet the needs of an evolving healthcare delivery industry. The program consistently seeks to meet the national standards associated with excellence in graduate education in health administration.


  • Impact: improve the health status and strengthen the healthcare delivery system in our local, state, national and global communities.
  • Collaboration: recognize how interdisciplinary teams and organizational partnerships can enhance effectiveness in the healthcare industry.
  • Professionalism: instill throughout all aspects of the program, including student development and faculty interactions.
  • Ethics and Integrity: demonstrate behavior that exhibits a high degree of character and exemplary behavior.
  • Cultural Competency: instill an understanding and appreciation of the diversity of our service community.

Masters Program Programs

The Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies offers programs leading to degrees and/or credentials in the field of Educational Administration. Students may pursue programs leading to an M.A. degree in Educational Administration or Higher Education Leadership, as well as studies directed at achieving the Preliminary and Clear Administrative Services Credentials.

Students choosing the master’s degree in Higher Education Leadership start their program with ELPS 600HE: Research Design in Higher Education and ELPS 601HE: American Higher Education. In the second semester of the program, the courses include ELPS 688HE: Fieldwork in Higher Education, ELPS 656HE: Diversity and Student Success in Higher Education, and ELPS 650HE: Contemporary Administrative Leadership. Fall of year two includes ELPS 690HE: Research Analysis in Higher Education, ELPS 673HE: Leadership for Managing Reform in Higher Education, and ELPS 667HE: Organization and Administration of Community College Education. To complete the program in year two, students take three courses in their final Spring semester—ELPS 663HE: Policy and Law in Higher Education, ELPS 674HE: Higher Education Operations: Financial and Human Resources in Higher Education, and ELPS 697HE: Directed Comprehensive Studies.

Masters Program Programs

The M.A. program in History offers students advanced training in historical research, writing and teaching. Seminars are small in size, providing students with unparalleled opportunities to work directly with faculty. Students have the option of pursuing their degrees full or part time, and classes are held in the afternoon and the evening.

The graduate program includes courses in historical methods and research, surveys of specific historical fields (e.g., United States History, Modern European History, Latin American History, California History, Borderlands History, American Indian History, Ancient and World history), and professional development for careers in teaching, archival administration and public history. Graduates of the program have gone on to teach at high schools and community colleges, pursued careers in museums and archives, and gained admission to top-tier Ph.D. programs.

The History M.A. program consists of 30 units (10 classes) of coursework, followed by a culminating project course in which students revise, expand and deepen a research paper with the goal of turning it into a publishable article. Alternatively, at the invitation of a faculty member, students may elect to write a thesis.

Students seeking additional information about the program should contact the graduate coordinator, Dr. Rachel Howes, or make an appointment by calling the History office at (818) 677-3566.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science in Human Nutrition is designed to advance professional competence and personal nutritional needs of individuals who want to increase their opportunities in the selected areas of nutrition while also providing breadth in related areas. Students will develop competencies in research methods and advanced practice comprehension relevant to their area of study. Completion of the program will increase competence in food and nutrition subject matter in preparation for a wide variety of professional opportunities, including nutritionists or supervisors in nutrition, doctoral study in nutrition, research, and administrative positions in public and private agencies.

The 48 unit Master of Science in Human Nutrition curriculum is dynamic and offers two options: Human Nutrition and Dietetic Internship. Both options provide a breadth of courses, ultimately leading to a well-rounded education and knowledge base. Completion of the program generally takes four semesters.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science in Human Nutrition is designed to advance professional competence and personal nutritional needs of individuals who want to increase their opportunities in the selected areas of nutrition while also providing breadth in related areas. Students will develop competencies in research methods and advanced practice comprehension relevant to their area of study. Completion of the program will increase competence in food and nutrition subject matter in preparation for a wide variety of professional opportunities, including nutritionists or supervisors in nutrition, doctoral study in nutrition, research, and administrative positions in public and private agencies.

The 48 unit Master of Science in Human Nutrition curriculum is dynamic and offers two options: Human Nutrition and Dietetic Internship. Both options provide a breadth of courses, ultimately leading to a well-rounded education and knowledge base. Completion of the program generally takes four semesters.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts degree in Humanities is designed for midcareer professionals and other lifelong learners who are interested in the nature and foundations of ideas, are curious about different worldviews and their origins, and seek to understand these through the lenses provided by the range of disciplinary fields in the humanities. We live in a society in which competing worldviews bombard us, and given the current state of the world, there is an urgent need for adults to reflect critically on their own worldviews, as well to recognize and understand the worldviews of others.

Thus, it is a central goal of the program to guide students through critical reading, discussions and reflection regarding both older and more contemporary treatments of ideas, values and worldviews to appreciate how these underlie current thinking—evident in practice and policy—across areas of our lives. Students in the cohorts will share their perspectives, their thinking and their developing insights through research, discussion and writing.

The program is interdisciplinary, as are the humanities. Its treatments address and include—explicitly or implicitly—all disciplines represented in the various departments and programs in the College of Humanities.

Masters Program Programs

Notice: The M.A. in Instructional Design has been suspended as of Fall 2024.

The Master of Arts in Instructional Design will provide learners with in-depth knowledge and applicable skills in the areas of learning theory for various populations as well as learning assessment and evaluation. The program also instills project management skills that are unique to the instructional design field as well as the ability to work with instructional technologies for eLearning, assessing instructional media through the lenses of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.

This degree is applicable to a variety of settings and fields, such as higher education, training in corporate and nonprofit settings, and any professional environment in which staff or stakeholders need professional development to be successful.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science in Kinesiology is designed for students who are interested in the study of the art and science of kinesiology pertaining to sociological, psychological, pedagogical, physiological and neuromechanical factors underlying the responses and adaptations to acute and chronic exercise and performance.

Graduate Program Philosophy


The mission of the graduate program in the Department of Kinesiology is:

  1. To provide opportunities for advanced study in kinesiology, leading to enhanced expertise in the student’s area of professional endeavor and/or preparation for further graduate work.
  2. To provide experience in planning and conducting a research or a professional project.


The goals of the master’s degree program in Kinesiology are to:

  1. Conduct research, and other scholarly and creative activity, to build and enhance the body of knowledge in kinesiology.
  2. Enhance the scholarly and professional development of our graduate students.
  3. Enrich the research and other scholarly and creative efforts through mentoring and collaborative experiences with colleagues in the department, college and University.
  4. Apply research, student projects and other scholarly and creative activity in service to the community where appropriate.

Masters Program Programs

Notice: Knowledge Management has been suspended as of Fall 2021.

The CSUN Master of Knowledge Management (M.K.M.) degree prepares graduates to meet a variety of organizational, social and ethical challenges in the digital age. In a globally competitive, fast-paced world, harnessing knowledge and maximizing workforce efforts are the linchpins of organizational success. Those who lead will need to know how to leverage organizational knowledge to create a competitive advantage and to do so in a way that is sensitive to the impacts of these efforts on communities—especially communities of color—within and outside of the workplace. This fully online, cohorted program equips its graduates to acquire, develop, use and share knowledge that creates value for themselves and their organizations. Moreover, its home in the College of Humanities means that students will adopt a critical, humanistic perspective that emphasizes the social and political dimensions of knowledge production and access. The program’s interdisciplinary content includes many topics covered in a traditional MBA program, but also emphasizes specialized skills and perspectives that are relevant to the fair and responsible management of knowledge in a 21st-century enterprise. These include utilizing relevant technologies; understanding the relation of knowledge and power; engaging modern communications; managing distant and diverse staff; promoting and sustaining a fair and equitable knowledge-sharing environment; leveraging global networks to achieve competitive strategic goals; recognizing and responding to the needs of diverse knowledge communities; and anticipating the potentially disproportionate impact of knowledge management strategies and technologies on communities of color. The program balances knowledge management theory and practice in order to uniquely prepare the managerial leader for the 21st-century economy and organization.

Masters Program Programs

Linguistics studies human language, seeking to define its nature, to establish its relationship to human thought, to discover what distinguishes human language from other forms of communication (human and nonhuman), to understand how children develop a language and acquire additional ones, to understand the ways in which languages may differ from one another and to describe how human beings use language in context to engage in all the other “human” activities.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering facilitates in-depth knowledge of manufacturing systems based on engineering principles. The core foundation in computer-based and automated design, manufacturing and assembly is complemented by expertise in selected areas, such as advanced manufacturing systems, materials and processes, and quality and management. The evolving curriculum, contemporary laboratory facilities and internationally published faculty enable students and practicing professionals to pursue a versatile field of study having a wide range of career opportunities. The program places its graduates in the academic community and in every facet of industry.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science (M.S.) in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) prepares students for licensure as both a Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and a Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) in California and in most other states. The program is accredited by the Commission for the Accreditation of Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE; see program website for the status of accreditation) and the International Accreditation Commission for Systemic Therapy Education (IACSTE; see program website for status of accreditation), ensuring recognition in all other states as well as most countries internationally. The state-of-the-art curriculum prepares students to work in public mental health, community agencies, rehabilitation centers, schools, private agencies and private practice, and/or to pursue doctoral study in family therapy and related fields. The curriculum emphasizes strengths-based approaches, social justice, evidence-based practices, community mental health and development of the person-of-the-therapist, while providing foundational training in several areas of specialization, including children, adolescents, couples, groups, trauma, substance abuse and severe mental illness. Well prepared with extensive practicum experiences in the first year, students begin intensive training in the field during the second year at community mental health agencies, public mental health agencies, school-based and other mental health-related placements. Finally, the program’s culminating experience enables students to further develop their areas of interest.

Students must successfully complete all prerequisite courses before formal admittance to a master’s degree program. Only students admitted to a Master of Science in MFT may take classes in that program unless explicit permission has been given in writing by the program coordinator.

Masters Program Programs

The graduate program in Mass Communication allows for development of individual professional skills to produce digital media content, and it also focuses on evaluation of media performance, using analytic and research techniques that culminate in a Thesis, Graduate Project or Comprehensive Examination. Additional information regarding classification standing is available under Graduate Programs.

Masters Program Programs

To meet the technological needs of industry, the Master of Science in Materials Engineering program creatively combines opportunities for intellectual and experiential growth in engineering materials and processes. Access to exceptional state-of-the-art laboratories enables the development of advanced expertise in materials characterization, with projects addressing nanotechnology, MEMS, sensors, smart materials, microelectronics, optoelectronics, biomaterials and environmentally assisted cracking of advanced materials.

Masters Program Programs

The Department of Mathematics offers a Master of Science degree with three options: Pure Mathematics (Option I), Applied Mathematics (Option II), and Statistics (Option III). Each of the options prepares a student for further graduate work; for higher mathematical work in industry, business and government; and for teaching at community colleges.

Option I is primarily designed to prepare students for community college teaching, entry-level positions in industry, or future graduate work in mathematics. The core of this program consists of an in-depth study of the mainstream of modern mathematics—algebra, analysis, and topology.

Switching among Options I, II, and III

Students may request in writing to switch among Options I, II, and III. Such requests will be considered by the Graduate Committee.

Masters Program Programs

The Department of Mathematics offers a Master of Science degree with three options: Pure Mathematics (Option I), Applied Mathematics (Option II), and Statistics (Option III). Each of the options prepares a student for further graduate work; for higher mathematical work in industry, business and government; and for teaching at community colleges.

Option II emphasizes Applied Mathematics and is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in industry, business, government or for future graduate work in applied mathematics.

Switching Among Options I, II, and III

Students may request in writing to switch among Options I, II, and III. Such requests will be considered by the Graduate Committee.

Masters Program Programs

The Department of Mathematics offers a Master of Science degree with three options: Pure Mathematics (Option I), Applied Mathematics (Option II), and Statistics (Option III). Each of the options prepares a student for further graduate work; for higher mathematical work in industry, business and government; and for teaching at community colleges.

Option III is primarily designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in industry/government or future graduate work in statistics. The core of this program consists of an in-depth study of the mainstream of modern mathematical and computational statistics, as well as probability, while exposing students to a broad array of real-world problems.

Switching among Options I, II, and III

Students may request in writing to switch among Options I, II, and III. Such requests will be considered by the Graduate Committee.

Masters Program Programs

The M.S. in Mechanical Engineering program provides the opportunity for students to specialize in one of three emphasis areas: mechanical system design, system dynamics and control, and thermal-fluid systems.

The program features a thesis plan and a comprehensive examination plan so that the students can tailor their studies to complement their specific career and educational goals.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts degree in Multicultural and Multilingual Education in Secondary Schools is developed in response to demographic shifts in California public schools toward multicultural and multilingual student populations. This program is for secondary and other educators who work with students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

The Master of Arts degree in Multicultural and Multilingual Education in Secondary Schools is designed to:

  • Broaden students’ knowledge of ESL, bilingual and multicultural education.
  • Develop leadership skills in ESL, bilingual and multicultural education.
  • Develop research skills in ESL, bilingual and multicultural education.
  • Develop skills and knowledge in effectively working with students and families of diverse cultural backgrounds.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Music option in Collaborative Piano Performance provides structured training and performance experience for pianists who want to pursue careers as collaborative artists. Applied study is a balanced exposure to both the vocal (art songs and opera arias) and instrumental (duo sonatas and concerti) collaborative repertoire.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Music option in Performance offers the opportunity to study the art of classical instrumental and vocal performance at the graduate level. Students in instrumental and vocal performance continue their studies in Music History and Theory and take classes specific to their area such as Pedagogy, Literature, Chamber Music, Ensemble, Advanced Conducting, Opera Scenes, Performance Technique and Performance Practice as well as private lessons. Master classes with major artists are offered yearly. The culminating experience is the performance of a public recital and the preparation of an abstract.

Graduate students in instrumental performance are presented with a number of performance opportunities each semester including playing in major ensembles and also as soloists. Instrumental string players have the option of auditioning to play in an honors string quartet and all instrumental students can compete to play concerto literature with the CSUN Symphony through the Concerto Competition.

Graduate students in vocal arts are presented with a number of performance options each semester. Students can sing the leading roles in major operas in the original language, they can perform concert music with the CSUN Symphony Orchestra, and they can perform as soloists in oratorios. Vocal students from CSUN perform off campus regularly for arts organizations, such as the Los Angeles Master Chorale, the Jubilee Singers and the Los Angeles Opera Chorus.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Music option in Conducting allows students to pursue advanced studies in orchestral conducting, band/wind ensemble conducting, or choral conducting.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Music option in Composition offers a full range of opportunities to study the art of music composition at the graduate level. The option is designed for students interested in pursuing advanced studies in contemporary music styles and techniques, as well as composers interested in pursuing a teaching career in higher education.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts degree in Music Industry Administration is an interdisciplinary professional program for students desiring an advanced degree in Music Industry Studies or Music Business. The mission of the program is to prepare students for professional growth by integrating up-to-date knowledge of the music industry’s varied facets with the students’ own career-related experiences. The program emphasizes analytical thinking, clear written and oral communication skills, the practice of ethical decision making and a global perspective. A spirit of collegiality among the students, faculty and members of the Hollywood/Los Angeles Music Industry community is fostered through social and professional interactions.

Designed to be accessible to the fully employed student and the midcareer professional, the average course load for the major is 6 units per semester. With few exceptions, graduate courses are typically scheduled on nights and weekends. Program curriculum is drawn from the Mike Curb College of Arts, Media, and Communication and the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics, and it is administered as a self-supported program by The Tseng College of Extended Learning. Visit the Master of Arts in Music Industry Administration program website for additional information.

Masters Program Programs

Notice: The M.S. in Nursing has been suspended as of Fall 2023.

The Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program is designed to prepare leaders in the advanced practice role as a nurse educator. Curricular content and field training provide advanced theoretical knowledge, scientific base, role/leadership development, and advanced clinical assessment and decision making. Graduates of the MSN program will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to teach, lead, advocate and improve healthcare outcomes for diverse individuals, families, groups, communities and populations in a variety of settings.

Courses are offered in a hybrid format with approximately half of class meetings virtually through online learning technology and half of class meetings on campus. Students will complete the MSN core courses related to role, health policy, ethics, research, informatics and evidence-base. Science courses include advanced pathophysiology, health assessment and pharmacology, which are required foundational courses. Field training is offered in a variety of nursing education and practice settings to provide students with adequate practice exposure and hands-on experience opportunities that will facilitate their transition into their advanced practice roles after graduation.

The MSN curriculum is guided by the:

  1. American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing, 2017.
  2. American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, 2016.
  3. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists, 2018.
  4. National League for Nursing (NLN) Core Competencies for Nurse Educators, December 2019.

The program is completed in 15 months/four consecutive semesters (Fall/Spring/Summer/Fall) and is composed of a total of 37 units in theory and practicum coursework with emphasis on curriculum design, teaching methodologies, educational needs assessment, and learner-centered theories and methods.

Masters Program Programs

The M.S. program in Physics provides the student with an opportunity for advanced study in physics and to develop skills to do independent research. It prepares the student for doctoral programs in physics and related fields or for more technical jobs in research and development.

Masters Program Programs

The graduate program in Political Science is a liberal arts program based upon superior undergraduate preparation. It requires a higher level of achievement and places greater emphasis on independent study and research than does the baccalaureate program. Department evaluation and approval are required for admission to either classified or conditionally classified graduate standing. Additional information regarding classification standing is listed in the program requirements below and in the Graduate Programs section of this Catalog.

Areas of specialization offered are as follows:

American Government and Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Methodology, Political Theory, Public Policy and Administration, and Public Law.

Masters Program Programs

The graduate program in Political Science is a liberal arts program based upon superior undergraduate preparation. It requires a higher level of achievement and places greater emphasis on independent study and research than does the baccalaureate program. Department evaluation and approval are required for admission to either classified or conditionally classified graduate standing. Additional information regarding classification standing is listed in the program requirements below and in the Graduate Programs section of this Catalog.

Areas of specialization offered are as follows:

American Government and Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Methodology, Political Theory, Public Policy and Administration, and Public Law.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAcc) degree program is a one-year full-time (or two-years part-time) program designed to prepare students for successful careers in the field of public accounting. Students complete a rigorous program that develops their technical knowledge, ethical decision-making ability, communication competence, and research and critical-thinking skills.

Program Candidates

The program is particularly well suited for the following groups of prospective applicants:

  1. Individuals with a degree in business or other non-accounting discipline who are interested in making a professional career change to accounting to become a CPA.
  2. International students with a bachelor’s degree in accounting or another discipline who want to obtain CPA licensure in the United States.

Masters Program Programs

CSUN’s graduate program in Psychological Science provides rigorous training in advanced statistical methods, research methods and design, and theory in psychology for students who plan to pursue a Ph.D. in Psychology in a research-focused program. The program is comprised of faculty who are active researchers in their fields, and who are dedicated to training and mentoring students who plan to pursue academic and/or research careers in an array of basic and applied areas of psychology. The application requires applicants to indicate which faculty member they would be interested in working with as their thesis research advisor. An applicant must be accepted into the research lab of a faculty member in the Psychological Science program before the department can accept the student into the program, even if the applicant meets all of the other admission requirements. It is therefore advised that applicants review faculty research interests prior to submitting an application.

Masters Program Programs

The M.A. in Psychology (with options in Clinical Research or Clinical Fieldwork) emphasizes research and practicum training, along with theory and practice in psychological assessment and psychological interventions. Students in the Clinical Research option engage in independent research projects, under the guidance of a faculty mentor, leading to graduate theses. Students in the Clinical Fieldwork option participate in fieldwork placements in clinical practicum settings under the guidance of a faculty mentor leading to the completion of comprehensive examinations. Clinic practicum options include our Child and Adolescent Diagnostic Assessment Clinic and the Anxiety and Mood Disorders Clinic. This program is designed for students aspiring to enter doctoral programs in Clinical Psychology and for those seeking master’s-level clinical and research skills. Taken alone, it is not intended as preparation for the independent, unrestricted private practice of clinical psychology, which requires a doctoral-level license in California and in most other states. (Note: The Clinical Psychology program is not a Marriage and Family Therapy [MFT] program. CSUN’s MFT program is offered by the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling.)

Masters Program Programs

The M.A. in Psychology (with options in Clinical Research or Clinical Fieldwork) emphasizes research and practicum training, along with theory and practice in psychological assessment and psychological interventions. Students in the Clinical Research option engage in independent research projects, under the guidance of a faculty mentor, leading to graduate theses. Students in the Clinical Fieldwork option participate in fieldwork placements in clinical practicum settings under the guidance of a faculty mentor leading to the completion of comprehensive examinations. Clinic practicum options include our Child and Adolescent Diagnostic Assessment Clinic and the Anxiety and Mood Disorders Clinic. This program is designed for students aspiring to enter doctoral programs in Clinical Psychology and for those seeking master’s-level clinical and research skills. Taken alone, it is not intended as preparation for the independent, unrestricted private practice of clinical psychology, which requires a doctoral-level license in California and in most other states. (Note: The Clinical Psychology program is not a Marriage and Family Therapy [MFT] program. CSUN’s MFT program is offered by the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling.)

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) with an option in Public Sector Management and Leadership is the appropriate professional degree program for administrators who are currently employed in the public, private or nonprofit sectors and who want to improve their management knowledge and skills. The program has been designed to provide an academically sound and effective course of study for midcareer professionals who have successfully earned their baccalaureate or master’s degrees in fields other than public administration, but whose career paths and interests have heightened their need for advanced professional study and preparation in public administration. Because most MPA students are busy professionals, the program is designed to fit their schedules and is offered in two formats—open enrollment and cohort. Students joining the open-enrollment MPA have the flexibility of taking classes at their own convenience. In the cohort model, a group of approximately 25 students moves through the program as a unit, starting and finishing at the same time. The schedule is fixed and classes, which are offered off campus, are guaranteed for each cohort student.

Masters Program Programs

Notice: The MPA Public Policy Analysis and Management Option has been suspended as of Fall 2022.

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) is the appropriate professional degree program for administrators who are currently employed in the public, private or nonprofit sectors and who want to improve their management knowledge and skills. The program has been designed to provide an academically sound and effective course of study for midcareer professionals who have successfully earned their baccalaureate or master’s degrees in fields other than public administration, but whose career paths and interests have heightened their need for advanced professional study and preparation in public administration. Because most MPA students are busy professionals, the program is designed to fit their schedules and is offered in two formats—open enrollment and cohort. Students joining the open-enrollment MPA have the flexibility of taking classes at their own convenience. In the cohort model, a group of approximately 25 students moves through the program as a unit, starting and finishing at the same time. The schedule is fixed and classes, which are offered off campus, are guaranteed for each cohort student.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) with an option in Nonprofit Sector Management is the appropriate professional degree program for administrators who are currently employed in the public, private or nonprofit sectors and who want to improve their management knowledge and skills. The program has been designed to provide an academically sound and effective course of study for midcareer professionals who have successfully earned their baccalaureate or master’s degrees in fields other than public administration, but whose career paths and interests have heightened their need for advanced professional study and preparation in public administration. Because most MPA students are busy professionals, the program is designed to fit their schedules and is offered in two formats—open enrollment and cohort. Students joining the open-enrollment MPA have the flexibility of taking classes at their own convenience. In the cohort model, a group of approximately 25 students moves through the program as a unit, starting and finishing at the same time. The schedule is fixed and classes, which are offered off campus, are guaranteed for each cohort student.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) is the appropriate professional degree program for administrators who are currently employed in the public, private or nonprofit sectors and who want to improve their management knowledge and skills. The program has been designed to provide an academically sound and effective course of study for midcareer professionals who have successfully earned their baccalaureate or master’s degrees in fields other than public administration, but whose career paths and interests have heightened their need for advanced professional study and preparation in public administration. Because most MPA students are busy professionals, the program is designed to fit their schedules and is offered in two formats—open enrollment and cohort. Students joining the open-enrollment MPA have the flexibility of taking classes at their own convenience. In the cohort model, a group of approximately 25 students moves through the program as a unit, starting and finishing at the same time. The schedule is fixed and classes, which are offered off campus, are guaranteed for each cohort student.

Masters Program Programs

Notice: The MPA Geographical Information Systems and Technologies Option has been suspended as of Fall 2022.

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) is the appropriate professional degree program for administrators who are currently employed in the public, private or nonprofit sectors and who want to improve their management knowledge and skills. The program has been designed to provide an academically sound and effective course of study for midcareer professionals who have successfully earned their baccalaureate or master’s degrees in fields other than public administration, but whose career paths and interests have heightened their need for advanced professional study and preparation in public administration. Because most MPA students are busy professionals, the program is designed to fit their schedules and is offered in two formats—open enrollment and cohort. Students joining the open-enrollment MPA have the flexibility of taking classes at their own convenience. In the cohort model, a group of approximately 25 students moves through the program as a unit, starting and finishing at the same time. The schedule is fixed and classes, which are offered off campus, are guaranteed for each cohort student.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) is the appropriate professional degree program for administrators who are currently employed in the public, private or nonprofit sectors and who want to improve their management knowledge and skills. The program has been designed to provide an academically sound and effective course of study for midcareer professionals who have successfully earned their baccalaureate or master’s degrees in fields other than public administration, but whose career paths and interests have heightened their need for advanced professional study and preparation in public administration. Because most MPA students are busy professionals, the program is designed to fit their schedules and is offered in two formats—open enrollment and cohort. Students joining the open-enrollment MPA have the flexibility of taking classes at their own convenience. In the cohort model, a group of approximately 25 students moves through the program as a unit, starting and finishing at the same time. The schedule is fixed and classes, which are offered off campus, are guaranteed for each cohort student.

Masters Program Programs

The Public Archaeology master’s program prepares students to work in the field of cultural resource management and to attend Ph.D. programs that place an emphasis on public archaeology and cultural heritage management. Public Archeology students are required to take seminars in anthropological theory, archaeology and the management of archaeological resources; archaeological laboratory methods; and elective courses with an archaeological focus. Public Archaeology students complete a practicum in the management of archaeological resources and write a thesis.

Masters Program Programs

The mission of the CSUN Public Health program is to prepare professionals to:

  • Identify and assess needs and assets of diverse communities.
  • Plan, implement and evaluate programs.
  • Apply analytic and research methodologies to public health practice.
  • Serve as leaders and advocates in their community and profession.
  • Provide solutions for current and future public health challenges.
  • Collaborate across interdisciplinary and community sectors.

The graduate program in Community Health Education provides advanced study for health educators working in a variety of settings, such as community health agencies, patient education, consumer health advocacy, training and continuing education, organizational development and team building, schools and other positions within public, private and professional settings. This program is nationally accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health. The program is designed to enable health educators to meet responsibilities for leadership, supervisory, administrative and consultative roles in these health education settings.

Applications to the MPH program in Community Health Education are accepted for the Fall semester only. Applicants should visit the Master of Public Health website for detailed instructions and deadlines.

The following criteria are used for evaluating applicants holistically to the MPH program:

  1. Cumulative undergraduate GPA.
  2. Graduate Record Examination for applicants with an undergraduate GPA less than 3.0.
  3. Work experience.
  4. Three letters of recommendation.
  5. Statement of purpose.

The Master of Public Health program requires a minimum of 42 semester hours of coursework beyond the bachelor’s degree. A minimum grade of “B-” is required for each course; an overall program GPA of 3.0 is required for graduation.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science (M.S.) in School Psychology prepares school psychologists for careers within school-based teams to help all children, including diverse students of all backgrounds and characteristics, attain academic, behavioral, emotional and social success. School Psychology candidates attain skills in counseling, consultation, assessment and intervention. Working at both the individual- and systems-level of service delivery, candidates develop the skills to facilitate collaboration among families, schools and communities. They creatively use research and evaluation methods and culturally compatible solutions to dissolve barriers that impede learning and adjustment among school-aged students to promote overall life success. Through personal and professional development in the program, candidates become competent professionals, lifelong learners, innovators and leaders in the field. On completion of the program, the candidate applies for the Advanced Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Psychology.

School Psychology candidates must have earned a baccalaureate degree and have successfully completed all prerequisite courses before formally being admitted into the master’s degree in the School Psychology program. Only students admitted may take classes in the School Psychology program.

School Psychology candidates will work toward earning a master’s degree in School Psychology and an Advanced Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Psychology. Candidates may also pursue a license as an Educational Psychologist upon completion of three years of experience and passing an exam offered by the Board of Behavioral Sciences.

Masters Program Programs

The California State University, Northridge Master of Fine Arts in Screenwriting degree is for students who seek a rigorous, professionally oriented education in writing for film and television. The Department of Cinema and Television Arts prepares highly skilled and motivated individuals for careers in the entertainment industry and for careers as artist-teachers in college and university film and television departments. Only applicants who demonstrate an exceptional level of talent, creativity and commitment to personal intellectual development will be admitted into the program. The highest academic and artistic standards, as well as professional decorum, will be expected throughout the course of study. Forty-two units of graduate work are required, including the writing of motion picture screenplays and narrative television scripts; directing for TV; and a culminating experience writing a feature-film screenplay as the M.F.A. thesis for this terminal degree.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts degree in Secondary Curriculum and Instruction is designed to prepare secondary-level teachers of any subject to become more effective teachers, in addition to advancement to mentor teaching, supervision of student teachers, positions as curriculum-development specialists, department chairs and/or doctoral study. School districts frequently award salary increases to teachers holding master’s degrees, and master’s degrees are usually required for part-time teaching at the community college or university level. The program is designed to follow immediately CSUN’s Preliminary Single-Subject Credential Program, but it can also be taken as a stand-alone by teachers who want a broader or more individually tailored program than the department’s other M.A. programs.

During this program, students:

  • Examine current national and discipline-based educational issues, in particular those related to secondary-level curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
  • Evaluate and apply theory and best practices related to curriculum, instruction and assessment in secondary classrooms.
  • Broaden their pedagogical repertoires.
  • Learn to develop a classroom research project and write a proposal.
  • Form professional ties with other secondary educators and faculty.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts degree in Secondary English Education is designed to prepare secondary English Language Arts teachers for advancement to roles as department chairs, literacy coaches or teacher leaders; for leading conference sessions or workshops; and for further study at the doctoral level; in addition to becoming more effective teachers. School districts frequently award salary increases to teachers holding master’s degrees, and master’s degrees are usually required for part-time teaching at the community college or university level.

During this program, students will:

  • Experience and implement innovative English Language Arts teaching practices, especially drawing on reform methodology and curricula.
  • Acquire greater fluency with educational technologies, including Internet resources, one-to-one technology implementation and digital communication.
  • Investigate current research in English Language Arts teaching and learning and how it translates into practice.
  • Conduct applied classroom-based research.
  • Deepen their knowledge and understanding of broad issues, policies and controversies that impact schools in general and English Language Arts teaching in particular.
  • Develop as leaders in English Language Arts education through presentations and participation in professional organizations and support networks.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts degree in Secondary Mathematics Education is designed to prepare secondary mathematics teachers for advancement to mentor teaching, supervision of student teachers, positions as mathematics-teaching specialists or mathematics-department chairpersons, or doctoral study, in addition to becoming more effective teachers. School districts frequently award salary increases to teachers who hold master’s degrees, and master’s degrees are usually required for part-time teaching at the community college or university level.

During this program, students:

  • Experience and implement innovative mathematics-teaching practices, especially drawing on reform methodology and curricula.
  • Acquire greater fluency with educational technologies, including Internet resources, website development and graphing technologies.
  • Investigate current research in mathematics teaching and learning and how it translates into practice.
  • Conduct applied classroom-based research.
  • Deepen their knowledge and understanding of broad issues, policies and controversies that impact schools in general and mathematics teaching in particular.
  • Develop as leaders in mathematics education through presentations and participation in professional organizations and support networks.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts degree in Secondary Science Education is designed to prepare secondary science teachers for advancement to mentor teaching, supervision of student teachers, positions as science-teaching specialists or science-department chairpersons, and/or doctoral study, in addition to becoming more effective teachers. School districts frequently award salary increases to teachers who hold master’s degrees, and master’s degrees are usually required for part-time teaching at the community college or university level.

During this program, students:

  • Experience and implement innovative science-teaching practices, especially drawing on reform methodology and curricula.
  • Acquire greater fluency with educational technologies, including Internet resources, science-experiment simulations and graphing technology, in particular in the service of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
  • Investigate current research in science teaching and learning and how it translates into practice.
  • Conduct applied classroom-based research.
  • Deepen their knowledge and understanding of broad issues, policies and controversies that impact schools in general and science teaching in particular.
  • Develop as leaders in science education through presentations and participation in professional organizations and support networks.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Social Work degree at CSUN provides students with a strong academic program with professional skill development that provides social services to the San Fernando Valley and adjacent cities, as well as state, national and global communities. The MSW program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education and offers one specialization: advanced generalist practice with a focus on urban communities. This full-time program consists of two academic years and 20 courses equaling 60 credits, of which 12 are in practicum internship placements. The first year or generalist year of the program consists of two semesters for all students, including core course content of social work micro, mezzo and macro practice; multicultural practice; DSM diagnosis; human behavior and the social environment; social welfare policy and advocacy; and social research and practicum placement. The second year or specialized year of the program builds on the core content taught in the first year and includes other required content for professional accreditation: social work values and ethics, populations at risk, diversity, and social and economic justice. The total units (minimum of 60) in the program meet the requirements for professional accreditation.

The evening student cohorts complete their course of study over a 3-year period. Students take two or three courses per semester taking place on weekday evenings. The practicum placement for the 3-year, part-time program consists of a minimum of 16 hours of practicum internship per week during two of the 3 years.

Masters Program Programs

The master’s degree program in sociology provides advanced training in the core areas of sociological theory and research methods, as well as specialized studies in a number of areas, including culture, gender, sexuality, political sociology, race/ethnicity, social movements, sociology of education, evaluation research, immigration, health and social psychology. Graduates of the program have gone on to careers in a number of fields, including program evaluation, policy research, marketing/consumer research, community college teaching, nonprofit sector management, international relations, community organizing and public sector research. Several graduates have furthered their education by gaining entry into Ph.D. programs and pursuing careers in academia.

Masters Program Programs

Students in the Software Engineering M.S. program complete 30 units of graduate work, including 6 units involving a thesis. The core of the program comprises advanced courses in software engineering processes, including requirements analysis, software design and implementation, verification and validation, quality assurance, software maintenance and software project management. The electives may be chosen to form a concentration in an area of specialization or to provide a broadly based program of study, whichever is more consistent with the selected thesis.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts in Spanish consists of 33 units. The program is offered in a hybrid/hyflex modality, and students can choose to attend classes virtually, in person, or in a blended format. The program provides advanced training in Peninsular and Latin American literature and culture, Hispanic linguistics, and translation and interpreting. Graduates of the program pursue careers in the fields of education, mass media and publishing, tech sector, specialized and generalized translation and interpreting, as well as pursue doctoral degrees and careers in academia.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts degree in Special Education builds upon the competencies developed in the Preliminary Education Specialist and Induction Education Specialist Credential programs. This degree is designed to prepare graduates for positions of leadership, advocacy and scholarship in schools, the community and within the overall profession of special education. Toward this end, faculty members facilitate the development of student competencies in reflective dialogue, presentations and written avenues of expression.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts degree in Special Education builds upon the competencies developed in the Preliminary Education Specialist and Induction Education Specialist Credential programs. This degree is designed to prepare graduates for positions of leadership, advocacy and scholarship in schools, the community and within the overall profession of special education. Toward this end, faculty members facilitate the development of student competencies in reflective dialogue, presentations and written avenues of expression.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Arts degree in Special Education builds upon the competencies developed in the Preliminary Education Specialist and Induction Education Specialist Credential programs. This degree is designed to prepare graduates for positions of leadership, advocacy and scholarship in schools, the community and within the overall profession of special education. Toward this end, faculty members facilitate the development of student competencies in reflective dialogue, presentations and written avenues of expression.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science in Structural Engineering consists of 30 units.

Masters Program Programs

This program offers an education in understanding and evaluating current practices, including environmental, social and economic considerations, and in choosing and implementing best practices through application of this knowledge. The five required courses ground students in the foundations of sustainability, best practices and the regulatory framework in which pro-environmental decisions must be made, as well as the economic and financial considerations of those decisions. Following completion of the five core courses, four elective courses (to be chosen from a list of courses in specialized tracks), and a culminating experience, students will be able to apply these principles and solutions to their chosen profession in the sciences, including social sciences, business and management, environmental and resource management, environmental and occupational health, design and construction, planning and policy, engineering and others.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Science in Taxation program is a demanding, competitive and rigorous course of study that develops an understanding of the tax practice. It focuses on building research, communication, compliance and critical-thinking skills that are vital to becoming a successful tax practitioner in public, private, government and not-for-profit organizations.

Masters Program Programs

TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) also is termed Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and is closely related to TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). TESL deals with teaching methods, principles, ways to teach different kinds of students, curriculum design, lesson planning, attention to the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and assessment. Along with its own focus, the field draws from research and methods in linguistics, education and other fields. This degree is for candidates who are preparing to teach ESL in the United States to adult school and community college students, as well as to adults overseas.

Masters Program Programs

Notice: The M.A. in Theatre Arts has been suspended as of Spring 2019.

The M.A. degree program is designed to enrich the student’s aesthetic and intellectual needs in the areas of theatrical production, theatre history, literature and criticism, as well as to provide pre-professional training.

Masters Program Programs

Notice: The M.S. in Tourism, Hospitality, and Recreation Management option in Hospitality Management has been suspended as of Fall 2022.

The master’s degree program is intended for persons interested in developing and/or improving their knowledge of recreation management, hospitality management or tourism management. The program is designed for those seeking advancement in their career settings or a change in career settings. The selection of courses allows students to pursue one of three options: (a) Recreational Sport Management/Recreation Management, (b) Tourism Management or (c) Hospitality Management.

The option in Hospitality Management is designed to prepare graduate students for leadership roles in the global hospitality industry. The comprehensive program develops leadership effectiveness for hospitality sectors such as food and beverage and accommodations. Leadership and team building for organizational effectiveness as well as response to crisis events is part of the program. The program provides leaders with a combination of theory and practical applications for the diverse issues in the hospitality field.

Masters Program Programs

The master’s degree program is intended for persons interested in developing and/or improving their knowledge of recreation management, hospitality management or tourism management. The program is designed for those seeking advancement in their career settings or a change in career settings. The selection of courses allows students to pursue one of three options: (a) Recreational Sport Management/Recreation Management, (b) Tourism Management or (c) Hospitality Management.

The option in Recreational Sport Management/Recreation Management is designed to prepare graduate students for leadership roles in the recreational sport management industry. The program provides students the background in leadership for organizations that provide recreation and leisure services in a wide variety of venues. Career interest in managing campus recreational sport, outdoor adventure organizations, fitness clubs, and other recreational facilities and sport organizations fit well with this concentration. Taught by faculty with professional experience and academic expertise, this option creates the right blend of theory and practice.

Masters Program Programs

The master’s degree program is intended for persons interested in developing and/or improving their knowledge of recreation management, hospitality management or tourism management. The program is designed for those seeking advancement in their career settings or a change in career settings. The selection of courses allows students to pursue one of three options: (a) Recreational Sport Management/Recreation Management, (b) Tourism Management or (c) Hospitality Management.

The option in Tourism Management is designed to prepare graduate students for leadership roles in the global tourism industry. The program provides students with a background in tourism planning, sustainability, global tourism issues, and cultural tourism and how these relate to the supporting industries. The program provides leaders with a combination of theory and practical applications for the diverse tourism field.

Masters Program Programs

The Master of Urban Planning provides a broad-based education in urban planning, especially as it is practiced in the State of California, where a wide range of state laws and mandates have created a planning environment that is distinct from its practice in much of the rest of the United States. The degree’s curriculum is thoroughly grounded in the academic and applied dimensions of the profession. Classroom experience emphasizes key theoretical aspects of urban planning, while practical exercises and field experiences address how planning problems are addressed at the local and regional level. The 36-credit-unit master’s degree in urban planning is designed to be completed in two calendar years. The degree program is cohort driven with new class cohorts beginning each year in the Fall semester. Once a cohort starts, no other student will be accepted into the cohort. This degree is designed especially to serve the needs of working students and professionals. Classes are scheduled for evenings and Saturdays and are scheduled sequentially over the course of the 2-year program. It is intended that the students receive as much exposure to different professional planning environments as possible through field experiences and assignments in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

Master's Programs by Option (109)

Anthropology, M.A. Applied Behavior Analysis, M.S. Applied Epidemiology, M.P.H. Art, M.A.: Visual Arts Option Art, M.A.: Art Education Option Art, M.F.A.: Visual Arts Option Assistive Technology Engineering, M.S. Assistive Technology Studies and Human Services, M.S. Athletic Training, M.S. Biochemistry, M.S. Biology, M.S. Business Administration, M.B.A. Business Analytics, M.S. Chemistry, M.S. Chicano and Chicana Studies, M.A. Communication Studies, M.A. Communicative Disorders, M.S. Computer Engineering, M.S. Computer Science, M.S. Construction Management, M.S. Counseling, M.S.: Career Counseling Option Counseling, M.S.: College Counseling and Student Services Option Counseling, M.S.: School Counseling Option Counseling, M.S.: LPCC Sub-Option Option Diverse Community Development Leadership, M.A. Early Childhood Educational Psychology, M.A. Educational Administration, M.A. Educational Technology, M.A. Educational Therapy, M.A. Electrical Engineering, M.S. Elementary Education, M.A.: Curriculum and Instruction Option Elementary Education, M.A.: Language and Literacy Option Elementary Education, M.A.: Multilingual and Multicultural Option Engineering Management, M.S. Engineering Management, M.S.: Data Analytics Option English, M.A.: Literature Option English, M.A.: Creative Writing Option English, M.A.: Rhetoric and Composition Option Entertainment Industry Management, M.A. Environmental and Occupational Health, M.S. Environmental and Occupational Health, M.S.: Industrial Hygiene Option Family and Consumer Sciences, M.S.: Apparel Design and Merchandising Option Family and Consumer Sciences, M.S.: Consumer Affairs and Family Studies Option Geographic Information Science, M.S. Geography, M.A. Geology, M.S.: Geology Option Geology, M.S.: Geophysics Option Health Administration, M.H.A. Higher Education Leadership, M.A. History, M.A. Human Nutrition, M.S.: Human Nutrition Option Human Nutrition, M.S.: Dietetic Internship Option Humanities, M.A. Instructional Design, M.A. Kinesiology, M.S. Knowledge Management, M.K.M. Linguistics, M.A. Manufacturing Systems Engineering, M.S. Marriage and Family Therapy, M.S. Mass Communication, M.A. Materials Engineering, M.S. Mathematics, M.S.: Pure Mathematics Option Mathematics, M.S.: Applied Mathematics Option Mathematics, M.S.: Statistics Option Mechanical Engineering, M.S. Multicultural and Multilingual Education in Secondary Schools, M.A. Music, M.M.: Collaborative Piano Performance Option Music, M.M.: Performance Option Music, M.M.: Conducting Option Music, M.M.: Composition Option Music Industry Administration, M.A. Nursing, M.S. Physics, M.S. Political Science, M.A.: American Politics Option Political Science, M.A.: Global Politics Option Professional Accountancy, M.P.Acc. Psychological Science, M.A. Psychology, M.A.: Clinical Fieldwork Option Psychology, M.A.: Clinical Research Option Public Administration, M.P.A.: Public Sector Management and Leadership Option Public Administration, M.P.A.: Public Policy Analysis and Management Option Public Administration, M.P.A.: Nonprofit Sector Management Option Public Administration, M.P.A.: Performance Management and Productivity in the Public Sector Option Public Administration, M.P.A.: Geographical Information Systems and Technologies Option Public Administration, M.P.A.: Health Administration Option Public Archaeology, M.A. Public Health, M.P.H.: Community Health Education Option School Psychology, M.S. Screenwriting, M.F.A. Secondary Curriculum and Instruction, M.A. Secondary English Education, M.A. Secondary Mathematics Education, M.A. Secondary Science Education, M.A. Social Work, M.S.W. Sociology, M.A. Software Engineering, M.S. Spanish, M.A. Special Education, M.A.: Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Option Special Education, M.A.: Early Childhood Special Education Option Special Education, M.A.: Mild/Moderate and Extensive Support Needs Option Structural Engineering, M.S. Sustainability, M.A. Taxation, M.S. Teaching English as a Second Language, M.A. Theatre Arts, M.A. Tourism, Hospitality, and Recreation Management, M.S.: Hospitality Management Option Tourism, Hospitality, and Recreation Management, M.S.: Recreational Sport Management/Recreation Management Option Tourism, Hospitality, and Recreation Management, M.S.: Tourism Management Option Urban Planning, M.U.P.