Credential Programs

Notice: The Clear Administrative Services Credential is currently suspended. The program, including required coursework and total number of units, is under revision.

The Clear Administrative Services Credential is for individuals who have a valid Preliminary Administrative Services Credential and are currently serving in an administrative position in an educational setting.

Credential Programs

The Dual Preliminary Single Subject/Education Specialist Credential in Mild/Moderate and Extensive Support Needs program allows candidates to earn the following three credentials:

  1. Preliminary Single Subject Credential
  2. Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Mild/Moderate Support Needs
  3. Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Extensive Support Needs

In the Dual Program, candidates earn three credentials simultaneously in fewer units than would be required to earn these credentials separately.

Candidates who earn a Preliminary Single Subject Credential are specialists in the teaching of a subject area such as English, mathematics, or science, and they are able to work with students in diverse classroom settings. Candidates who earn a Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Mild/Moderate Support Needs and a Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Extensive Support Needs are authorized to conduct assessments, provide instruction and special education-related services to learners across federal disability categories and with extensive to mild support needs in kindergarten and grades 1-12, through age 22.

Dual program candidates meet subject matter competency by completing an approved program specified by the subject area department or by passing all sections of the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET). For information regarding admission, requirements and subject matter programs approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and subject matter examinations, see the Credential section of this Catalog. For detailed information on each approved subject matter program, see the department that offers the program (e.g., Art, English, Mathematics, Kinesiology) in this Catalog. Descriptions of Secondary Education credential program courses appear in the Secondary Education catalog section. Descriptions of Special Education credential program coursework appear in the Special Education catalog section. For other professional education courses, see listings of the department offering the course (e.g., Educational Psychology and Counseling, Health Science). The Dual Preliminary Single Subject/Education Specialist Credential in Mild/Moderate and Extensive Support Needs Program, as described below, has been approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and meets the requirements of Senate Bill 2042, including an English Learner authorization.

Credential Programs

Note: The Departments of Elementary, Secondary, and Special Education collaborate to offer a Teacher Induction Program, which enables holders of the California Preliminary Multiple or Single Subject Credential to earn the Clear Credential. The Elementary and Secondary Teacher Induction admission and course requirements are currently under revision.

The purpose of the General Education Induction Credential for Multiple and Single Subject Credential program is to provide teachers who hold a preliminary teaching credential with the opportunity to hone their strengths and explore areas of interest, and to earn the California Clear Credential. Candidates will be guided by a program coordinator, instructors of the Induction Implementation Plan-focused courses EED 502 and SED 505 and a support provider at the K-12 school site.

Credential Programs

Notice: The School Nurse Program has been suspended until further notice and is no longer accepting new students.

Current students in this program should contact the Nursing department chair.

This credential may be issued to the qualified RN who holds a baccalaureate degree. A fifth year of study (24-unit minimum) is required for a Professional (Ryan) School Nurse Credential. A minimum of 12 units of coursework is required in residence at CSUN (regular session, extension, concurrent enrollment or Summer session). HSCI 475 and 476 must be taken after formal admission to CSUN as a School Nurse Credential student and cannot be taken through the College of Extended Learning.

For more information, refer to the Credential Office section of this Catalog (Health Services Credential Authorizing Services as a School Nurse). Immediately upon acceptance at CSUN, all students must meet with the Nursing faculty to have their academic records evaluated and to plan an individualized program that will meet state standards for the School Nurse Credential. School Nurse Credential students are responsible for keeping abreast of all requirements applicable to their desired credential, including requirements specified in the CSUN Catalog under Credential Program requirements. This includes the requirement that courses must be completed within 7 calendar years of the student admission date.

Credential Programs

The Mathematics Subject Matter Program for the Single Subject Credential consists of 60 units.

Credential Programs

The Multiple Subject Credential program is primarily designed for students who desire to teach in self-contained classrooms typical of elementary schools and to provide effective instruction for diverse learners in grades K-8. The Multiple Subject Credential program includes preliminary, advanced, and specialist credentials. There are four pathways toward earning a preliminary multiple subject credential: Traditional Program, Accelerated Collaborative Teacher (ACT) Preparation Program, Multiple Subject Intern Program, and Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) for Freshmen or Junior students. The ITEP program is a joint program of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Studies and the Michael D. Eisner College of Education.

The Traditional Program is a postbaccalaureate multiple subject credential program option for either full-time or part-time candidates. Full-time candidates may complete the program in a single year (two academic semesters). Most candidates, however, complete the program in three or more semesters. Application for student teaching must be submitted one semester prior to the semester in which the candidate wishes to begin student teaching.

Credential Programs

The Multiple Subject Credential program is primarily designed for students who desire to teach in self-contained classrooms typical of elementary schools and to provide effective instruction for diverse learners in grades K-8. The Multiple Subject Credential program includes preliminary, advanced, and specialist credentials. There are four pathways toward earning a preliminary multiple subject credential: Traditional Program, Accelerated Collaborative Teacher (ACT) Preparation Program, Multiple Subject Intern Program, and Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) for Freshmen or Junior students. The ITEP program is a joint program of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Studies and the Michael D. Eisner College of Education.

The Accelerated Collaborative Teacher (ACT) Preparation Program is a two semester postbaccalaureate multiple subject credential program for full-time candidates. Candidates must file a separate application for ACT admission. Cohorts begin each Fall. The ACT Program offers a BCLAD option for qualified candidates.

Credential Programs

The Multiple Subject Credential program is primarily designed for students who desire to teach in self-contained classrooms typical of elementary schools and to provide effective instruction for diverse learners in grades K-8. The Multiple Subject Credential program includes preliminary, advanced, and specialist credentials. There are four pathways toward earning a preliminary multiple subject credential: Traditional Program, Accelerated Collaborative Teacher (ACT) Preparation Program, Multiple Subject Intern Program, and Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) for Freshmen or Junior students. The ITEP program is a joint program of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Studies and the Michael D. Eisner College of Education.

The Multiple Subject University Internship credential program is a postbaccalaureate Multiple Subject Credential program open to qualified students who are employed on an internship credential as full-time teachers in self-contained classrooms in nearby public school districts. The University Internship program offers a BCLAD option for qualified candidates.

BCLAD Emphasis Credential: Students enrolled in the Traditional, ACT or Multiple Subject University Internship program and who are proficient in two languages may elect to pursue the BCLAD emphasis credential. The department offers the BCLAD option to candidates who possess academic proficiency in Armenian and English, Korean and English, or Spanish and English. In addition, students fluent in Cambodian and English, Cantonese and English, Mandarin and English, or Vietnamese and English may complete a BCLAD emphasis program through the CSUN Asian BCLAD Consortium. Candidates pursuing the BCLAD emphasis credential complete additional coursework in learning to teach in dual languages. Contact Dr. Mónica García for more information about the CSUN Asian BCLAD Consortium.

Credential Programs

The Multiple Subject Credential program is primarily designed for students who desire to teach in self-contained classrooms typical of elementary schools and to provide effective instruction for diverse learners in grades K-8. The Multiple Subject Credential program includes preliminary, advanced, and specialist credentials. There are four pathways toward earning a preliminary multiple subject credential: Traditional Program, Accelerated Collaborative Teacher (ACT) Preparation Program, Multiple Subject Intern Program, and Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) for Freshmen or Junior students. The ITEP program is a joint program of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Studies and the Michael D. Eisner College of Education.

The Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) is an undergraduate program of teacher preparation. Students earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Studies and a preliminary Multiple Subject Credential in four years. ITEP offers two options, one for entering freshman (Freshman option) and the other for community college transfer students with junior standing (Junior option). The professional education requirements for both options are listed below. For information regarding the subject matter requirements, see the Liberal Studies section of this Catalog.

Credential Programs

The Preliminary Administrative Services Credential consists of 24 units.

Credential Programs

Authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction and special education-related services to learners with extensive to mild support needs in kindergarten and grades 1-12, through age 22. Teacher candidates will complete course and fieldwork that will prepare them to work with learners across federal disability categories and support needs. Upon completion of the program, candidates will earn two credentials: (1) mild/moderate support needs, and (2) extensive support needs.

Candidates are provided four pathways toward a Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Mild/Moderate and Extensive Support Needs.

  1. The Traditional Program is designed as a post-B.A. degree program for candidates interested in completing a preservice program prior to becoming a full- time teacher. Teacher candidates in the traditional program complete two supervised fieldwork practica with support from a University supervisor and an on-site mentor teacher. Contact Samantha Toews for Traditional Program advisement.
  2. The Intern Program is a post-B.A. degree two-year program designed for “on-the-job” teachers who have been hired as the teacher of record at an approved school district/site on an Intern Credential. Interns must take a minimum of 6 units per semester, including 3 units of the SPED 506 Intern Practicum/Seminar each semester. Interns receive classroom support and mentorship throughout the program by University and district personnel. Contact Fatmana Deniz for Intern Program advisement.
  3. The Accelerated Collaborative Teacher (ACT) Residency Program is a full-time post-BA program in which candidates earn a special education mild/moderate and extensive support needs credential in one year (Fall and Spring semesters). Candidates begin in the Fall semester and progress through the program as a cohort. Contact Nancy Burstein for ACT Program advisement.
  4. The Integrated Teacher Education Program is an undergraduate program in which candidates earn a B.A. and teaching credential at the same time. Candidates can enter the program as freshmen (four-year program) or as a junior (two-year program). Contact Sue Sears for more information.

Credential Programs

Authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction and special education-related services to children from birth through kindergarten, with a primary eligibility of speech or language impairment, specific learning disability, mild/moderate intellectual disability, traumatic brain injury, other health impairment, autism spectrum disorder, deafness, hearing impairment, visual impairment including blindness, deaf-blindness, emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairment, developmental delay and multiple disabilities in services across the continuum of program options available.

Candidates are provided the following pathways to pursue a Preliminary Credential.

  1. The Traditional Program (DHH, ECSE, MME) is designed primarily as a post-B.A. degree program for candidates in nonteaching or teaching positions interested in flexible scheduling. Contact Zhen Chai for Traditional Program advisement.
  2. The Intern Program (DHH, ECSE, MME), a post-B.A. degree two-year program (including summers), is designed for teachers who have an Intern Credential and are hired in a cooperating school district. Interns must take a minimum of 6 units each semester, including 2 units of the SPED 506 Intern Practicum/Seminar. Interns receive classroom support and mentorship throughout the program by University and district personnel. Contact Fatmana Deniz for Intern Program advisement. Candidates in the DHH, ECSE and MS areas must consult with an advisor in their area of specialization.

Credential Programs

Authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction and special education-related services to individuals with a primary or secondary disability of deaf or hard of hearing, deaf-blind, autism spectrum disorders within the disability area and a hearing loss that manifests itself in conjunction with additional disabilities, including unilateral or bilateral, whether fluctuating, conductive, sensorineural and/or auditory neuropathy from birth through age 22. Classes organized primarily for adults in services across the continuum of program options available.

Candidates are provided two pathways toward a Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Deaf/Hard of Hearing.

  1. The Traditional Program is designed as a post-B.A. degree program for candidates interested in completing a preservice program prior to becoming a full-time teacher. Teacher candidates in the traditional program complete two supervised fieldwork practica with support from a University supervisor and an on-site mentor teacher. Contact Rachel Friedman Narr for Traditional Program advisement.
  2. The Intern Program is a post-B.A. degree two-year program designed for “on-the-job” teachers who have been hired as the teacher of record at an approved school district/site on an Intern Credential. Interns must take a minimum of 6 units per semester, including 3 units of the SPED 506 Intern Practicum/Seminar each semester. Interns receive classroom support and mentorship throughout the program by University and district personnel. Contact Fatmana Deniz for Intern Program advisement.

Credential Programs

The Reading and Literacy Leadership Specialist Credential (RLLSC) is for candidates, holding a valid teaching credential, who want to specialize in the field of literacy and become effective leaders for California’s multicultural population. Candidates who complete the specialist credential program will have developed competencies to provide specialized services in literacy in any grade—preschool, kindergarten, grades 1 through 12, and in classes organized for adults. The holder of a RLLSC may:

  • Provide direct reading intervention to students and adapt instructional routines and strategies to provide direct specialized reading instruction to students with severe reading difficulties, including monitoring and adjusting intervention instruction.
  • Coordinate adoption and facilitate implementation of adopted literacy curricula, including training to teachers.
  • Select and administer reading and literacy assessments, interpret results to determine student growth and identification of struggling students, select interventions, communicate results, and provide guidance and coaching to teachers.
  • Design, implement and evaluate a comprehensive literacy plan.
  • Support students’ literacy development and inform and train teachers in literacy skills using information and communication technologies.
  • Evaluate literacy practices and report findings; guide teachers and administrators in collaborative efforts to design, implement, and evaluate local, state and/or federal programs; and plan and conduct staff development.

Credential Programs

Candidates who complete a Single Subject Credential program are specialists in the teaching of a subject area such as English, mathematics, physical education or science, and they are able to work with students in diverse classroom settings. Candidates meet subject matter competency by completing an approved program specified by the subject area department or by passing all sections of the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET). For information regarding admission, requirements and subject programs approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and subject matter examinations, see the Credential section of this Catalog. For detailed information on each approved subject program, see the department that offers the program (e.g., Art, English, Mathematics, Kinesiology) in this Catalog. Descriptions of Secondary Education credential program courses appear later in this section. For other professional education courses, see listings of the department offering the course (e.g., Educational Psychology and Counseling, Health Science). All Single Subject programs, including Bilingual Authorization, as described below, have been approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and meet the requirements of Senate Bill 2042, including an English Learner authorization. All accepted candidates enroll in one of these programs:

  1. Traditional Program
  2. Accelerated Collaborative Teacher Preparation Program (ACT)
  3. Single Subject University Intern Program (SSUIP)
  4. Four-Year Integrated (FYI) Teacher Credential Program (in English or Mathematics)
  5. Junior-Year Entry Integrated (JYI) Teacher Credential Program (in English or Mathematics)
  6. Bilingual Authorization Credential Program
  7. Dual Single Subject/Education Specialist Teaching Credential (Mild/Moderate Disabilities)

Accelerated Collaborative Teacher Preparation Program

An intensive program for a cohort of eligible postbaccalaureate candidates. Separate application required. Cohorts begin each Fall semester.

Credential Programs

Candidates who complete a Single Subject Credential program are specialists in the teaching of a subject area such as English, mathematics, physical education or science, and they are able to work with students in diverse classroom settings. Candidates meet subject matter competency by completing an approved program specified by the subject area department or by passing all sections of the appropriate examination(s), including the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET). For information regarding admission, requirements and subject programs approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and subject matter examinations, see the Credential section of this Catalog. For detailed information on each approved subject program, see the department that offers the program (e.g., Art, English, Mathematics, Kinesiology) in this Catalog. Descriptions of Secondary Education credential program courses appear later in this section. For other professional education courses, see listings of the department offering the course (e.g., Educational Psychology and Counseling, Health Science). All Single Subject programs, including Bilingual Authorization, as described below, have been approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and meet the requirements of Senate Bill 2042, including an English Learner authorization. All accepted candidates enroll in one of these programs:

  1. Traditional Program
  2. Accelerated Collaborative Teacher Preparation Program (ACT)
  3. Single Subject University Intern Program (SSUIP)
  4. Four-Year Integrated (FYI) Teacher Credential Program (in English, History-Social Science, or Mathematics)
  5. Junior-Year Entry Integrated (JYI) Teacher Credential Program (in English, History-Social Science, or Mathematics)
  6. Bilingual Authorization Credential Program
  7. Dual Single Subject/Education Specialist Teaching Credential (Mild/Moderate Disabilities)

Integrated Teacher Credential Program

An integrated, undergraduate program leading to a B.A. degree and a Single Subject Credential in English, History-Social Science, or Mathematics for eligible students.

Credential Programs

Candidates who complete a Single Subject Credential program are specialists in the teaching of a subject area such as English, mathematics, physical education or science, and they are able to work with students in diverse classroom settings. Candidates meet subject matter competency by completing an approved program specified by the subject area department or by passing all sections of the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET). For information regarding admission, requirements and subject programs approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and subject matter examinations, see the Credential section of this Catalog. For detailed information on each approved subject program, see the department that offers the program (e.g., Art, English, Mathematics, Kinesiology) in this Catalog. Descriptions of Secondary Education Credential Program courses appear later in this section. For other professional education courses, see listings of the department offering the course (e.g., Educational Psychology and Counseling, Health Science). All Single Subject programs, including Bilingual Authorization, as described below, have been approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and meet the requirements of Senate Bill 2042, including an English Learner authorization. All accepted candidates enroll in one of these programs:

  1. Traditional Program
  2. Accelerated Collaborative Teacher Preparation Program (ACT)
  3. Single Subject University Intern Program (SSUIP)
  4. Four-Year Integrated (FYI) Teacher Credential Program (in English or Mathematics)
  5. Junior-Year Entry Integrated (JYI) Teacher Credential Program (in English or Mathematics)
  6. Bilingual Authorization Credential Program
  7. Dual Single Subject/Education Specialist Teaching Credential (Mild/Moderate Disabilities)

Single Subject University Intern Program

A program for individuals who are teaching full time in a public school with an Intern Credential. Additional application required.

Credential Programs

Candidates who complete a Single Subject Credential program are specialists in the teaching of a subject area such as English, mathematics, physical education or science, and they are able to work with students in diverse classroom settings. Candidates meet subject matter competency by completing an approved program specified by the subject area department or by passing all sections of the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET). For information regarding admission, requirements and subject programs approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and subject matter examinations, see the Credential section of this Catalog. For detailed information on each approved subject program, see the department that offers the program (e.g., Art, English, Mathematics, Kinesiology) in this Catalog. Descriptions of Secondary Education credential program courses appear later in this section. For other professional education courses, see listings of the department offering the course (e.g., Educational Psychology and Counseling, Health Science). All Single Subject programs, including Bilingual Authorization, as described below, have been approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and meet the requirements of Senate Bill 2042, including an English Learner authorization. All accepted candidates enroll in one of these programs:

  1. Traditional Program
  2. Accelerated Collaborative Teacher Preparation Program (ACT)
  3. Single Subject University Intern Program (SSUIP)
  4. Four-Year Integrated (FYI) Teacher Credential Program (in English or Mathematics)
  5. Junior-Year Entry Integrated (JYI) Teacher Credential Program (in English or Mathematics)
  6. Bilingual Authorization Credential Program
  7. Dual Single Subject/Education Specialist Teaching Credential (Mild/Moderate Disabilities)

Traditional Program

Postbaccalaureate Single Subject Credential program for full-time or part-time candidates.

Credential Programs

The Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential (Language, Speech and Hearing Services and Audiology) is designed for persons who want certification to serve exceptional individuals as language, speech and hearing specialists, and/or as audiologists.

Credential Programs

The Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential is a 2-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional development beginning in the candidates’ first year of teaching. Candidates complete a 14-unit* program: 6 units in semester one, 1 unit in semesters two and three, and 6 units in semester four. This program is designed for candidates who hold a valid Preliminary Education Specialist Credential. Candidates develop an “Individualized Learning Plan” (ILP) designed to strengthen their professional practice through self-assessment, goal setting and reflection. Candidates complete four “induction” courses centered around the ILP and two “pedagogy” courses designed to build on skills and knowledge acquired through their Preliminary Credential.

*Candidates in the Teacher Induction Credential program must be employed as MS/ESN teachers.

Credential Programs

The Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential is a 2-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional development beginning in the candidates’ first year of teaching. Candidates complete a 14-unit* program: 6 units in semester one, 1 unit in semesters two and three, and 6 units in semester four. This program is designed for candidates who hold a valid Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Mild/Moderate Disabilities. Candidates develop an “Individualized Learning Plan” (ILP) designed to strengthen their professional practice through self-assessment, goal setting and reflection. Candidates complete four “induction” courses centered around the ILP and two “pedagogy” courses designed to build on skills and knowledge acquired through their Preliminary Credential. Candidates in the Induction Credential program must be employed as MM teachers.

*Candidates concurrently enrolled in an M.A. degree program in Special Education complete a 12-unit Induction program. Contact an advisor for additional information.

Credential Programs

The Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential is a 2-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional development beginning in the candidates’ first year of teaching. Candidates complete a 14-unit* program: 6 units in semester one, 1 unit in semesters two and three, and 6 units in semester four. This program is designed for candidates who hold a valid Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in the area of Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE). Candidates develop an “Individualized Learning Plan” (ILP) designed to strengthen their professional practice through self-assessment, goal setting and reflection. Candidates complete four “induction” courses centered around the ILP and two “pedagogy” courses designed to build on skills and knowledge acquired through their Preliminary Credential. Candidates in the Induction Credential program must be employed as ECSE teachers.

*Candidates concurrently enrolled in an M.A. program in Special Education complete a 12-unit Induction program. Contact an advisor for additional information.

Credential Programs

The Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential is a 2-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional development beginning in the candidates’ first year of teaching. Candidates complete a 14-unit* program: 6 units in semester one, 1 unit in semesters two and three, and 6 units in semester four. This program is designed for candidates who hold a valid Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Candidates develop an “Individualized Learning Plan” (ILP) designed to strengthen their professional practice through self-assessment, goal setting and reflection. Candidates complete four “induction” courses centered around the ILP and two “pedagogy” courses designed to build on skills and knowledge acquired through their Preliminary Credential. Candidates in the Induction Credential program must be employed as DHH teachers.

*Candidates concurrently enrolled in an M.A. program in Special Education complete a 12-unit Induction program. Contact an advisor for additional information.

Credential Programs by Option (26)

Added Authorizations Bilingual Authorization California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL) Authorization Clear Administrative Services Credential Dual Preliminary Single Subject/Education Specialist Credential: Mild/Moderate and Extensive Support Needs Option General Education Induction Credential for Multiple and Single Subject Health Services Credential: School Nurse Mathematics Subject Matter Program for the Single Subject Credential Multiple Subject Credential: Accelerated Collaborative Teacher Preparation Program Option Multiple Subject Credential: Multiple Subject University Internship Option Multiple Subject Credential: Integrated Teacher Education Program Option Multiple Subject Credential: Traditional Program Option Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Preliminary Education Specialist Credential: Deaf/Hard of Hearing Option Preliminary Education Specialist Credential: Early Childhood Special Education Option Preliminary Education Specialist Credential: Mild/Moderate and Extensive Support Needs Option Reading and Literacy Leadership Specialist Credential (RLLSC) Single Subject Preliminary Credential: Integrated Teacher Credential Program Option Single Subject Preliminary Credential: Single Subject University Intern Program Option Single Subject Preliminary Credential: Accelerated Collaborative Teacher Preparation Program Option Single Subject Preliminary Credential: Traditional Program Option Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential: Mild/Moderate Disabilities Option Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential: Early Childhood Special Education Option Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Option Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential: Moderate/Severe Disabilities Option