Course: SED 555S. Practicum Seminar for the Single Subject Credential (2)

Required for candidates in the Four-Year Integrated (FYI-English, FYI-Math), Junior-Year Integrated (JYI-English, JYI Math), University Intern, Accelerated Collaborative Teacher (ACT) and Traditional Single Subject Credential Programs. Prerequisites: SED 511; EPC 420; SED 554/S; and one of the following: SED 525, SED 525A, SED 525EN, SED 525HE, SED 525HS, SED 525MA/L, SED 525MU, SED 525PE, SED 525S/L, SED 525SS, or SED 525WL; Clearance from the Credential Office. Corequisite: SED 555.

Additional Pre/Corequisites for Traditional, Intern, FYI, and JYI Programs: AAS 417/AFRS 417/ARMN 417/CHS 417/ELPS 417; SED 521; SED 529; SPED 420.

Additional Pre/Corequisites for ACT Program only: ELPS 542A; HSCI 466ADO; SED 521; SED 529; SPED 542B.

Prerequisites for Dual Preliminary Single Subject/Education Specialist Program: EPC 420; SPED 403MME; SPED 407; SPED 511; SED 521; one of the following: SED 525, SED 525A, SED 525EN, SED 525MA/L, SED 525MU, SED 525S/L, SED 525SS, or SED 525WL; SED 554/S; SPED 420; SPED 503MME. Pre- or corequisites for Dual Preliminary Single Subject/Education Specialist Program: AAS 417/AFRS 417/ARMN 417/CHS 417/ELPS 417; SPED 402; SPED 416; SPED 502MME; SPED 545HSCI 466ADO. Corequisites for Dual Preliminary Single Subject/Education Specialist Program: SED 555 and SPED 580MME.

While student teaching or serving as an intern, the candidate also meets weekly in a required seminar with a subject-specialist faculty member. The seminar addresses issues in teaching and the Teaching Performance Expectations, and the candidate is provided with guidance in completing the state-required Teacher Performance Assessment. (Credit/No Credit only)

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

SED 555S

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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

SED 555S

Class NumberLocationDayTime